Chapter Twelve

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Jungkook pulled up in the driveway, getting out of the car with the rest of the guys. Tae and Suga made their way to their house and Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him towards their house without saying anything.

Jungkook and Jimin finally made their way to their shared bedroom, taking off their shoes, Jungkook moving to sit against the bed's headboard. "Come sit on my lap Jimin." There was something in Jungkook's voice that Jimin couldn't quite put his finger on.

Jimin moved to straddle his lap and lay against his shoulder as Jungkook just held him with his face shoved in the crook of his neck.


Tae and Suga were cuddling on the couch, talking about stuff and rumbling on when Tae's interest took a turn, "Sooo, you were the one that killed J-Hope?" Tae's questioning eyes made purchase on Suga's and Suga could tell he wasn't going to drop the subject.

"Yeah it was me. First person I've ever killed but it had to be done, he hurt too many people, he's crazy, was crazy." Suga spoke, putting the emphasis on the word was, since he was no longer alive.

"I love you, you know." Tae wanted Suga to know how much he truly did mean to him, even after everything they've been through, he loved Suga and there wasn't anything coming between that, not now, not ever.

"I love you too baby." Suga hugged Tae closer and they continued their conversation, talking about nothing, and everything all at once.


Before Jimin knew it, he could feel his shirt starting to dampen, he would assume it was tears, with Jungkook murmuring I love you's and kissing his neck every so often, he knew Jungkook was hurt over this, but it wasn't his fault.

Jimin lifted Jungkook's head off of his shoulder and stared into his eyes before he began to say, "Kookie, this isn't your fault, and I don't want you to blame yourself. They didn't even do anything to me, they said they weren't going to do anything unless you chose to sacrifice me. Even if you did, I'd understand, you don't have a lot of people you care about, I really appreciate you and Suga saving me when something happens. I'd get kidnapped for you a thousand times over, because you're always there to protect me." Jimin meant every word he said and he needed Jungkook to know that it was okay.

"I love you Jimin, and I'm sorry that things always happen, I'd get it if you wanted to leave, I really don't want to push you away but if you want an out you have one, I don't want you to get kidnapped again and we might not be able to save you next time." Jungkook really loved Jimin but he never knew if the next time would be the time they just happened to shoot Jimin.

"I'm not going anywhere Kookie, not now, not ever. I love you and I'm here, to support, to help, to care for you. I am not leaving and I will be okay, we'll be extra careful, we'll stay inside, we'll be okay as long as we're together, because I don't want to leave you." Panic started to consume Jimin as he spoke and Jungkook noticed, calming him, telling him it's okay and that he didn't have to go anywhere if he didn't want to, hugging him close.

They cuddled for a little, leaving all four of the boys falling asleep to nap in the peacefulness they deserved after a long morning.

They wake up around dinner time, where the servants have prepared a dinner for them, in a way to comfort them from the bad day they had. They all ate in silence in the kitchen, a few glances here and there, before Jimin spoke up. "Thank you Suga, I really appreciate you, more than you know." Suga looked at Jimin and gave a small smile. "Don't worry Jimin, I always have your back. And I'll always help Jungkook." Jimin smiled and said Thank you one last time before they resumed eating.

After they finished they decided to watch a movie in Tae and Suga's living room. They all huddled up together on the massive couch that literally felt like heaven. The movie went on and they all just watched in comfort, thankful that today didn't take a turn for the bad, hopefully having no more problems in the future.

The next morning Jimin woke up to an empty bed, frowning at the cold he was welcomed with. He got up, only wearing one of Jungkook's oversized shirts and pair of boxers. He began to open the door but before he could, Jungkook came barging in with a big smile on his face, making Jimin smile instantly, but then frowned again remembering he woke up alone. "Where were you, it got cold." Jimin spoke with the frown still on his face.

"I have a surprise!" Jungkook was hopping around like a 5 year old on Christmas and Jimin was pretty sure Christmas was two months away.

"What is it?" Jimin started to get excited, he was happy about the surprised but he felt Jungkook was doing this because he felt bad about the kidnapping. "Commonnnnn i'll show youuu." Jungkook was singing his words with a huge smile on his face already pulling Jimin down the hallway towards the living room with his eyes covered.

"On three open your eyes." Jimin just hummed in response and stood with his eyes closed.




Jimin opened his eyes and Suga popped up from one corner, Tae from another and Jungkook stood behind him now back hugging him while he whispered in his ear, "Happy Birthday Baby." He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, he was beyond happy, he forgot it was even his birthday with everything going on.

He turned around and threw himself in Jungkook's arms, "Thank you so much Kookie, I love you so much!" Jimin spoke between the butterfly kisses he was placing on his face.

"OKAY LOVE BIRDS ITS PRESENT TIME!" Jimin could hear the fake annoyance in Tae's voice but turned around and hugged him and Suga and began to sit at the kitchen table, in front of his cake and what looked like ten presents. "Why are there so many?" Jimin couldn't help smile but felt weird that they all spent so much money. "Well we all bought some and then me and Suga gave some of the servants money to see if they could think of something so we kind of all pitched in." Jungkook spoke soft, he knew Jimin been through alot and really wanted to show him love any way he could.

"You guys really didn't have to do all this, it's just a birthday." Jimin was extremely grateful but he felt that maybe Jungkook felt a little too bad. "Kookie can I talk to you in private for a moment." Jimin got up and grabbed his hand after he shook his head yes, and they made their way to their bedroom.

"What's going on Kook?" Jimin was serious, he was grateful but he knew there was something behind all of this. "What? It's your birthday and I thought I could do something special." Jungkook tried to keep his voice even but failed. "Bullshit, I know when you're lying Kookie, I appreciate this all, don't get me wrong I do, but I don't want you to go above and beyond more than needed because you feel bad about yesterday when it wasn't your fault."

Jungkook just sighed at Jimin's words. "Jimin it was my fault, it was my fault the first time, it's my fault this time, it's my fault for falling in love with you and putting you in danger, I'm sorry." Jimin took offense to his words even though he knew Jungkook didn't mean anything bad by them. "You're sorry for falling in love with me? Well I'm not, I love you, and I'd do anything for you. You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened, shit happens. I knew what I was getting myself into when I stayed, I know what can happen Jungkook, I've experienced some of it first hand. I'm okay, I'll be okay Kookie, don't push to show anything to me or shower me with things I don't need. I'd be fine just watching a movie and eating cake with you guys."

Jimin's words made Jungkook realize that maybe Jimin really wasn't going anywhere and that deep down he might actually be okay because Jungkook was there with him and he loved Jungkook and that was enough for him. "Okay baby, I love you." Jungkook spoke truthfully and he hopes nothing else happened.

They celebrated Jimin's birthday and then went on about their life with happy smiles.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter and the long wait, I've been dealing with school and having no wifi for so long. I love you guys and hope you enjoy xoxox. 

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