Chapter Thirteen

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The sun was shining through the window, hitting his boyfriend's face just right, Jimin couldn't believe that today was the day. It might not be official today, but there will still be a lot of meaning behind the ceremony today, an accomplishment from how far they came. Today is the day they show people the love they held for each other. One day it'll be official.

"Good Morning.", Jimin spoke softly as soon as he saw Jungkook turn his head to him, eyes searching for his love. "Good morning love. How did you sleep", His eyes searched Jimins, looking for anything and everything. He was so excited for today, he didn't want Jimin to have any discomfort. "I slept good Kookie, did you?" Jimin was hoping it was a yes because he too wanted to have a good day without any discomfort. "I always sleep well with you beside my side." Jimin blushed at Jungkook's words but still nodded, appreciative.

"Are you ready for today?" Jungkook asked, worried. Jimin reassured him with a quick kiss and a nod of yes multiple times. They laid in bed a little longer while holding each other and staring into each other's eyes as long as they could before it was time to make an appearance.

In the meantime, Tae and Suga, along with the servants, were setting up a perfect wedding ceremony. White chairs for everyone to sit in, which would just be, Tae and Suga, the Servants and then the two dogs. There was a platform painted black and decorated with white roses. Jimin would wear a white tux and Jungkook would wear a black one. The dogs both wore tiny tuxes. Tae would be Jimin's best man and he wore a black and white tux along with Suga who was Jungkook's best man.

The servants got the cake that was 5 layers, each layer had a story made. The first was when Jungkook and Jimin first met, and then when they slowly started talking, then when they got together, then when they moved to the new house, and then finally their wedding day.

The food and cake and everything was set up all the way down to the T, now all they needed to do was separate Jungkook and Jimin enough to get them dressed up. This wasn't their real wedding, more like a rehearsal for the real thing, but this was still being held dear to their heart.

Jungkook and Jimin finally left their bedroom and went and got dressed. Jungkook stood at the platform, just in awe of how beautiful everything was. He wanted Jimin to have the best and he can't wait to see what he's going to look like.

One of the Servants started to play a song and before Jungkook knew it, his future husband was walking towards him, wearing all white with a halo crown above his head. He truly was his angel.

Jimin made his way down the aisle, making eye contact with Jungkook the whole time, until he stopped right in front of him and gave him a quick once over and then looked back into his eyes. He truly was in love and he couldn't believe this was happening, and even though it was his wedding day he couldn't help but notice how Suga and Tae were staring at each other from across the platform, and he couldn't wait to be at their wedding.

One of the servants spoke up and told them to read their vows. They both wrote Vows, they would read them and then everyone would dance and eat cake and the ceremony would be over, however they did have rings for each other, except they would wear them on their right hand until the real day where they would switch them to their left.

They had this ceremony because they knew when they went to the United states in a few years that they wouldn't be able to have this big thing, they would just go down, get married, and then go back home after having a week vacation in the states, but they wanted something special here with everyone that they hold dear to their heart.

"I'll start if that's alright." Jimin spoke softly,

"Your wedding day is supposed to be this most amazing day, a day you hold dear to your heart because it's special. I'd just like to start off by saying, everyday with you is special, not a day goes by that I don't feel special talking to you, or touching you, or just being with you." Jimin speaks as he stares into his lovers eyes, excited for the day he will be able to finalize the jointment of their lives. "Not a day goes by that I don't love you and everything you've done and through all the thick and thin, I chose you because I knew you'd be there for me in the end. You are not what people portray you to be, you are a wonderful wise man than I'm so glad I had the honor of meeting you. Whatever the circumstances, I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you my love and I hope we can grow old together." By the time Jimin stops speaking, Jungkook has tears in his eyes.

"You never fail to leave me speechless and happy." Jungkook begins with a big watery eyed smile. "You walked into my life and I had no idea what was coming. You have made everyday since the day we met an amazing adventure and I couldn't be more happy than to call you mine. You are this light that guides me in the darkness I didn't even know surrounded me. You are this amazing human being that has managed to keep me more sane than ever. I have never loved someone the way I love you, and I can't wait to have you everyday for the rest of our lives." By time Jungkook stopped speaking to him and Jimin couldn't take their eyes off each other.

"You may now kiss."

They really didn't need to be told twice as they came together and joined together as one, forever and always.

The rest of the night consisted of secret moments shared between the special two and a very flustered Suga, realizing just how much he might want to marry Tae.

I'm so so so so sorry for a short chapter,  this chapter has given me so much writers block and I don't even know why, I have also been struggling with school which sucks but I graduate soon so I hopefully I can get my writing motivation back up and running <3   

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