Final tally for the votes

301 3 3

Hey everyone I'm here to announce the winner of the role of Wesley for the Princess Bride au. I know that it's a bit early but hardly anyone has said anything so I'm going off of what I've received from the following.




But first the other roles........

The Count- Lila

Fezzic - Shazam/ Billy Batson

Vezzini - Alya

Ingo Montoya - Damian Wayne

The witch - Kagami

Miracle Max- Luka

Hag - Chloe

Captain of the guard - Nino

The Grandfather/ narrator - Alfred Pennyworth

The Grandson(s) - Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, and Bruce Wayne.

And the role of Wesley goes to



The au will have multiple parts to it since it is a rather complex story. Thanks to everyone who commented and voted.

See you in the first part my little peahens.

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