Antennarius striatus

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"No, it looks like a mermaid"
"It can't be, they don't really exist!"
"Did you not search ghosts?"
"Yes, I did, so what?"
"So you believe them."
"Well, it is more logical then mermaids"
"Maybe a megalodon?"
"They-are-not-living-in-lakes!" Said Lena firmly. "How many times do I have to tell you?"
"What is your idea, then?" Asked Chris.
"I think it is some type of fish-"
"Yeah," said Chris wryly. "A fish which has hair"
"What about Antennarius striatus?"
"Antennarius striatus" said Lena.
"What the hell is that?"
"It is a type of fish, sometimes it's called Striate Anglerfish."
"All right, you know something." Said Chris, folding his arms and sitting straight. "Tell us, then. What is that straight anglefish?"
"Firstly," said Lena. "It is not straight anglefish! It is Striate Anglerfish. Wait a sec, I have a book for that" she stood up and disappeared behind the bookshelves.
"She knows everything" muttered Chris to Edward, who, was grinning.
"Here!" Said Lena, she was back with a book which's name is Sea creatures in Australia .
"But it says Australia!" Said Chris. "We are in England, remember?"
"Yeah, I know" said Lena, opening the book and looking at the pages. "I didn't say it is Antennarius striatus, I just said it can be something like that"
"Ok" she stopped at a page. "Listen;
The colouration of the Striate Anglerfish is extremely variable. Some are heavily striped, while others have broken stripes or spots, or lack stripes entirely. The species uses deception and camouflage to catch its prey.
Aaaand" she turned the page. "Yes, identification:
Anglerfishes include some of the best camouflaged of all fishes. They have extraordinary adaptations including a lure for attracting their prey, a large mouth and "hidden gill openings". Striate Anglerfishes are extremely variable in form and colour, and even fish from the same area can look quite different. Colours range from red, orange and yellow, through to green, brown or black. Some are heavily striped, while other Striate Anglerfish have broken stripes or spots, or lack stripes entirely.
Aaand" she turned the page again. "The name of it comes from-"
"I don't need to know what it's name comes from, I had enough, thanks" said Chris.
"But it was interesting-"
"It is interesting for you. Not us."
"If you say so" said Lena sharply and she closed the book reluctantly.
"It is living in Australia, so it can't live here, can it?" Said Samantha.
"And it is living under the sea, that's another reason" said Lisa.
"Dunno, maybe, yeah" said Chris.
Everyone looked at Edward for him to say something.
"Erm- I- I dunno. But it can be a type of fish we don't know yet" he said.
"Yes, that is what I said" said Lena, smiling.
"What about other theories?" Asked Chris. "My witch theory, Edward's ghost-"
"All of us's theory" corrected Edward at once
"And Lena's fish theory, which we already know" finished Chris.
"Erm- can I say something, please?" Asked Edward shyly.
"Yes?" Said Lena, she seemed interested.
"Erm- you know my ghost theory" looking at everyone. "Erm- and the house at the other side of the lake. And I- I noticed it's door was open last night. Maybe-maybe we could go and have a look at that house. You know, for-for-"
"It is an excellent idea!" Said Lisa excitedly.
"Why are we not going and have a look there?"
"Yeah, maybe..." said Chris.
"And we could have fun too" added Lisa.
"All right" said Samantha standing up.
"Erm- can I say something, then?" Asked Chris.
"Er- what about my theory about Ms Li? I mean, we could check her house too"
"What are we gonna do? Breaking inside to Ms Li's house?" Said Lena.
"When Edward tells his idea," said Chris "You're like Oh, it is an excellent idea! And when I say, you're like Oh, are you OK? Breaking inside her house?. Now, I'm asking you, what are we gonna do? Breaking inside an old house?"
"Chris," said Lena apologetically. "You are same as Ed for me! I just said- well, all right! We could check it too. But, later."
Chris folded his arms and didn't say anything.
"When are we gonna go there?" Asked Edward, glad that Lena didn't continue arguing.
"Dunno, tomorrow?" Said Samantha excitedly.
"Not tomorrow!" Said Chris at once.
"What are you doing tomorrow, Chris?" Asked Samantha. "Oh, let me guess. Mark is gonna go to his friend's house"
Edward laughed.
"No, erm- but close." Said Chris. "Erm- Mark-er- saw me going to lake with you."
"What is wrong with that?"
"I didn't tell him so"
"And he asked me What are you doing with them?" Chris sounded exactly like his brother, making Edward grin.
"What did you say?"
"Erm- you know Mark, if I say what are we really doing-"
"Wait, wait, wait" said Lena. "You didn't tell him lie, did you?"
"Erm- I did"
"But it is not wrong!" Said Chris. "I just said that we are going to library to- to study. And unfortunately, Mark said he is gonna go to library tomorrow and he asked me can he come with us"
"So, he will comeback to library tomorrow with me. And if we don't study, he will learn we are searching about the girl in the like and I will be in trouble" he added darkly.
