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"Lena?" Asked Edward again. "Can I take the letter, please?"
Lena gave him the letter, Edward read it three times, knowing eyes was on him.He gave the letter back to Lena.
"That boy..." muttered Edward. "Who is that boy? And what is up with him?"
"Maybe it is Robert Li!" Said Samantha.
"It can't be" said Lena. "This letter is written like H.D Li is- like she is about to marry with someone and Boudicca is not sure about that. But no" said Lena, speaking to herself. "She already got married with Robert Li."
"Guys" said Samantha. "Are we not gonna go inside the arcanum? We will have time to talk about that letter." She took the letter from Lena's hands. "Let's go"
Samantha walked to the door, the others followed her. The door was ajar, Samantha knocked the door.
"What are you knocking the door?" Asked Chris. "No one is living there"
"I know" said Samantha calmly. "But I just checked. Anyway, why do you think the door ajar?"
"For goodnesses sake!" Said Chris angrily. "You are thinking too much on stupid details! It needs to be open because of wind or something! Go on, let's enter! I am dying here!"
Samantha smiled and opened the door.
Neither of them could see anything inside, it was full of darkness.
"Er- wait a moment" said Samantha, she opened her bag and get out a torch. "Sorry, I only have one" she added, she turned on the torch and said "Follow me"
They entered the arcanum, its inside was bigger than what seems from outside.
"Wow" said Lisa quietly. They followed the torchlight.
"It is really big" said Samantha. "I think we'd better search it in groups. Er- I, Lisa and Edward are a group-"
"No" said Chris at once. "I am not with Lena"
"Nor do I" said Lena.
"All right, " said Samantha. "I, Edward and Lena are a group and Lisa and Chris are another, is that ok, everyone?"
There was a murmur of agreement.
"Let's go" said Samantha, Edward and Lena followed her.
"Hey!" Shouted Chris from the back. "We don't have a torch!"
"You have phones!" Said Lena without looking back.
"Hey!" Shouted Lisa at the back.
"What again?" Said Lena dully, she turned back and looked at Lisa.
"We are searching here and you search upstairs, all right?" Said Lisa.
"Al right" said Edward and they set off to the stairs.
"Hey!" Shouted Chris again.
Edward moaned, so do the others.
"Only joking" grinned Chris.
"Do not bother us again, then" said Lena, they finally set off to the stairs.
Lena stopped at the stairs.
"What is the matter?" Asked Edward. "Why did you stop?"
"Just be careful" said Lena. "Some of the stairs can be broken"
"Oh, yeah" said Samantha, they carefully climbed the stairs.
Edward saw a coffee table upstairs, like his house. He suddenly noticed this house was similar with his.
"Look" said Samantha, she pointed at a door. "There is just one door. Wondering why."
"It's the same in my house" said Edward. "There is only one door upstairs, and its mine. There is a coffee table too" he added.
"Let's go inside the room" said Lena.
The door cracked opened when Samantha just touched it.
"That was weird" said Lena, Edward nodded.
There was just one window in the room, it was looking to the lake. There was a bed near the window, and a wardrobe. Edward opened the wardrobe, it was completely empty, except a spiderweb.
"What is there?" Asked Lena.
"Nothing" said Edward, he closed the wardrobe. "Just a spiderweb"
"Hey!" Said Samantha, she looked at the wardrobe in surprise. "There is a picture, look!"
She pointed at the wardrobe cover. There was a picture on it. Lena took it and stared at it.
Edward saw the picture over her shoulder, there was a handsome man, with black hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a blue coat. There was a woman near him, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Edward noticed that the woman was looking like Ms Li.
"He needs to be Robert Li" said Lena, pointing at the man with her finger. "And she is Harriet Dorothy Li, I suppose."
"How do you know?" Asked Samantha., still looking at the picture.
"She is looking like Ms Li, blonde hair and everything." Said Lena, she putted the picture to her pocket.
"Let's go downstairs and see what had Chris and Lisa find" she said. She leaned on to Edward and muttered "I don't think Chris found anything, though"
They went downstairs. No one was there, though.
"Where are they?" Asked Lena, looking around.
"Chris!" Shouted Edward. "Chris! CHRIS!"
"Wait" muttered Samantha. "I know how to find Chris." She cleared her throat and shouted "CHRISTOPHER ROGERS! HOW CANNOT YOU TELL TO YOUR MUM YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING DODGY!"
Edward couldn't help himself laughing, but Chris didn't come out.
"Do it more loudly" said Lena. "And Ed, try not to laugh" she added.
Samantha cleared her throat.
"CHRISTOPHER! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE STUDYING IN LIBRARY! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!" She was now sounding like Mark. Chris came out running.
"What?" He said blankly, he ran through Edward and muttered "Where is he? How did he learn we are here?"
"Mark is not here, Chris." Said Lena, laughing.
"We just wanted to find you"
"Oh" said Chris, looking embarrassed. "I- I knew, of course" he let out a laugh "I knew you were kidding me and I kid you too, haha"
"Yeah, yeah" said Lena. "Where is Lisa, anyway?"
"She was searching there" said Chris, who seems to glad that the conversation changed.
"Lisa!" Shouted Lena. Lisa came out at once.
"Oh, hello!" She said, smiling. "Found anything?"
"Just a photo of Robert Li" said Lena. "You?"
"Nothing." Said Lisa disappointedly.
"Let's get out than, shall we?" Said Chris. "We just found a photo and a picture, we could search them"
"Oh, I hate finding anything!" Said Lena angrily when they went outside. "We are searching and searching but no! We found nothing!"
"Maybe we need more people to help us" said Samantha, crossing the puddle.
"Like who?" Said Edward, watching her crossing.
"Dunno, John?" Said Samantha, cleaning her boats.
"John? Yeah, maybe" said Edward, now watching twins crossing together:
"Yeah" said Chris wryly. "Let's go and visit John and say Hey, John, mate! How are you? Can you help us to find out what is the thing in the lake? What a lovely visit"
"Yeah, it is not sounding logical to me, either" said Lena, helping Edward to her out of the puddle.
"Let's just continue searching and then decide what to do, all right?" Said Samantha. "Come on, Chris! It is getting late!"
"Right" said Chris, stepping into the puddle. He fell into it when be stepped.
"Chris!" Said Lena, looking at the puddle. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah" said Chris, straightening up. Edward saw that his face was full of mud. "But I don't think a wipe could help to clean my face" he added, Edward leaned on and helped Chris to get out of puddle.

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