The birthday party

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"Come on! Hurry up!" Said Lena, looking over Edward's shoulder.
"What do you think I am trying to do?" Said Edward angrily and loudly.
"Psst! Be quiet!" whispered Lena.
"You are the person who is speaking!" Said Edward, trying to keep his voice down.
"Guys, shut up! He is coming!" Warned Samantha and she took the balloons from Edward's hand, she hided them inside of the market.
"Oh, Hi Chris!"
"Welcome to the birth-ouch-! I mean- er- hi,"
Said Edward, he threw Lena a furious look.
"Hi, and bye!" Said Chris, he passed them, looking like he is in a hurry.
"Where did he go?" Asked Samantha curiously.
"We don't care, do we?" Said Lena. "Now, what we are gonna make for food?"
"He said he likes fast food" said Edward.
"No" said Lena in a know-it-all voice. "We all know he likes snacks better"
"Pardon" said Edward "Are you telling that there will be just snacks in the birthday party?"
"Well, there is no need to a meal, you know!" Said Lena.
"Guys" said John's voice from inside of the market. "Why are you arguing too much today?"
"Well, I am Chris's friend for a few years" Edward hardly avoid himself for saying "Ha!"
"And I know what the likes!" Said Lena.
"Excuse me" said Edward. "But you weren't talking at all!"
"I-" said Lena but Samantha cut in. "So basically those two are wanting everything perfect on their best friend's birthday party" she said loudly so that she could avoid Lena.
"Or" said John, he came out, there was a smile on his face. "Is it something different?"
" What do you mean something different ?" Said Edward quickly.
"You know, love-"
Edward felt himself went scarlet.
"Shut up!" he said so quickly and sharply.
"Where are the presents, Ed?" Said Lena, trying to change the subject.
"Inside" said Edward, Lena went inside and John leaned on. "Ed?" Said John so quietly so that only Edward could hear him.
"Look" said Edward, gritted teeth. " There is not anything with me and Lena. It's what my friend call me!"
"Who started it?" Asked John.
Edward made himself busy with the lights and didn't answer. It was Lena who started calling him Ed.

