Wandering around

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"Here you are! " said Chris, looking to the market, smiling to the man who wears a brown coat, his eyes was  brown as his coat and he was smiling to Chris.
"Hi, Chris. Who is your friend? Wait a moment! Is he the boy who lives in the house near the lake?" He said, turning his face to Edward.
"Yes, he is. Edward, this is Mr.Charles-"
"Call me John, mate"
"Right, this is John, he is working in the market an he knows all of the people lives in the town." He turned John, waiting for him to say something.
"Nice to meet you, Edward. What do you think about Appaloosa? Did you find our town friendly? Do you need something? Have you meet with Mr and Mrs Brown? Better not, they love children a lot. " he said,looking around carefully. "You're lucky they are not here now, they wanted to meet with you and what about-"
Chris raised his hand to stop him.
"Enough, mate. Don't you think you talk too much? Anyway, we are traveling the town we haven't meet with someone. You're the first one we meet today. C'mon Edward, I haven't show you the cafe yet, wait 'till you taste lemonade. Bye, John!" He turned his back and started walking. John looked after him and turned back to Edward. "If you need something you can come to me, and-"
"Oi! Edward, aren't you coming?"
"And I am not talking much." He winked and went inside to the market. He was still muttering. "I am not talking much, am I? No I'm not. I'm just so friendly to new people. But Chris always says I'm talking much, but I'm not, am I? He is talking much not me!"
Edward run after Chris and they went to the cafe. Cafe was really small, there is just one person inside of it and she was just reading a book. "Welcome" said Chris. "To 'Cafe Appaloosa'" Edward asked "Who is the girl-"
But Chris went on. "She is Lena, don't worry about her she always reads book, and she works for 'cafe Appaloosa'. Come inside, lets drink a lemonade and then we will go to the school for have a look, lastly we could go and see Peanut, I hope Browns are not there, Peanut lives in front of their house. Then we could go again to the market, buy snacks and we could go and eat them near the lake. There is a place near the lake, always good for picnic"
"Good idea!" said Edward sitting to a chair.
"Oi! Lena!" Shouted Chris, Lena seems to didn't hear him. "Oi! LENA!!" shouted Chris again, lastly Lena looked at him, her lip curled.
"Oh, that's you, then. What do you want?" said Lena coldly and she turned back her head to her book. "2 lemonades " said Chris his voice sounds angry. "You forgot to say the magical word" said Lena still not looking at them.
"Stop reading Harry Potter, will you?" said Chris and then he turned to Edward "What's the magical word? Did you read Harry Potter?"
asked Chris. Of course, Edward knew Harry Potter, but he was sure Lena doesn't mean that.
"I think she means 'please'" he muttered to Chris. Before Chris could say something, Lena said "Thank you, who are you by the way?"
"I-" started Edward but Lena, of course, knew who he is. "You are Edward Davies, I know. You're living in the house near the lake. Just a second, let me make your lemonade" and she went to a small room, back with glasses, took a few lemons and start to make lemonade. "How could she know my name? " Edward muttered to Chris. Chris merely shrugged. "I don't know know, though she is kind to you. She neither like me nor someone else." A minute later Lena was back with two glasses of lemonade. "Here you are." she said and looked at Chris. Chris didn't seem to understand anything, but he looked to her too, waiting for her to say something. Lastly he said "What?" Lena looked at him and her lip curled again. "Payment, of course! I'm not your servant!" Edward moved on "Don't worry, I will pay it." He turned back to take his bag but Lena stopped him. "No!" She shouted. She made both Edward and Chris jump. "I want him to pay!" Chris moaned. "All right" He took his money and pay her 1 pound.
