Chapter Three

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It has almost been a month since Tae and Jimin moved in. Normally servants that move in for work are moved to the servant house after three weeks, however Jungkook let Jimin stay in the house. He hates to say he's playing favoritism, but Jimin is different for him and he feels Jimin isn't ready to be moved to the servant house, maybe he'll never move him.

Jimin walks out of his and Tae's shared bedroom for the first time today. Considering he overslept, he made his way to the table for lunch and sat in his usual spot next to Jungkook's seat. Jimin has begun to open up a bit more in Jungkook and his meetings, he comes and sits on the couch, sometimes, only if Tae is there. 

He eats at least two meals a day with the rest of the house and is starting to slowly adjust to this newly found schedule of his. He knows Jungkook takes a liking after him and although he doesn't know why, he kind of enjoys it. He knows that it won't last though and doesn't get his hopes up in case he makes the other servants in the house mad, especially J-Hope, considering everyone knows the crush he has on Jungkook.

J-Hope sets the table and orders the other servants around. Jungkook decided that it's in Jimin's best interest to stay in the house and out of J-Hope's control in fear he might find out the little crush he developed for Jimin. J-Hope has noticed already though. He notices how Jungkook doesn't force anything on Jimin, how he's unceasingly calm with him and understanding. Doesn't make him eat if he doesn't want to, doesn't make him leave his room if he doesn't want to, doesn't force him to do things.

"Good morning everyone." Jungkook says groggily as he walks to his seat only in sweatpants and socks on. Everyone murmured a quick good morning back except Jimin. J-Hope as usual started drooling.

 "Where's my good morning?" Jungkook said as he lightly whispered in Jimin's ear. Jimin shivered a little before murmuring a quick, "Good Afternoon." Feeling accomplished, Jungkook started to eat his food along with Jimin and the rest of the table. A few chatters here and there before Jungkook sent Suga a look and asked him to meet him in his office in an hour. Everyone finished lunch and the servants cleaned up with the exception of Jimin because Jungkook told him he needed him in a 'meeting' right away.

Jimin and Jungkook made their way to Jungkook's office and sat down in their usual spots and just stared at each other before Jungkook began to speak, "Jimin you obviously already know that I don't have meetings with the other servants, just you. You're obviously special to me, for whatever reason I can't quite put my finger on, but I want to talk with you more about our parents." 

Jungkook could see the way Jimin tensed up at the mention of our parents. It's true Jimin has opened up more in these meetings, they always avoid the parent subject though, in fear of Jimin retreating back to his normal habits so Jungkook never pushed it. However since he feels that he might have feelings for Jimin he wants to help resolve the issues of the past so him and Jimin can have a different relationship than what their parents had.

"Why do we have to?" Jimin obviously has avoided this subject for quite a while now, praying Jungkook wouldn't bring it back up. "I don't see why we should have to discuss this. You know how the past makes me feel, if you think i'm special to you like you say then you shouldn't make me talk about this," Jimin urged the anger away as he looked into Jungkook's eyes but it was so hard when the man wanted to talk about the one thing he never wanted to speak about again after confessing about it. 

"I know you have been avoiding this subject. I partially have too just so I don't anger you and make you leave and retreat back to your old ways. I don't want to talk about something that is going to upset you Jimin but if our relationship is going to be different from our parents then we need to have a conversation about your anger for me because of my parents' mistakes." Jungkook was scared he might have mentioned this too soon, but him and Suga were closing in on the Russian drug cartel and he knew as soon as they were out of the way he and Jimin could possibly start a relationship and him be safe. 

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