Searching megalodons

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"I really saw something! I swear I did!" Said Edward impatiently. "But it was looking like something different, it wasn't looking like a girl, I mean"
However, Edward saw no one was listening him.
"Hey!" Said Edward loudly so that he could draw attention. "Hey! I am saying to you!"
"What?" Said Chris, now turning to Edward.
"Sorry, mate..." he added, seeing the look on Edward's face. "What were you saying?"
"Never mind..." said Edward.
"What we are gonna do today?" Asked Chris to Samantha, Lisa, Lena and Edward.
"Let's continue searching about the girl in the lake" said Lena.
"Told you" said Edward desperately. "How can you be sure it is a girl?"
"What on earth makes you say that?" Said Chris. "We saw that! We know it is a girl,mate"
"Look" said Edward. "You didn't listen me, did you?"
"I am now" said Chris, grinning.
"I saw that think in the lake and it wasn't looking like a girl, actually. It was looking like a creature. But not sure" he added, when Chris threw him a wry look. "I'm just saying what my idea is, that's it"
"So you think it is not a girl?" Said Lisa.
"It could be" said Edward. "But I am just saying that we are stuck on the idea which says it is a girl. I think we need to look for other ideas, too."
"It could be a creature!" Said Samantha hopefully. "I mean, maybe a megalodon?"
"What is a megalodon?" Said Chris.
"I know!" Said Lena quickly before Samantha could answer. She cleared her throat and started talking like a scientist.
"The word megalodon, a compound of Greek root words, means "giant tooth." Megalodon was a species of shark that lived during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs approximately 23.03 million to 2.58 million years ago. Some says they are still living now, at the bottom
of lakes or seas which we couldn't reach to the bottom. But as I said, they lived millions of years ago, there is not any proof which tells us they are still alive now." She finished and looked at them. They all were looking at her in surprise, especially Chris. He stood up and looked around, then to Lena's back, then he slapped Lena on the face.
"OUCH!" Gasped Lena. "What the hell you think you are doing? Why did you do that?"
"Just checking " said Chris, grinning.
"Checking what?"
"The way you are an alien or not"
" Well, some aliens could control people"
"They could talk more scientific from us."
"So I just checked are you an alien or not"
"For heaven's sake!" Gasped Lena. "And you thought I am an alien? Thought I will attack you,eh?"
"Well, that is possible-"
"What a ridiculous thing!"
"What?" Said Chris. " Did you not tell me to read more books?"
"Yes, I did. " said Lena. "But what does this have to do with our subject right now?"
"I read science fiction books and learn that. You were the person who is telling me books are useful." Said Chris.
"Read more useful books next time, then" said Lena, turning back to the others. "And do not read ridiculous and useless books, will you?" She added.
" What were we saying?"
Chris sat down next to Edward and whispered furiously to his ear. "Reading ridiculous and useless books, am I?"
Edward ignored him. He knew if he answer, this subject could go on for hours. ,He didn't want to join this conversation, neither.
"Megalodons!" Said Samantha.
"Yeah, megalodons" continued Lena. "As I was saying about them, I want to add-"
"We got enough, thanks" said Edward quickly. He doesn't needed to learn more about it. It was getting boring and he wasn't believing the thing in the was a megalodon, either. He knew megalodons were like sharks and the thing in the lake wasn't looking like neither a shark nor a megalodon.
"Wanna search about megalodons, then?" Asked Lena. "I think I have some books about types of sharks out here somewhere..." She stood up and went to the little room inside the cafe.
"She is always looking for books when she is confused." Muttered Chris so that Lena couldn't hear him from the room. Lena came after a few seconds.
"Here." She said, handing out the books. "And I heard what you said, Chris. And yes, I am looking for books when I'm confused. You need to do that too, actually. All right!" She said suddenly."We are five, but I just have two books. So we need to read them in teams. First book, Megalodon-A history , and second book is Megalodon- Still alive or not? . Let's do the teams first. Erm- I and Edward will look at Megalodon-A history . You like history, don't you? Is it a problem? If it is, we could-"
"No" said Edward quickly. "I mean, it is not a problem, I like history."
