Forbidden Room

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"What we are gonna do now?" Asked Chris nervously. "I don't know the school at all!"
"I don't understand" said Edward, he shook his head. "Did you not just take a tour in the school?"
"Nope" said Chris. "I am just sitting in the class or in the garden."
"Right," said Edward.
"Right? What is right? If you don't understand, we are lost!" Shouted Chris.
"Don't shout" said Edward. "And don't worry. The phone has invented, remember?"
"Oh, yeah!" Said Chris. "Like I have a phone!"
Edward took his phone from his pocket, opened it but-
"Uh oh," said Edward. He closed the phone and putted it back to his pocket.
"What are you doing?" Said Chris looking at Edward's pocket. "Why did you not call anyone?"
"I don't have the number of anyone from the town..." said Edward.
"What we gonna do then?" Said Chris.
"Let's go this way" said Edward, pointing to the corridor which is the darkest way to go. Edward moved to the corridor but Chris stayed where he is.
"No!" Said Chris suddenly, Edward turned behind an looked at him ,confused.
"I don't like darkness too much," said Chris quietly. "Why aren't we going this way" he pointed to the corridor which has lamps. "At least it has lamps!"
"It could go to a class." Said Edward. "Or there can be someone there, maybe... Do you want to meet with Mr or Mrs Bennett?"
"No!" Said Chris suddenly.
"Then, we just-" Edward heard a voice and stopped talking.
"What the-?"
"Shh!" Said Edward and looked around. The sound was coming from the corridor which has lamps.
"Who's there?" Said the voice. Edward found that voice familiar. But couldn't work out who is it. He looked at Chris to understand the way if he did remember who is it.
"Mrs Bennett" mouthed Chris.
Edward moved to the darkest corridor slowly. Chris followed him ,unwanted to go there. When they arrived to the darkest corridor, they started to run.
"Woh! " said Chris. "I thought we will get punishment!"
"Me too..." panted Edward.
"What we gonna do now? We couldn't find neither Lena nor Samantha like that!" Said Chris. "And it's really dark!"
"Look!" Said Edward, pointing to the door at the end of the corridor. "Let's go there."
"No way!" Said Chris.
"Why?" Said Edward bitterly.
"It's very dark there!" Said Chris. "And it can't be the library."
"How do you know?" Asked Edward, there was a hope inside of him which says Lena is there.
"You said you didn't go to the library unless you have to."
" I know..." murmured Chris.
"Come, then." Edward walked to the end of the corridor and turned behind him. Then he saw Chris didn't follow him.
"Are you coming?" Said Edward to Chris. Chris threw him a tragic look, didn't say anything and walked through him. Edward knocked the door. No sound came from inside.
"What do you think?" Asked Edward to Chris. "Shall we go inside?"
"No!" Said Chris. Edward ignored him and pushed the door handle. Nothing happened. The door was locked.
"Locked," said Edward miserably.
"Wait a sec!" Said Chris. He pushed the door handle too. Then he looked at the key entry.
"I think we'd better get out of here."
"What's the matter?" Asked Edward impatiently.
"This is forbidden corridor!" Said Chris nervously. "That's why its really dark!"
"Why is it forbi-?"
Chris pulled him from his arm and get out of the corridor. He ran and ran. Edward wasn't sure about where were they going. And his arm was hurting him now, Chris was pulling it so hard. Finally Chris stopped, so did Edward. They were in front of the library door. Chris leaned on to open the door and he stepped to Edward's foot.
"Ouch!" Gasped Edward. "Chris! That was my foot!"
"And I am not mentioning about my arm!"
Chris opened the door and let Edward went inside first.
"Thanks," muttered Edward, still angry to Chris. Edward decided to ask about forbidden room again.( At least, he tried)
"So why is the room forbidd-"
"Hi, guys!"
Lena's face appeared behind the bookshelves.
