Chapter Two

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"Taehyung." Jungkook said his name firmly and was praying that he would have the answers he needed or could at least get them for him. "Yes?" Tae sounded annoyed but didn't let it show too much, trying to avoid pissing Jungkook off. "I need help with Jimin." Jungkook stated calmly like he was trying to ease Tae into the thought of helping him get information on Jimin. Tae had the information he wanted but he wouldn't give it without something in return, even though he had no place to negotiate he took his chances anyway. 

 "What's in it for me?" He questions carefully. He wouldn't give away Jimin's information without at least speaking to Jimin about it first but he wanted to see how far Jungkook was willing to go to get information about Jimin. "What do you want?" Jungkook replied waiting for some absurd answer like to leave the mafia house forever but instead was answered with, "Fridays."

 Jungkook looked confused and it took Tae all of a second to realize he had to explain what Fridays meant. "I want Fridays off, no sex with Suga, just me to myself even if he needs a release Fridays are a no go." Jungkook just stared aimlessly, he knew he couldn't agree to this, Tae wasn't his to make a deal this far from his playing field with. He would have to deny Suga his servant for one day a week and Friday of all days. "I can't do that, you know that." He replied hoping Tae could ask for something he could give him. "Well then I guess you're not getting information about Jimin then." he replied knowing Jungkook wouldn't be happy with the response. 

Before Jungkook could release whatever words in his mouth were waiting to be said Jimin walked through the door and was taken back when he saw Jungkook sitting on Tae's bed. The last time he saw Jungkook was when he was hand fed by him because he was becoming weak from the lack of eating.

Jimin made his way to the bed after about five seconds of everyone staring at each other. As soon as his butt touched the blanket of his King sized bed Jungkook's butt left Tae's. Jungkook quickly excused himself muttering a quick, "Don't mention this to him." As soon as Jungkook left the room Tae turned towards Jimin ready to tell him everything that happened even though he was told not to.

"He asked about you." Tae said as if it was obvious he was talking about Jungkook as he looked to the door hoping Jimin would get the notion. "Why?" Jimin sounded annoyed, too irritated with the fact Jungkook was being so nice and asking about him even though he was supposed to just be his servant.

 "I don't know he just asked for some information about you and when I asked what I get in return he asked what I wanted and I told him Fridays off from Suga, and he knew he couldn't give it to me so I didn't give him any information on you. Plus I wasn't going to anyways, just wanted to see how desperate he was to know what he wanted to know." Tae responded, waiting for Jimin's words to start spilling out like he knew they would. "Well obviously it wasn't too important if he couldn't give you the simple thing you asked for." Tae knew that Jimin disliked Jungkook because of their parents' past but he also felt that part of Jimin liked the way Jungkook seemed to adore him for whatever reason.

"He couldn't do it because I don't belong to him like you do, I belong to Suga and only Suga can negotiate what I asked for. Jungkook was willing to give me whatever I asked for or so that's what it seemed like. Should have asked for a car." Tae giggled a little at the ending, he knew he could have asked for something absurd and Jungkook would give it to him because he feels maybe Jungkook feels more for Jimin than he's letting on.

Jimin just sat back and listened to Tae's words calmly, he knew Jungkook treated him differently but it still didn't take away the pain that was felt because of him. Jimin's thoughts raced a million miles a minute about his parents and Jungkook's parents being in business and all the pain that was caused because of it. He loved his mom and she was corrupted by Maria who was supposed to stay out of Mafia business considering she was military and all. Yet she didn't; instead she encouraged Jimin's mom to join Jungkook's adoptive father and work for him.

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