Theories about magic - are they really exist?

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"Maybe it was a mermaid" said Chris, again, he was telling Lisa and Edward his ridiculous theories.
"What can be a mermaid?" Said a soft voice behind them. Edward turned and saw Lena was looking at them. Of course, Lena was at the cafe Appaloosa all the time and they were now sitting in it, drinking their lemonades.
"Never you mind," said Chris, with a boring voice.
"But I mind" said Lena, she sat next to Edward.
"Because there is nothing like a mermaid. They don't really exist."
"Yo won't go away if we don't tell you what we are talking about, will you?" Said Lisa. Lena shook her head. Lisa took a deep breath and said "Right, Edward, could you tell her?"
"Why me? Why not you?" Asked Edward furiously. He wasn't dying for tell something that he is not sure it is real or not.
"Because you saw it last night, did you not?"
"Yes, I did, but Chris saw it too. To be honest, he saw that before me." Said Edward. Lena was impatient.
"You saw what? What did you saw last night? Will anyone tell me?" She said. Then she turned her face to Edward.
"Please, Edward, tell me, it won't kill you if you tell me..." she begged. Edward tell her everything, what they saw, last night, what are their theories about it, and Chris's.                        Ms Li- is-a-witch theory. Lena listened him, full concentrated. However, Edward couldn't understand what is she thinking about from her face.
"So, that's it" finished Edward. Waiting for Lena to say something.
"What do you think about my theory?" Asked Chris hopefully.
"I think it's weird..." said Lena thoughtfully.
"What is weird?" Asked Chris, his face faded.
"All of your theories" she turned her face to Chris to Edward. "And what did you see"
"And my witch theory?" Asked Chris.
"And maybe it can be a mermaid" said Lisa.
They all turned to Edward.
"What do you think?" Asked Lisa to Edward.
"Er- perhaps- can it be a ghost?" said Edward awkwardly. "But it's just a think" added Edward quickly, seeing the face of the others.
"It is an excellent theory!" Said Chris, excitedly.
"Excellent!" Said Lisa. Lena, however, was looking thoughtfully. "Perhaps we need to ask somebody else's ideas." Said Lena. "Where is Samantha?" She asked to Lisa.
"Went to a trip to London with her family." Said Chris. Edward felt good for her, because Samantha has told him -at the picnic- that she always wanted to visit London.
"Oh, let's think about our theories, then." Said Lena. "Firstly,  your witch theory" she turned to Chris. "Perhaps, it can be possible."
"How?" Said Edward. He wasn't thinking that
Ms Li-is-a-witch can be possible.
"There are many theories about witches are exist in the books, especially I like the book
Theories about magic- are they really exist?
It is a really interesting book. And it says- could you wait a sec, I think i have it with me"
She turned and went inside, she was back with an enormous book after a few seconds. Edward saw the title of the book.
Theories about magic  
Are they really exist?
Lena opened the book, its pages looked really old, so did the book.
"Right!" Said Lena suddenly. Stopped at the page which has title like;
Theories about witches
"So your theory is Ms Li is a witch." Said Lena.
"What on earth makes you say that?" 
"She sometimes can behave a bit weird" said Chris. Lena looked at him.
"For example?" She said.
"Erm- last year, we were at geography lesson with Ms Li. She gave us an exam and then she turned her back to us and sat down to her chair. She took something from her bag, she was careful not to show anyone, but I was watching her. She took something looks like a bough. When she saw me watching, she putted the bough back to her bag. She smiled weakly at me and I asked her. 'Ms Li! What was that?'
I asked. And she looked anxious. She told me she went to forest last week, she took a bough from a tree for examine it, for understand which type of tree it is. But I don't believe her, of course." Lena looked at him curiously.
"What do you think? What was that?" Asked Lena.
"I think it was a magical wand! Is it not possible? She was gonna do magic, so she took her wand from the bag. And if it is not a wand, why do you think she tried not to show anyone and stuttered when I asked her what is it?" Said Chris.
