Chapter Five

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This chapter is especially short and i'm really sorry loves but I hope you enjoy <3 

"Jimin and I will be going on a trip, we'll be leaving tonight and we'll be back Sunday night." Jungkook spoke with excitement lacing his voice as he had just informed his servants they had the weekend off. Due to their shock, because they've never had any time off, they asked for an explanation and he kept it short and simple.

"If anything happens, Suga and Tae will be here for you to talk to them before coming to me about anything and I hope you guys have a good weekend." Jungkook finished up the meeting with the servants, which in fact did include J-Hope. J-Hope was obviously severely annoyed with the fact that Jimin was Jungkook's newly found prize but Jungkook wasn't going to let that stop him from being with Jimin finally. They bid farewell and went to catch the flight before leaving for the weekend in silence.

"Hey Tae, can I talk to you?" Suga spoke softly, trying to seem gentle as he slowly made his way into Jimin and Tae's bedroom that only Tae seems to sleep in now that Jungkook and Jimin are together. "Are you here to talk or to get the fuck that you've obviously been holding out on for the last few weeks since we got kidnapped." Tae seemed annoyed but was trying to mask it even though failing.

 "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I think it's time we sit down and actually talk and decide what we should do about our relationship." Suga spoke quick like if he didn't say the words now then he would never say them, "I think I have feelings for you, hence why i've been avoiding having sex with you. You're not an object to me, you're quite special and it may seem ironic because Jimin just happened to be special to Jungkook but I confessed to him that I thought I might have feelings for you before he even knew he had feelings for Jimin so, I'm not trying to play copy cat but you do need to know that I feel something for you and that's very rare for me." Suga took a deep breath after spitting all of that out hoping that he didn't fuck this up.

"Suga I don't know what to say to that. I mean this is ovbsiouly difficult for me, because all I was here for was you to fuck and say farewell too whenever you got off." Tae's voice wavered a little as he tried to continue, "When I got kidnapped, the thought of having an out was nice but that isn't why I was going to stay. I was going to stay to get information for Jungkook even though Jimin said it was a bad idea. I knew it was dangerous but it seemed like the best decision that could have happened, I could help out and I wouldn't be a fuck toy I love the fact that you think you have feelings for me, but it still hurts how this all came about." Tae paused before he continued, eyes still focusing on Suga.

 " Anyways, I was sitting in the car and I could hear the conversation and everything going down and it hurt me to see you in pain because of me, so I came back. It wasn't just for Jimin, but you too. I don't know how I feel but I know there is possibly something there to be explored. I admire you and even though I wasn't here for the best reason. Plus on the bright side, you have a decent dick." Tae tried to lighten the mood with the last comment but instead of gaining a laugh from Suga he gained a frown.

"I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I know I wasn't nice and I didn't treat you the kindest. I hope one day i'll have the chance to do it over again. Until then, I need to ask you a question. Do you want to leave? I know I have feelings for you and you were sold here to pay off debt for your parents but I seriously care for you and want you to be happy so if you don't want to be here, I'll let you leave." Suga finished his words with a sigh, Tae knew Suga didn't want him to leave but he was proud of him for giving him the option. 

"Suga, although i'd love to leave, I don't really think it's best. However I don't want to be a slave anymore so if you need me to leave I will but if you want me to stay and we can try to be something else I could be into that." Tae looked at Suga searching for any expression and he was relieved that he got a smile back.

Suga and Tae ended their conversation at that and finally let themselves be relinquished into each other's arms and off into a deep sleep.

*Saturday Morning*

"We have one more day until the love birds get back." Suga whined to Tae like he didn't enjoy hanging around the two love sick birds. "YAy JIMIN IS COMING BACK!!" Tae started screaming while jumping up and down and then stopping when he saw Suga frowning with his puffy cheeks. "What's wrong hyung?"Tae spoke quickly wanting to fix whatever he did. "I wish you were that excited to see me. You always get excited around Jimin but not me :(" Suga whined out like a child causing Tae to become sassy, "Well then again Jimin didn't buy me and use me as a sex toy to cum in." Suga frowned even harder and started to walk away.

Tae ran after him jumping on his back and hugged him, "Suga, I like you, I'm excited for you, I'm traumatic, yes, but I'm also ready for you." Tae whispered lowly in his ear so no one could hear as they pass, he felt Suga shiver. "Yo-you're ready for me?" Suga choked out as best he could."Yes of course baby." Tae smiled at the way Suga froze a bit before continuing his walk back to his bedroom.

"You would be willingly to have sex with me even after all this?" Suga asked, not trying to get his hopes up. Tae already sitting in Suga's lap resting against him resting against the headboard, "Of course, if we're going to make this work then we need to try things." Sugar kissed Tae when he was finished speaking, learning their foreheads together murmings love you's over and over and tiny kisses before they fall into a deep sleep for the night.


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