Chapter Seventeen

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After saying goodbye to the mafia, the four boys spent almost all their time together and with Van and Julia. The kids were so time consuming and they made everyone so happy to have around. It was like joy was finally back and here to stay for a while.

Jungkook and Suga decided to take a surprise trip to the United States with Jimin and Tae so that they can finally finalize their marriage, and continue their life together happy, married, and enjoying the time they have with their kids.

Both Jungkook and Suga set up arrangements and a time schedule so that the servants can babysit Van and Julia, Jungkook paying them for the babysitting, of course. They were only going to be gone for the weekend, originally they were going to take the babies, but then they decided that it might not be best to fly with them right now. Plus they wanted to get at least one last day of alone time before they fully dedicate the rest of their lives to their kids.

"BABE!" Jungkook screamed for Jimin in the back yard as he was walking back from the treehouse, he sometimes goes up there, for alone time, never more than 20 minutes at a time though. Just enough time to keep him sane after taking on a child and marrying his ex-mafia boss husband.

"I'm coming!" Jimin hurried his way back to the house after hearing Jungkook shout out for him. Tae, Suga, and Jungkook were all already in the kitchen when Jimin finally arrived back at the house. "What's going on?" Jimin questioned, seeing everyone standing around and staring when he finally walked back through the door.

"They said they had a surprise for us, but wanted to tell us when we were all together." Tae spoke, "So hurry up and get in here, I hate surprises and just want to know what it is already."

Jimin made his way towards the Island in the kitchen, stopping to kiss Jungkook cheek and then giving him the you can proceed face.

"So me and Suga think it's time that we finally take a little trip, so that we can all switch our wedding bands from our right hand to our left." Jungkook spoke swiftly, with straight seriousness in his voice.

"REALLY?!" Jimin and Tae start jumping around Jimin and Jungkook's kitchen, excitement filling the room, they have both been waiting for the day they finally finalize everything.

"Yes really, in fact the four of us leave tomorrow morning." Suga spoke softly, training to contain his excitement. "Wait." Jimin looked confused, "The babies aren't coming?"

Tae was just thinking the same thing and Jungkook and Suga just laughed when they both turned towards them with concerned faces. "We aren't bringing the kids, because this is the last time we will have alone time just with each other, before we dedicate the rest of our lives to a domestic household. The servants are going to watch them, they are perfectly capable. We aren't going to be gone long, we fly out tomorrow morning, and we leave Wednesday afternoon. We will be going to Florida to get it done. We will do it Tuesday morning and spend the rest of the day together and the night in separate hotel rooms."

After Jungkook was done explaining everything, Tae and Jimin had less worry on their face, but still concerned, but they tried their best to hide it and just tell themselves, it's not that long and everything will be fine. Plus one night of complete and utter loneliness together, sounds like bliss.

The morning rolls around and they wave a quick goodbye to Van and Julia and wave to the servants, thanking them a thousand times over.

It's night time when they land, they make their way to their hotel rooms, so tired that they sleep the remainder of the night and wake up the next morning and head to a courthouse.

It takes all of an hour to finalize both Jimin and Jungkook's relationship, and Suga and Tae's relationship.

The four boys spend the rest of their time together doing various activities, going to the movies, eating out, and going to the mall. After the day is pretty much through, the sun starts to set, leaving both couples in their individual hotel rooms, to enjoy the rest of their night together, doing whatever they please.

The next morning they all meet up for breakfast. Spend a little time just enjoying their time, and then finally make their way back to the airport to fly back home.

It's literally only been two days and they couldn't help but miss Van and Julia. When they finally make it back home the first thing the four men do is drive home and greet the servants, thank them once again and hold their babies close to them.

The next morning, Jungkook called everyone into the kitchen. Every. Single. Person. There.

"I have an announcement to make." Jungkook began with everyone staring. Suga and him both agreed that this is probably best, considering them trying to move forward with their life.

"This is directed towards all the servants. I want each and everyone of you to know that if you want to leave, and go back to your family, you are free to leave. No joke, No game. If you want to leave, you are free to do so. If you don't want to leave then you can stay and work, but not for free. You will be paid a weekly paycheck, under the table of course. You are allowed to take days off, you are allowed to get sick and rest, you are allowed to be a human being. I want to deeply apologize for how you have been treated and I hope you all can find some happiness, like I finally have, from here on out."

When Jungkook finished his speech, Jimin and Tae were surprised, but proud of him and Suga for freeing the servants. It needed to be done.

Every servant hugged Suga and Tae, some packed their things, Jungkook gave them money so they could find their family, and gave them a number to call if they ever needed or wanted to come back. Some even stayed, just because being here was better than whatever family they had back 'home' anyways.

It was slowly starting to be better all around in the household of the four men. They all held smiles on their faces, and said their goodbyes and partings with the servants who left, and hugged all the ones who stayed. They all ate dinner together and started talking about how the new life would take place and how the schedules would change and the money they would make.

Everyone was just overall happy.

Ready to move on to the new world. 

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