"You said the girl in the lake" said Edward. "How can you be sure that it is a girl?"
"It is obvious, is it not?" Said Chris. "It has hair and everything, it needs to be a girl, not a straight anglefish. " he added. Edward looked Lena, alarmed. It seemed like the argument will start again. But for his surprise, Lena didn't argue- not too much actually.
"It is striate anglerfish. " said Lena calmly. "And its other name is Antennarius striatus. But if it is too hard you to say, just call it hairy frogfish it is an other name. You can call Striped Angler, Striped Anglerfish or Blotched Anglerfish too, if you want you can call it-"
"All right, enough" said Chris. For Edward's double surprise, Lena didn't get angry to Chris for cutting in.
"Why are you so happy, twin?" Said Lisa, Edward understood she noticed Lena's behaviors too.
"Because Chris just told me we will study tomorrow!" Said Lena loudly and happily.
"My dear" said Mrs Bennett's voice from her office. "Don't shout, we are in a library, just be quiet, please. Especially you, Christopher!"
"Ok, mum, sorry" said Lena, she turned back to the others.
"She doesn't like me, really" muttered Chris.
"Christopher!" Said Mrs Bennett's voice from her office again.
"What again?" Said Chris quietly, then he made his voice high. "Yes, miss?"
"You still didn't bring me your library book!" Said Mrs Bennett.
"I will, miss!" Said Chris, he grinned at Edward.
"And your maths homework!"
"I already did it miss!" Said Chris, Edward knew he still haven't done it.
"You did?" Said Mrs Bennett's surprised voice.
"Yes, miss"
"Excellent, bring it to me!"
"Erm- miss?"
"Can I bring it tomorrow?"
"Why not today?"
"I- it is at home"
"Go and bring it, then"
"I can't"
"My mum and - erm- my father are outside, with my brother" he added. "So I can't get inside! But I promise I will bring it tomorrow!"
"All right!"
Chris smiled.
"Did you really do your homework, Chris?" Asked Lena, still sounding happy.
"No" said Chris shortly.
"How are you gonna bring it tomorrow, then?" Asked Edward.
"Did you forget?" Said Chris, placing himself to his chair. "We are here tomorrow, I will do it. And" he looked at Lena. "You could help me"
"Wish, you didn't lie to Mrs Bennett" said Lena. "But OK, I will"
"Did you just called her Mrs Bennett?" Said Chris.
"Yeah, so what?" Said Lena, calmly.
"She is your mum"
"She is still our teacher"
"You are the weirdest person I ever met" said Chris.
"So" said Samantha loudly so that she could break into the conversation. "If you have finished your conversation, when will we go to the house near the lake?"
"Oh-my-gosh" said Chris, everyone turned their faces to him. "What?" Said Chris, looking at all of them. "It is a long name! The-house-at-the-other-side-of-the-lake. Gotta find a nickname so that no one will know what are we talking about."
"Logical..." said Lena, thinking. "Can we call it- erm- arcanum or arcanus?"
"Is it latin?" Asked Edward, remembering his latin lessons from last year.
"Yes" said Lena.
"What is the meanings of that?" Asked Chris.
"Is it- oh, I think I know the meaning of that!" Said Edward, thinking hard to remember. It was at the top of his tongue...
"Does it means hidden?"
"Nope, but close" said Lena. "It means mysterious, but you can call it hidden too"
"Do you know latin?" Asked Lisa curiously.
"Yes, " said Edward. "I mean, I had Latin lessons last year, in my school" he added.
"Cool" said Lisa.
"Let's call it arcanum, then" said Samantha.
"Ok" said Lisa. "When will we go to arcanum?"
"A week later" said Samantha.
"Tuesday" said Edward.
"Yes, I am available on Tuesday " said Chris.
"Are you unavailable on other days?" Asked Lena wryly.
"Erm- I will watch film" said Chris. "I found different films, and maybe" he looked at Lena. "Maybe I could try Harry Potter"
"Try the books, first" said Lena at once.
"No," said Chris. Edward understood an argument was close to them.
"Films are better"
"No they are not! Books explain more detailed."
"Films are more interesting!"
"They are the same!"
"They started again" said Lisa. "We could do it Tuesday."
"Yeah" said Edward.
"Ed" said Samantha.
"Do you know how to play basketball?"
"Of course!"
"Let's play, then"
"How are we gonna do teams?" Asked Edward, standing up and tucking his chair in. "We are three."
"Dunno" Said Samantha.
"Are you really good at basketball?" Asked Lena.
"Yes, erm- good enough to play in the school team" said Edward, grinning.
"You are joking!" Said Samantha excitedly.
"No, I'm serious. And do you know what? I will be alone against you, all right?" Said Edward.
"All right"
They went outside of the library together, living Chris and Lena behind them. They were still arguing about books and films.

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