"Perhaps she didn't want to look like she has a bough at her bag. Because if you see it, she could look like mad." Said Lisa.
"Why does she stuttered , then?" Asked Chris furiously.
"Because you saw her, and she worried the way if she looked like mad or not." Said Lisa simply.
"Why didn't she examine it at her home? Why in the class?" Asked Chris.
"Dunno..." said Lisa, thinking.
"Look! Is it not obvious? She is a witch!"
"Why does she wanted to do magic , anyway?"
Asked Edward. He was still doesn't believe Ms Li is a witch.
"Er- dunno" said Chris. Lisa made a sound like
"Ha!" Chris looked at her angrily.
"But all of the witches are bad, they are like evil! Dunno why did she want to do magic, but I'm sure she was planning to do something bad." Chris said.
"Not all the witches are bad" said Lena.
"What?" Shouted Chris.
"Some witches in fairytales are good, and in Harry Potter too." Said Lena.
"But in fairytales and Harry Potter, some of them are bad too!" Said Chris.
"Ok, let's see, what does the book says about your theory." Said Lena.
She found the page and opened it, she started to read aloud.
"There are many theories about witches are still living in our life. Some says there are witches who try to kid people like they are humans, and they said witches gonna attack us one day. But some people says witches are good. They are still  kidding us, behaving humans, but they try to protect us, and stop the climate change and they help to stop global warming. But still some people don't believe neither witches nor magic. They say witches are doesn't really exist, we are just alone as humans and animals." Lena finished.
"Last theory, about good witches, I don't believe it. Are they fairies who tries to protect people? I think the first one is possible. They are kidding us! Behaving like humans! And      Ms Li was gonna curse me at the class! Don't you understand? I stopped her! She is dangerous, dangerous indeed." Shouted Chris.
"Keep your voice down!" Said Lena sharply.
"We don't want anyone to hear  us, do we? And if you continue shouting, people gonna think you are mad!"
"Sorry..." said Chris, looking around to see if anyone is listening.
"Chris, just think about your theory more carefully, you need more proof. Tell us when you find one, will you?" Said Lena.
Lena ignored him.
"Right, what was your theory twin?" She said.
"Oh, yeah, mermaids" she continued before Lisa could answer. "Let's see the theories about mermaids, then. Stop moaning Chris!" She shouted to Chris. Chris was making sounds like protesting, but Lena didn't give him a chance to moan.
" For Heavens sake! We have listened you enough, Chris! Just be patient and listen to other's ideas! Tell us when you have a real proof!" She said furiously.
"Now, let's see... Hmm, theories about mermaids. Found it!" She said find the page with a title write;
Theories about mermaids- Fiction or real?
"There are many ideas about mermaids, some people say they saw them at the top of seas, oceans, but for now, there is not any photograph that shows mermaids. Most of the theories about mermaids tells us they live at the bottom of the oceans and blah blah..." She said and turned the page.
"Why did you stop?" Said Edward.
"Because it is not suitable for us. It says ' they live at the bottom of the oceans' not in the lakes. So it cannot be a mermaid. What was the other theory?" She asked to them. Chris cut in.
"Witches!" Said Chris, he finally stopped moaning.
"Nope," said Lena. "You need to find more proofs, Chris. We all think it can be possible" she winked at Edward. Edward winked back to her. That means she wasn't thinking it's possible, so did Edward. "But you need to find more proofs and as you are trying to find proofs we need to think about other ideas" Lena said.
"What is your idea, then?" Asked Chris sharply.
"I think it can be a creature, perhaps." She said.
"Hah, a creature that has long hair and swimming at the middle of the lake?" Asked Chris wryly.
"I didn't say I believe it is a creature. It's just an idea." Said Lena, calmly. "What was your idea Edward?"
"I- er- just think of -maybe it can be a ghost, but-" said Edward, not believing himself either.
