Summer's End

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       Summer passes in the blink of an eye for you. But it felt like you didn't leave school. You were studying myths while you could, spending time with the twins during breaks and learning magic at night. 

        You had no idea you could do such things. Actually, you felt like you had a knack for it too. 

        "Fairies may be small and physically weak. But when it comes to magic, we can rival even the celestial beings." Your mom said with a look of fiery pride. "We can draw magic from the mana in all living beings around us. And don't worry, they'll recover their Mana and it won't hurt them in the slightest. Actually the only ones that can die from losing mana are fairies." 

         "Eh??" You squeak out. "Aren't there things that eat mana? Like imps?"

         "Imps can only eat mana by devouring magical creatures. But yes there are a few things you should avoid. I made you a list." She motions to the new journal on your desk. 

         "Oh great..." You peer in the journal and blanch. "Ah... There's a lot." You gasp picking it up. "I'll have to bring this to school with me." You mutter.

         "Okay. Time to start your magic lesson!" She chimes.

        "So tomorrow is it..." Osamu breathes as you both sit on the couch watching cake wars.

        "Yeah. I'm actually kind of excited for this." You smile. "Oh that cake's going to fall, bet on it." 

        "Nah I see it too... I am dreading it." He responds. You both grimace as the cake falls. "Ah... What a waste..."

         "That would've looked great too..." You frown. "Why are you dreading it though? Atsumu is excited."

         "That's why. He gets too excited and ends up embarrassing himself and then I feel it for the rest of the day or until he gets over it." He scowls. 

          "Being a twin must be tough..." You breathe. The whole twin telepathy was still pretty amazing to you, but only because it didn't affect you.

           "Hey cake nerds. Anyone see my backpack?" Atsumu asks, coming into the living room and searching around.

          "You had it hanging up in your closet, you probably pushed it to the back after you went shopping in the Elemental district." You tell him and he pauses, wagging his finger at you and gong back out. Osamu peers at you quietly at that. "Sorry. That was weird wasn't it?" You murmur. He chuckles lightly in amusement at that.

          "... What the hell ___?! How do you do that?" Atsumu calls coming toward the living room to give you a look.

          "I uh... Just understand you." You respond awkwardly.

          "... Stop." He points at you before disappearing back down the hall. "But also thank you." He calls. 

          "Awe. He never thanks me." You whisper.

          "He's low-key happy about it." Osamu murmurs back.

          "You better not be talking about me!" Atsumu shouts.

          "So loud." You and Osamu call back. Your phone goes off and you check it. 

          "Oh. Looks like they're ready." You hum getting up. "Atsumu! They're ready, don't take long this time please." You call starting out with Osamu.

          "Of course I won't. It's barbeque." Atsumu joins you both, drooling slightly. You frown, pulling your hoodie sleeve to wipe his chin, making him tense. "I had it..." He grumbles pulling his face away and wiping his chin off again.

Don't Bite ~ Satori Tendo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now