The girl in the lake

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When they arrived to the main grounds. Everyone was there. John was waiting for them
"Finally, here you are!" Said John when he saw them. "You are late, where were you?"
"Doing our mission that you gave us." Said Edward. "What were you doing, anyway? My mum was gonna cook! Not you!" Said Chris furiously. John went red.
"Erm- I..." he said anxiously, but Chris cut in.
"You were just sitting on your comfortable chair and eating snacks, were you not?"
"I- I- don't worry about me for now, sit and eat something, I am gonna bring a starter foods for you, make yourselves at home!" He ran to the market. They sat down to the chairs. Edward sat between Samantha and Chris, and they started to talk about themselves. Mr Rodriguez and Ms Li was laughing at the front, Lena was eating quietly, Lisa was talking to Mrs Garcia, history teacher.
"Where were you living before you come here?"
Asked Samantha to Edward.
"London" said Edward, drank a scoop of soup.
"London! Really, is it good there? I always wanted go and travel London!" Said Samantha excitedly
"That was good, but it's always raining, and cold. To be honest, I don't really like rain." Said Edward.
"Wow" said Samantha and turned to her meal.
Edward's was now listening Chris and Mrs Morton's conversation.
"Yeah, that was funny." Said Mrs Morton, smiling. Chris was shaking with laughter.
"And what did you said?" Said Chris, still laughing.
"And I told her 'what are you doing here?' And she looked surprised and asked me 'same to you! What are you doing?' " said Mrs Morton, she and Chris started to laugh really loudly, all of the people looked at them, trying to understand what is happening. Edward couldn't understand too, so he turned to Mr Rodriguez and Ms Li's conversation.
"So, what are you doing in your free time, Dorothy?" Was saying Mr Rodriguez.
"Hmm, I often read book, honestly." Answered Ms Li. Mr Rodriguez looked at her, surprised.
Edward understood Mr Rodriguez is doing something different at home.
"Er, yeah, yeah, me too! What a coincidence, is it not?" He said, smiling weakly. Ms Li was looking surprised too.
"Oh, really? Which book is your favorite?" She asked. Edward found that conversation boring.
He turned to Mrs Garcia and Lisa's conversation.
"Mrs Garcia, do you know what does Appaloosa means and how did they find this name?" Asked Lisa. Edward quickly turned to them. He was wondering this too. Mrs Garcia smiled to Lisa.
"Oh, it's very good question, really good and interesting indeed. And really long. About a 100 year ago or something, a man was living in this town. This town didn't have any name, when he was living here. But, he was the most popular person in the town. He had something really important and different than the others.
You know, that was a hundred years ago, car is not invented yet."
Lisa make a sound like "Oooh!"
"People were riding horses. And this man had a horse. But it was a special horse. He bought that from America! This horses name was Appaloosa! So they decided to give this name to this town. You know, it's a cool name and everything. A woman in this town was a scientist. To be honest, she was a grand grand grandmother of Mr Rodriguez"
They all looked at Mr Rodriguez, who was talking to Ms Li.
"This scientist knew that this horses' scientific name was 'Equus ferus caballus'"
"Equus ferus caballus, of course! But that was a really hard name and difficult to memorize. So they decided to put the name as Appaloosa. But in the map, you can see the towns name as- Wait a sec, please."
She turned to Ms Li.
"Excuse me, Dorothy!" She said.
"Yes?" Answered Ms Li, respectfully. Mr Rodriguez looked at them a bit jealous and furious.
"I was just wondering that fo you have a map of our town?"
"Oh, were you speaking about geography, of course I have! Wait a sec, please."
She took an enormous map from his bag. And gave it to them.
"Thank you" said Mrs Garcia and opened the map and showed them. The map was showing all Appaloosa, Edward could see houses, market and their house on it.
"Look" said Mrs Garcia and showed them the big writing at the top of the map.
Appaloosa ( Equus ferus caballus )
"See?" Said Mrs Garcia
"Wow!" Said Lisa. "And is it Latin?"
"Yes, the most of scientific names are Latin. Interesting, is it not?" she smiled and folded the map. She gave it to Ms Li and said "Thank you" again. Lisa was still muttering like " Very interesting indeed..." And she suddenly turned to Edward.
"Isn't it?" She said. Edward wasn't paying attention to her.
"Yes, wait- what?"
"Oh, come on! I know you were listening. But I haven't know, interesting..."
"Yeah," said Edward and they both was now listening Mr Rodriguez and Ms Li. ("And which types of books do you like to read?" Asked Ms Li)
"Oh," said Lisa. And whispered to Edward.
"I hope they will get married." Edward laughed. They finally finished their picnic and set out for homes. Chris was coming with Edward.
"Really, Chris, you don't need to come with me!" said Edward as they walk to his house.
"Don't be so stupid, you are new!"
"Look! We already arrived! Hey, what is that at the middle of the lake?"
Edward looked, there was a silhouette at the middle of the lake. It has a curly hair, and it was thin, really thin.
"Do you think it's a girl?" Asked Edward, looking at the silhouette.
"It looks like, but what on earth is gonna swim at the middle of the lake at midnight?" Said Chris quietly.
"Hey!" Shouted Chris suddenly, made Edward's jump.
"Do you think its Ms Li?"
"She is a witch! She could fly to the lake!"
"It sound ridiculous to me, though. Why does she want to came to lake and swim at the middle of it?" Said Edward.
"Dunno, maybe she wanted to see us! Maybe she noticed we know she is a witch!" Said Chris, excitedly.
"Chris, i think we are just seeing hallucinations, witches are don't exist, I think we really ought to go bed, we are tired, so, good night to you."

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