"What makes you come late?" She asked cheerfully. "Come, Samantha is over there. But Chris," she turned to Chris, who, was looking around nervously. Edward thought he was looking for the way Mrs Bennett is here or not.
"Can you go and get a- erm- a cup of coffee from the kitchen"
"Is there a kitchen in the school?" Asked Chris.
"Of course" said Lena cooly. "Where do you think the lunches are cooking? Edward, come with me..."
Lena pulled Edward from his injured arm. "Why from my right arm? Why?" Thought Edward miserably and followed Lena. They sat near Samantha, who was cutting papers and sticking something on it.
"What are you doing?" Asked Edward curiously to her.
"Don't mind her for now." Said Lena. "Our problem is-"
"Where is Lisa?"
"At home, looking for- doesn't matter for now but our problem is-"
"Is she looking for-?" Lena cut Edward this time.
"Ok, Ok..."
"Good" said Lena, seems to be glad from herself. "Well, tomorrow is Chris's birthday and we were thinking about a celebration. Something can be like a party."
"Is that why you sent Chris to the kitchen?"
"Yes," said Lena. "And that's why it's coffee. There is not a coffee machine at the kitchen"
"Logical" said Edward, grinning.
"Thank you," said Lena, smiling.
"Lena!!!" Said Chris's voice from the kitchen. Lena looked alarmed but she tried to reply Chris in a calm voice.
"Y-yes?" She said.
"Where is the coffee machine? I couldn't find it at the kitchen!"
"Erm- oh,no," she said, she grinned to Edward. Edward understood she will make Chris go away. "I forgot it at the- the-erm- it needs to be at the science laboratory."
"What?" Said Chris and he came out of the kitchen. Lena tried to block him.
"What the hell you think you are doing?" Gasped Chris. He pushed Lena to the other side.
"It-is-at-the-laboratory-go-and-take-it!" Spelled Lena and he pushed Chris out of the door.
"Why the coffee machine is at the laboratory?" Said Chris from outside of the door. "And why are you behaving weird?"
"No one," said Lena, now locking the door. "Is behaving weird. And Mr Rodriguez wanted a cup of a coffee. That's why it's in the laboratory. Ok!" She said suddenly. "Go and take it Chris!"
"If you say so..." muttered Chris and there was a sound which tells Chris is going downstairs.
"Machine is not in the laboratory, is it not?" Said Edward wryly.
"Of course it isn't" said Lena she sat down near Samantha, who, was cutting a green paper now. Lena leaned on her knees and she took a appliance which really looks like a coffee machine. "We could finish our surprise while he searches the laboratory. And I don't think he will find the laboratory" she added. "He is not going to laboratory unless he has to"
This reminded Edward something. "Lena?" He said.
"Mm?" Said Lena while she was giving Edward a pencil and a ruler.
"Why is the forbidden room is forbidden?" Asked Edward.
"I beg your pardon?" Said Lena, she looked up at Edward.
"I mean, you know,the forbidden room."
"What about it?"
"Why is it forbidden?"
"Oh," said Lena, she putted her coloring pens down. "I don't know, dad is careful not to tell anyone what is inside it"
"Right..." said Edward. He was still confused.
He looked down, to the paper, ruler and the pencil. "What I have to do with them?" He asked ,pointing at the appliances at the table.
"Whatever you like" answered Samantha before Lena could say anything.
"Ed" said Lena. "Do you have any ideas about a birthday surprise? Because I don't have any"
"Nor do I" said Samantha. "But maybe we could just make something funny, you know, we don't want Chris to be bored at his own birthday"
"Example?" Said Lena.
"A basic party near the lake, perhaps " Said Samantha.
"No way" said Lena. Samantha threw her a furious look. "There is enough things about that lake. Remember the theories. And it could disturb all the party."
"All right..." said Samantha and she continued cutting the paper in a different style.
"What are you doing with that paper, by the way?" Asked Lena, seemed interested on her.