They spent a few hours to get ready for the birthday party. When they were done, everyone was really tired.
"Whoa" said John, he sat down to a chair. "When will Chris come?" Asked Edward to Lena.
"The real question is where is he now?" Said Lena.
"You'd better go and look for him, Edward and Lena, I'm saying to you" said John. Edward threw him a suspicious look.
"Why? What are you gonna do?" Said Edward.
"Well, I need to stay in the market. And Samantha-"
"I will go and find Lisa" said Samantha quickly, she stood up and ran away.
"What is the matter with her?" Said Lena, looking behind Samantha.
"No idea" said Edward.
"Right, bye then guys!" Said John and he went inside, closing the door behind him. Then the door opened again and John added "Don't be late!" He closed the door again.
There was a few seconds silence, then Edward broke the silence. He got to his feet and said "Let's go"
They both stood up, placed the chairs and they set off. They didn't talk, Edward was feeling embarrassed because of an unknown reason.
But after a few minutes passed, Edward thought that the silence needs to be broken.
"Er- where do you think Chris is?" He asked awkwardly.
"Dunno..." said Lena quietly looking at her way, not Edward. "He was like he is in a hurry when we saw him, wasn't he?"
"Yeah" said Edward, glad that Lena was speaking to him like a friend now. "But where can he go like that?"
"Well, you need to know where he is" said Lena coldly. "You are his best friend , are you not? And I wasn't talking to him at all!"
" Look, I'm sorry about our arguments today but-"
"Oh, you are sorry, then? Excuse me but I don't think you know how to talk to girls! Honestly!" Shouted Lena, she turned back and got away from Edward. Edward stayed where he is, he was surprised about Lena's response.
"Did I say anything wrong?" muttered Edward, talking to himself. " I just said sorry that's all!"
"But you were being a bit rude to her while you were arguing" said a voice in his head.
"Girls!" Said Edward and he continued walking. And to his surprise, he saw Chris was just a few miles away from him, he was looking at Edward. Edward stared at him too, couldn't know what to say.
"Hey, mate" said Chris, he walked towards Edward. "What have you done? Why was Lena so angry?"
"Never mind" said Edward, then he thought about a reason to go to market with Chris.
"Wanna go and have some snacks with John at market?" He said, amazed with his lie (he wasn't normally good at lying)
"All right" said Chris " And you could tell me what had happened with Lena" he added.
Edward told him all the story while they set off. How he argued with Lena (he didn't tell what did they argued about) and her reaction to him.
"Oh" said Chris. "So that's all?"
Edward nodded.
"Well, I think you behaved a bit rude to her" said Chris."But never you mind, mate. They are girls, they are always squeamish. But apologize to her, just in case, all right?"
"Right" muttered Edward and they arrived to the market. John was really surprised to see them. Edward noticed everyone was there. Everyone except Lena... Edward looked around to see where she is and he noticed she was sitting at the end of the table, her face was looking down.
"Oh, hello, Chris" said John. "Won't you sit down while I'm-"
"While he is getting the snacks" said Samantha quickly. Patting John at the back.
"Yeah, yeah, haha!" Said John awkwardly and he went inside nearly running. Both Edward and Chris sat down. Edward especially sat down near Lena to apologize to her. Lena pull her chair back from Edward when he sat down.
John was back with a birthday cake and he shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Edward and the rest of them putted their hands to their ears. John's voice was high-pitched.
"John!" Said Lisa warningly. " I was gonna be deaf because of you!"
"Sorry!" Said John, he was not like sorry at all.
They celebrated Chris's party and they sat down to eat his birthday cake. Edward was sitting right next to Lena, who, wasn't looking him at all. Edward opened his mouth to say something but no sounds came out, so he closed his mouth and looked at his unbitten cake. Edward tried to listen to Chris and John's conversation. But his mind was still at Lena, and their conversation wasn't so interesting.
"Did you watch the last match?" Was asking John to Chris.
"Nope" said Chris, taking a bite of his cake. "How was it? Who won?"
"Oh" said John,looking excited. "It was really exciting! Pity you didn't watch it..."
" Tell me, then. Don't make me excited!" Said Chris, putting his fork down and concentrating on John.
"Right, Liverpool won!" Said John.
"What?" Gasped Chris. "I thought Manchester will won!"
"So do I!" Said John.
"Who scored the goals?" Said Chris.
Edward turned right. He wasn't so interested about a football match. He turned to Samantha and Lisa.
"Did you see that? Did you see that?" Asked Samantha to Lisa. She was pointing at a tree.
"Where?" Asked Lisa, confused.
"There, look!" Said Samantha. "At that bough!"
"Sorry, Sam, I can't see it." Said Lisa turning back to her cake.
"Come on!" Said Samantha, still pointing at the same tree. "Ed!" Called Samantha suddenly. Edward, who, was surprised that how this conversation turned to him, said "Mm?"
"Can you see that?" Asked Samantha excitedly.
"Can I see what?"
"That bird!"
"Yes! Look! It is there! Right there!" Said Samantha, then she looked at Edward disappointed. "Never mind..." she muttered.
"I don't know how you couldn't see it..."
Edward looked at Lisa, Lisa winked to him.
Edward turned back to Lena, she was quietly sitting there, looking around. Edward couldn't find the words to apologize, then he noticed Lisa was looking at him. She came and sat next to Edward.
"Look" said Lisa before Edward could say anything. "I know what happened. But I am surprised that you are behaving a bit shy to her. Just talk to her, cheer her up and then apologize. It is not as difficult as you think."
Edward looked at Lisa's blue eyes, and then he nodded. Lisa stood up and went back to her old place, she was still looking at Edward, smiling.
"Er- Lena?" Said Edward quietly. Lena looked at him, but she didn't say anything.
"Erm- I-I..." Stuttered Edward awkwardly.
Why he couldn't speak properly to her? Why?
Lena continued staring at Edward, then, to Edward amazement, she smiled.
"Don't worry" she said, as she read Edward's mind. "It could happen between friends"
Edward didn't say anything, he just smiled, so did Lena. Edward didn't talk rest of the party. He was looking just normal, but he was feeling really relieved and happy inside. He wasn't showing his feelings to the others.

When they finished their celebration, they all packed up and say goodbye. Chris's house wasn't so far from Edward, and they were going from the same way. When they arrived to Edward's house, Edward noticed Chris was looking at the lake.
"What are you thinking?" He asked to Chris.
"Look" said Chris, pointing at the lake, but not at he middle of it. "The sea level is low"
Edward stared at Chris, did not understand anything.
"So?" He said, confused.
"Nothing" said Chris. "Just thought gotta tell you. Don't worry if sea level is low, it can sometimes go down. Right, see ya!"
Chris went to the way which goes straight to his house. Edward looked behind him for a few seconds, then he went inside his house, closing the door behind him. Home was full of darkness, there was a light at the kitchen. Edward thought that was because his mother was inside. Edward went to kitchen, and see his mother and father were drinking coffee.
"Oh, hi, Edward dear" said his mother, smiling.
"Hello, mum"
Mrs Davies kissed Edward from his cheek.
"Hi, dad"
Mr Davies smiled at him.
" See the time?" Said Mr Davies. "It is 9 o'clock. Think you were with your friends, eh?"
"Yes" said Edward, looking at his watch, surprised.
"It's time for some sleep, then" said Mr Davies, in his friendly voice.
"Right, good night" said Edward, he went upstairs, to his room. He looked out of the window, to the lake. And he saw a figure at the middle of the lake again. Edward leaned on to the window, trying to see it properly. But it was there, a figure at the middle of the lake. Bug it wasn't looking like a girl, nor a living thing. Edward rubbed his eyes and looked again. It was still there. Edward turned back and closed the window.
"I think I am seeing hallucinations." Said Edward. "It is not that... It can't be... If was different, and it was shaped like a girl..."
Edward stood still for a few seconds, thinking.
"Maybe it is just a little boat." He thought, he lay to his bed, thinking about today. Then he suddenly remembered something. He had forgotten to ask Lisa what did she find out about Harriet Dorothy Li. But he didn't mind too much. He could ask her later, maybe tomorrow, or maybe another day... While he was thinking about that, he fell asleep.

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