Chapter Ten

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It's been three hours since Jungkook woke up to an empty bed. It took thirty minutes after he woke up to realize Jimin wasn't in the room, or in the shower. It then took an hour and a half for his brain to fully register that his boyfriend is missing. It took another thirty minutes for him to inform the others and now everyone has been spending the last thirty minutes searching for him, Tae, of course being a little more worried than the rest because Jimin although he was Jungkook's boyfriend, was his best friend and has been his connect to happiness for a while.

In the meanwhile of them searching, Jimin has been sitting in a treehouse in the trees that line the acres of their land. Jungkook had it built when he had the house built, it was supposed to be a getaway spot for anyone who needed it, but he forgot to mention it to anyone, because he forgot about it all together. Jimin had found it when he was going on a walk in the morning. He's been sitting out there for three hours just thinking, his sadness getting the better of him today. Everything with his mom and the move and his life and just everything was overwhelming him and he needed a break.

Jungkook searched every room, every corner, called hospitals and jails, went to the nearest markets. He looked high and low, along with Tae, Suga, and the group of servants. He couldn't stop looking until he found Jimin, and then when he decided that he wasn't anywhere to be found, he and everyone else spread out in their acres and headed towards the woods to search. Before they finally made it to the wood line, Jungkook spotted the treehouse and remembered what it was. He signaled for everyone to go back in the house and call off the search, that he knew where Jimin was. Instead of asking questions everyone went back inside, with a quick reassurance to Tae so that he knew that Jimin was truly safe. After they were all already half way back to the house, Jungkook started to climb the ladder to the treehouse.

His eyes made contact with Jimin's and before he could notice the tears, he hugged him real close. "Baby, you've been gone all day, are you okay?" Jungkook finally pulled back after asking his question to see that Jimin had been crying, and still had a few fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. Jimin just wiped his tears and stared at Jungkook quietly. "Baby please talk to me." Jungkook pleaded with Jimin, he needed to know what was wrong with his boyfriend and how to fix it. "I don't know exactly what is wrong, I just know that I have been feeling sad a lot recently and today it kind of went overload, so when I went on a walk this morning to clear my mind I found this treehouse, and I've just been up here thinking with no distractions for a few hours." Jimin's tears were dried now and he hasn't let anymore slip, he didn't want Jungkook to see him like this.

They sat there for a few moments just in silence before Jungkook spoke up, " Can you please tell me at least what you're thinking." Jimin looked at Jungkook, into his eyes, where he could see the pain that was forming. Jimin knew Jungkook loved him, even if it all came about in the weird way. "I miss my mom. I miss the past a little. I mean this, this is great. Us. This house. Suga and Tae and the new puppies and just everything. It's great but like I can't help but feel I don't belong. I don't deserve this, that people died because of me, for no reason. I'm not worthy of this." Jimin really felt that he wasn't worthy of the blood that was on Jungkook's hands because of him. He couldn't help but look away from Jungkook when they made eye contact. "Jimin, what happened isn't your fault. I fell in love with you and we made it work, and we are making it work, through everything, I'm trying. I really am and I hate that you don't feel worthy enough, because you are worth so much. And the blood that's on my hands was for a good reason, you're worth it to put that on myself. You deserve better than what you have been getting and i'm really sorry you don't feel the same." Jungkook felt really bad that Jimin didn't feel worthy, because he was so much more than that.

"I think me and you should go out somewhere and do something, if you want the others to come they can, but just, we can go somewhere and do something really fun like maybe the movies or the waterpark. Just get out and relax a while and spend time with you. Or we could plan another trip, I know you've always wanted to go to Japan, I can make a last second flight and we can go tomorrow if you want." Jungkook wanted Jimin to feel his love because it was there and wasn't going away.

"I don't want to go anywhere. I kind of just want a weekend in bed cuddling, just me and you if that's alright. I don't want any of that extra stuff, just us, watching movies. Plus there's a storm coming and you know I hate storms. Jimin looked at Jungkook with sad eyes and Jungkook knew he had to take Jimin back home and give him special treatment and that's exactly what he's going to do.

"Baby let's go back to the house." Jungkook guided Jimin to the door and they went down one by one, Jungkook first, then Jimin, making sure he got down safely. They walked hand and hand to the house, and once they arrived Tae hugged Jimin babbling about how he was glad he was safe and Suga gave a smile and said his share of words, along with the servants. They made Jimin realize that maybe he was loved and appreciated more than he thought.

"We're going to go watch some movies, we'll see you guys later okay." Jungkook spoke to Suga and Tae, and after, gave the servants the day off. Jimin and Jungkook made their way down the hallway to their room to watch movies and cuddle in bed. While they left, Suga and Tae decided that they were going to bake a cake as a sort of stuck instead date, because of the storm passing by.

The rest of the day went gloomy and rainy, with a happy Jungkook and Jimin cozily sleeping in the bed while watching movies, when Tae came and got them for dinner. They made their way to the dinner table in Tae and Suga's house where Suga had cooked everyone steak, after hearing how Tae wanted to try it.

After eating everyone said their goodnights and goodbyes and Jimin and Jungkook started their walk back to their house. "I love you." Jungkook spoke simple,quick, and truthfully. Jimin gave him a small smile as his cheeks pinked a bit. "I love you too Jungkookie." He spoke soft and grabbed his hand so that their fingers were intertwined.

They made their way back to their bedroom and fell asleep along with everyone else on the property for the night, sleeping peacefully, in the new home.

Since this Chapter was short, and I've been gone for a while, there is a two chapter update, this one and Chapter Eleven is out right now!

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