"All right" said Lena, smiling. "And Chris, Lisa and Samantha will look at Megalodon-Still alive or not? . Any questions?"
"Yes" said Chris, Lena moaned.
"Why am I with girls?" Asked Chris.
"Course you will be with a girl. There are just two boys, you can't be with Edward." Said Lena simply.
"Why not?"
"Because" said Lena. "That would be ridiculous. We need to be mixed."
Lena gave Chris the book Megalodon-Still alive or not? Chris opened his mouth to argue but Lena said "Don't talk, just read."
Chris leaned on and started to read on his own.
"Excuse me" said Samantha and took the book between them. "We are reading too."
"And" added Lena. "We will change the groups after a few minutes, Chris"
"Good" said Chris grimly and started to read, uninterested.
Lena opened the book Megalodon-A history. Edward leaned on and started to read with Lena.
The earliest megalodon fossils (Otodus megalodon, previously known as Carcharodon or Carcharocles megalodon) date to 20 million years ago. For the next 13 million years the enormous shark dominated the oceans until becoming extinct just 3.6 million years ago.
Megalodon was not only the biggest shark in the world, but one of the largest fish ever to exist. Estimates suggest it grew to between 15 and 18 metres in length, three times longer than the largest recorded great white shark.
Without a complete megalodon skeleton, these figures are based on the size of the animal's teeth, which can reach 18 centimetres long. In fact, the word megalodon simply means 'large tooth'. These teeth can tell us a lot, such as what these massive animals ate.
"Ed" said Lena's voice, Edward looked at her.
"We're changing teams. But" she looked at Samantha. "I don't think it is a megalodon. It says they are not living in lakes"
"But they can live in lakes, we don't know." Said Samantha.
"Sam" said Lisa. "I agree with Lena, and I don't think the lake is not big enough to include a Megalodon inside it"
"What did you find?" Asked Edward, turning to Chris. "Anything interesting?"
"Nope" said Chris, bitterly. "It is really ridiculous. There are just some theories about that megalidin thing"
"Megalodon " corrected Lena.
"Whatever it is" continued Chris. "And look at that" he opened a page in the book and  started to read aloud. "A woman who is 13 years old... If you could call her a woman, honestly." He said, Edward laughed. "She says she had seen a megalodon in a river... A river? Oh, all right, if it's possible. Scientists which study about megalodons. Scientists? What does scientists have to do with megalodons? And scientists just found a wooden thing which swims on the river... This is the most ridiculous think I ever read. Honestly, look at that! A woman, which is 13 years old, says she saw a megalodon in a river. Then scientists went to search. And they just found a wooden thing!"
Edward caught  Lena's eye and understood she gave Chris that book because of that.
"Hey" said Lisa suddenly, everyone turned to her. "Why are we not going for camping and see what is it? We were going to, but we had another things to do. You know, birthday and something. What do you think?" She turned to Samantha excitedly. Edward knew they were always waiting for a camping trip near the lake.
"Maybe" said Lena. "But this sounds logical for me too. I mean, we need to see it to have an idea about it. "
"When are we doing  it?" Asked Samantha excitedly. "What about tomorrow?"
"Don't be silly" said Chris. "Tomorrow? Are you serious? Maybe a week after, but not tomorrow."
"Why not?"
"Mark is going to stay at his friend's house tomorrow!" Said Chris, clapping his hands.
"Dunno, project, I suppose. But he won't be at home tomorrow! So I will do whatever I want! I can't disturb my day like that!" Said Chris. "Hey mate" he added to Edward. "Maybe you could come too! You know what? All of you could come and we could watch a movie, my favorite movie! Detective Paul Rayner! We could eat snacks! I have crisps, biscuits, chocolates-"
"All right, Chris, we will come" said Samantha. "Don't say more! You are making me hungry!"

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