Gardening Club

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          She blinks at that before frowning. "No sweetie! There's nothing wrong about being loved by Mother Mana." She assures quickly. You tilt your head, you had heard that name before but you weren't sure who that was exactly. 

          "I can only pick two though? Can I still learn the others?" You ask carefully. 

         "If that's what you want to do. You just have to be careful dear…. Other creatures will be jealous if they find out. And it will cause problems." She responds. You nod in understanding, but a frown sets on your lips. 

         "How about you take a few days before deciding on the two you want?" Your dad offers. 

         "Okay." You nod. 

         "Something up?" Osamu asks you as you both wait for Atsumu. You peer at him as he watches for his brother.

         "Um… Noth-" You stop yourself, making him peer at you quietly. "... I'll talk to you about it later." You offer. He blinks and gives a nod, touching your back as Atsumu comes up. 

         "Ah… I'm tired." He yawns, stretching and exposing part of his stomach in the process. 

         "When did you get a tattoo?" You blink lifting his shirt slightly. He jumps and pulls down his shirt.

         "It's not a tattoo. It's my attribute mark." He huffs with a light blush. "Osamu has one too."

         "Oh, that's right. You both did the ceremony." You remember with a nod looking to Osamu as he lifts his shirt to show you the ice colored mark on his side, touching his stomach. 

         "Mhm… How did yours go?" Osamu asks you. 

         "... Fine. I don't get markings like you though." You offer a smile as you head off for school. Osamu blinks, sharing a look with his twin. 

          "Alright." He murmurs quietly. 

          You look ahead, mind still going over yesterday's events. It had kept you up last night as well. 

          As you near the school you catch sight of Tendo. He was waiting on the sidewalk with a smile. Once he spots you he lights up coming over and glomping you. 

         "___!" He chimes cuddling your cheek. Your instincts made you freeze and pale. 

         "Good morning Tendo." You greet, rubbing his back. 

         "Damn imp." Atsumu scoffs. 

         "Good morning Tendo." Osamu greets as well. "You hungry? I brought some extra from our breakfast." He holds out a bento box. Tendo blinks at him before taking the box. 

         "... Thanks." He murmurs quietly. 

         "Did you sleep well?" You smile, leading him onto campus. He smiles softly, going with you to sit in the courtyard and eat. 

         "I did. But not for long. Nightmares." He shrugs slightly. "What about you?"

         "I didn't dream." You offer. 

         "Really? That's too bad. I bet you have cute ones." He hums. 

         "Not really. This one time I turned into an octopus in one and went around smacking people with all of my arms." You inform him, flopping your sleeves as an example. He half chokes on his food at that swallowing before laughing in amusement. 

Don't Bite ~ Satori Tendo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now