"A ghost! Hey, it can be!" Said Lisa excitedly.
"A ghost?" Said Chris. "Perhaps, can it be a soul? Maybe..."
"A soul? Hey, that is an idea too, " said Lena. " But let's look to ghost theories first, then a soul, what else? Any ideas?" No one said anything. "Maybe we need to ask for Samantha to a theory, she always reads books like magic. But,hey, twin!"
"When will Samantha come?"
"Good, and I'm gonna tell you something, Edward, I think your name is too long to say. I mean, for example we call Christopher, Chris, sometimes we call Samantha, Sam, and we could call you Ed, isn't it good?" She said, smiling.
"Right," said Edward. He hasn't had a nickname before.
"Ok, then. Ghosts..." said Lena. Started to search the book. Sometimes muttering "Ghost, ghost, where is it?" And sometimes asked them
"Couldn't it be a ghoul? No, impossible, they can't swim, can they?" Finally, she found a page and said. "Right!Found it! And it is next to the page telling the souls, Chris!"
Chris nodded. Edward looked at the page which has title like;
Ghost stories, theories, informations...
"Wow!" Said Lena looking at the page.
"What's up?"
"There is about twenty pages about ghosts, it is a big title, there is a lot of stories, legends, informations about ghosts. It can be ghost, really. Good thinking, Ed!" She smiled to him and started to turning pages again.
"No, we are not looking for stories, not legends, maybe we could look for information, to understand, but later. Oh, yes,yes,yes... Ok!"
She stopped at the page which writes;
Ghosts- real or just a legend?
She started to read the little paragraph.
"There are so many theories about ghosts. Some says some people can see ghosts, some people cannot. There are many photographs
(No one knows are they real or not)
about ghosts. Some people says ghosts live in-"
She suddenly stopped reading, looking at the page and looked at them, thinking, her face was looking suspicious.
"What's the matter?" Asked Edward. "Why did you stop reading?"
"Where did you see the figure that we are talking about?"
"Erm- at the middle of the lake."
"Where was it looking to?"
"Erm- to the- hang on!" Shouted Edward. He suddenly had remembered something.
"What are you two thinking?" Said Chris, trying to understand what is happening.
"Will you bother to tell us?"
"Of course!" Said Edward excitedly.
"It was looking to the house at the other side of the lake! " said Edward. Took the book from Lena's hands. Lena didn't notice it, she was thinking hard. Edward looked at the page.
Some people says ghosts are living in their old houses. Sometimes appear in front of them and some people say they saw ghosts looking at their old houses.
This houses generally looks weird, you could hear weird sounds coming from it.
And this houses are generally by the lakes. And this ghosts can suddenly appear at the middle of the lakes.
Edward stopped reading, and he looked at the rest of them. They were reading too. When they finished, they all looked at Edward.
"So, you think it was the ghost which lives at the house at the other side of the lake?" Said Lisa quietly.
"It must be," said Edward. "But who was living at that house, we need to find..."
"We could go and ask John tomorrow." Said Chris.
"Why tomorrow? Why not today?" Asked Edward. He felt like he couldn't wait for tomorrow.
"Because," said Lisa. " We need to think about more theories now, if we will go to the market, it's gonna be late. So come and sit down, Ed. We could look about soul theories."
"And," said Chris. "Sam is here tomorrow, we need to tell her about it, maybe she can give us an idea too."
Edward looked at Lena, she was looking at him too. And from her face, Edward understood they were thinking about the same think. They couldn't wait for tomorrow, but they need to. And like Mr Davies always says
"More idea means more information"
"I think," said Lisa. "We need to stop here for today." She closed the book. "We could continue tomorrow with Sam, so we can think about different ideas." Chris took the book in front of Lisa, both Lisa and Lena gave him a suspicious look.
"Er- Lena?" Said Chris quietly.
"Could- could I borrow your book for today?"
"Proofs about my theory."
"Right," said Lena and she stood up and went inside of the cafe.

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