Lena didn't take the money nor move. "Just 1 pound?" She asked angrily. "What do you want?" said Chris, not looking at her. "That's 3 pounds, Rogers" she said, Chris payed her 3 pounds and said "You're really annoying today, and don't call me Rogers again! My name is Chris!" Lena took the money and putted to her pocket. "If that makes you feel better, I'm not gonna call you Chris! I will call you with your proper name, Christopher." She turned to Edward, Edward wait for her to shout at him too. But she didn't. " Enjoy your lemonade, have a nice day!" She said, she took her book and started to read. "What about me? Enjoy your lemonade... " he muttered and looked to Lena, who seems like she is living inside of the book.. "Why she doesn't like you so much?" asked Edward quietly, he doesn't wanted Lena to hear him. "Dunno..." said Chris. "But I don't want to stay here. C'mon, we have lots of things to do, let me show you the school." He stood up, Edward followed him. They didn't walk for a long time, after a few minutes they were in front of the school. Edward see the writing Apppaloosa school
"Oh, Christopher!" Said a happy voice behind them and made Edward jump however, Chris didn't seems he is happy as the voice. Edward turned his back and see an old man and an old woman. They both were looking really happy to see them. Chris looked at them anxiously "Oh- hello, Mr and Mrs Brown. How-how nice to see you!" said Chris and smiled. But he didn't look happy at all. Edward understood what had happened. Chris told him Mr and Mrs Brown love children a lot. Mrs Brown came and hugged Chris. Then looked at Edward, still smiling. "Oh, and you're the new boy! Oh, welcome, welcome!" She hugged Edward too. Then she stepped back, Edward too, stepped back from her, panting. Chris was shaking his head he was looking like he try not to laugh at him. "Erm- we just wanted to see Peanut- " started Chris but Mr Brown continued "Oh, Peanut, eh? Peanut! Come here! " he shouted. Peanut seems to hear him, a brown cat came, running. It has black eyes looking behind its brown feathers. It really looks like Peanut. It came and lean its head to Mr Browns leg.
"Look Peanut, we have someone to show you. Did you see the boy with blonde hair and brown eyes? Yes, do you know who he is? Exactly! He is the boy who lives in the house near the lake! Come, erm- what was your name dear?" Asked Mrs Brown. Before Edward could answer, Chris, of course , tell his name to them.
"Come, dear Edward, you can touch her, she would like to" Edward walk forward and touched Peanut. She was really cute, she was looking to Edward with her black eyes, lastly she ran to the legs of Mrs Brown. "Oh, right, gotta go Mr and Mrs Brown. I'm gonna show Edward the school and we have lots of things to do today. "Ok, my dears, take care, come Peanut, milk time!" Said Mrs Brown ,Edward and Chris set off to inside of the school."There is nothing to see inside of the school, honestly." Said Chris as they walk to the entrance of the school. "Are you sure you wanna see inside? Oh, bad luck!" He stopped at the entrance of the school. " School is closed, naturally... It's summer holiday! How could I think school is open now? But, Oh my goodness! Lena! What are you doing here?" Shouted Chris to Lena, Lena was looking at him too. "I came for the school library." said Lena, walking through them. "What are you doing here?" Chris looked bored. "I was gonna show Edward the school."
"Oh,are you stupid? What do you think? School is open at the summer holiday?" she said, no one spoke. Then a sound has broke the silence. Schools doors cracked opened and a woman came outside. " Oh, hello Lena! I think you came here for library, isn't it?" Lena nodded.
"Come inside, then. Oh, Christopher, how is your homework? You'd better to do that until school starts or I'm gonna give you punishment, young man! Did you understand me?" Chris nodded anxiously. "Good, and your book! You need to give your book back to the library as quick as you can. You have one week left.C'mon dear, Lena. So did you..." She and Lena went inside and door closed behind them.
"Who was that?" Edward asked Chris. Chris was still looking anxious. "She is librarian and Maths teacher. I don't like her too much."
"And what is her name?" asked Edward again as they walk back to the market. "Mrs.Bennett, her husband Mr. Bennett is the headmaster of the school. And she is Lena's mother. And I forgot to tell you. Lena has a twin, Lisa. But she is not like her. She is one of my best friends. "
" I would like to meet with her" said Edward as they went inside of the market and see John, who is counting pounds and there was a girl watching him. She has long, blonde hair and her blue eyes were watching John. "Yes, here is Lisa, you can meet with her now." Said Chris, smiling.

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