"I'm doing a packet to my present." Said Samantha. "Could you give that glue stick to me, Ed?"
"Present?" Said Edward, handing Samantha the glue stick.
"Yes" said Samantha, sticking two pieces of paper together. "It's a birthday, isn't it? And I think Chris deserves a present"
"What did you buy?" Said Lena anxiously. "I didn't buy anything nor I didn't think about it"
"Don't worry" said Samantha, she handed both Lena and Edward a packet which is handmade. "I already made packets to you"
"Wow, Samantha!" Said Edward, examining the packet which looks absolutely beautiful.
"Thanks so much" said Lena smiling at her.
"No probs" Said Samantha. "What is that sound?"
Edward heard that too. It was like someone is knocking the door really fast. And there was a furious voice coming through the door. It wasn't so much clear but Edward found that voice familiar. It was sounding like... Chris.
"Oh, goodness!" Said a voice behind the bookshelves. Mrs Bennett ran to the door, when she opened it, Chris appeared at the door. Samantha and Lena tried to hide everything on the table, Edward helped them. And he could hear the voice of Chris and Mrs Bennett.
"What do you-?" Yelled Chris's voice at the back. Edward couldn't help himself, he turned his back and looked at Chris and Mrs Bennett.
Chris was at the doorstep and Mrs Bennett was in front of him.
"Oh," said Chris looking at Mrs Bennett in surprise. Edward see a coffee machine in his hand. He wondered where did he find it.
"Hello, miss" muttered Chris, he smiled weakly.
"Hello, Christopher. I think you have a purpose for hitting the door really fast" said Mrs Bennett coldly.
"Er-" said Chris.
"Explain." Hissed Mrs Bennett. Then she suddenly started to shout, making Samantha, Lena, Edward and Chris jump. "YOU NEARLY BROKE THE DOOR, CHRISTOPHER ROGERS! AND YOU DID NOT APOLOGIES AT ALL! EXCUSE ME BUT "ER" IS NOT REALLY AN APOLOGY FOR ME!"
Chris just looked at her, stunned.
"EXPLAIN!" yelled Mrs Bennett again.
"Erm-" said Chris. "I-I just..."
"Detention!" Said Mrs Bennett at once. Chris stared at her.
"But miss-"
"I don't want any 'but' s"'
"Are you going to apologize or not?" Said Mrs Bennett, gritted teeth.
"Apologies..." murmured Chris.
"Your detention will be tomorrow at midday" said Mrs Bennett, she turned to the other three, who, were watching them surprised.
"You" said Mrs Bennett, she was still sounding furious that Edward thought she will give them all detention. "You busy with your job!"
She turned to her table which is behind the bookshelves. Edward could still hear her muttering, and there was a sound of turning pages.
"Christopher Rogers... Christopher Rogers... Where is it? Ooooh, yes. Christopher Rogers" there was a sound of pencil. "Crime... Nearly damaging school doors... Not listening the librarian... Shouting at the library... Disputing to the teacher's decision... Punishment... At 15th of July...Teacher-"
Chris came to the table and sat near Samantha, who, was trying to put the packets to her bag.
"I didn't do anything wrong!" Said Chris furiously. "She just wants to give me detention!"
"Don't be stupid" said Lena, she seemed really interested with her book now. "Why she wants to give you detention. You just-"
"Anyway" cut in Chris, ignoring Lena. "I got the coffee machine." He putted the machine on the table.
"Where did you find that?" Asked Lena. Chris looked at her suspiciously.
"It wasn't at the laboratory " said Chris, he threw Lena an angry look. "So I wandered in the school and I found it on Mr Bennett's office"
"WHAT?" said Lena and Samantha together.
"What?" Repeated Chris. "Did you not tell me to take the coffee machine?"
"Yes, I did" said Lena furiously. "But I didn't tell you to steal dad's coffee machine"
"I didn't steal it!" Said Chris. "And no matter, we could put it back"
"It will be late" said Lena anxiously. "Father is about to come to his office. To be honest, I don't know why he leaved his office... Hang on!" She said suddenly and she got to her feet. "He went to Mr Rodriguez! "
"Why he had went to Mr Rodriguez for?" Asked Edward.
"Job" said Lena simply. "But he will be back soon!" Lena pulled Edward from his left arm and letted him stand up. "Come" said Lena to Chris and Samantha. Chris and Samantha stood up, then Chris seemed really interested with the paper on the table. Samantha saw him looking to the paper and she took it quickly and stuck it to her pocket.
"What is that?" Asked Chris curiously.
"Nothing" said Samantha.
"I know you are hiding some-!"
"Let's go" said Lena, completely ignoring Chris. They got out of the library nearly running, Edward had noticed that Chris was always looking to his back over his shoulder. Edward thought that was because of Mrs Bennett. However, she wasn't at their sight. They went through different corridors, some of them were dark, when they entered a dark corridor, Edward felt Chris's hand on his shoulder. Edward ignored it and continued following Lena, grinning to himself.
"Look" said Chris, he took his hand from Edward's shoulder. "You don't needed to built this school so big! It is like a riddle that we need to solve"
"Nice metaphor" said Lena, not looking at Chris. "Hope you will use it at English lessons too. You know, Mr Gagnon would like to hear it."
"I don't like writing something, especially in front of Mr Gagnon. And what is a metaphor? "
He added.
"You need to know what is a metaphor!" Said Lena, Chris threw her a nasty look. "We are using this word at daily life too. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or-"
"All right, all right!" Cut in Chris. "You already explained more than I need to know, Ms Dictionary."
"You were the person who asked me what is a metaphor!" Said Lena. "And don't call me Ms Dictionary!"
"But you are! How could you memorize all of this things? Look at me! I don't know what I ate last night." Said Chris.
"Don't be so ridiculous! Of course you know what did you eat last night! And this is not called memorizing, it's called learning! If you learn, you could remember all of it, but if you memorize-"
"Shut up, you two!" Said Samantha angrily. "You are always arguing! And it makes us mad! Is it not Ed?"
"What? Er- yeah, yeah, it is..." said Edward, confused. He wasn't listening them. He was looking at the forbidden room which he just saw. But he suddenly remembered something.
"Wait!" Said Edward suddenly so that both Chris and Lena stopped arguing. "Forbidden room is downstairs, isn't it?" He asked. Samantha looked surprised, she was waiting for him to warn Lena and Chris about not arguing.
"Y-yes, but what's up?" Said Samantha.
"But I saw it there!" Said Edward, pointing at the door they just passed.
"There are different rooms which are forbidden for students" said Lena. "You know, for staff"
"And why you care too much about forbidden room, mate?" Asked Chris, he stopped in front of the door and opened it. "It is just staff room, that's why we are not allowed in. Girls first" he added, letting Samantha and Lena in. Chris and Edward waited outside, when Samantha and Lena was back, they went to the library again. Edward, who, was still thinking about the forbidden room, didn't talk. Chris seemed to notice that.
"Are you ok mate? You look weird, you didn't talk at all!" He said. "Or are you still thinking about forbidden room?"
Edward slowly nodded and Chris leaned on.
"Look, do you think Mr Bennett and the teachers are hiding something from us?" He whispered. Edward didn't answered, then he thought he was being stupid. It was just a staff room. Nothing was neither interesting nor odd things in there. Why he was thinking too much about forbidden things? Edward threw everything about forbidden room out of his mind and he joined Chris, Samantha and Lena's conversation about Chris's hobbies. Edward was sure Samantha and Lena was trying to find more about Chris for a better party. Chris, however, wasn't seems to understand what are they up to. He was glad with himself being questioned about his life. And Edward noticed he was exaggerating daily things a lot.

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