C.D Laboratory

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"Do you think we could say to John?" Asked Samantha.
"Dunno" said Chris. "But he is our friend, and he is trustworthy, you know."
"Are you sure he is trustworthy?" Asked Lena.
"Yes, of course" said Chris.
"What about last year?" Said Lena, smiling.
"I don't know what you are talking about" said Chris, he went scarlet.
"Oh, you perfectly know what I mean" said Lena, an evil look on her face. "I am talking about Kathleen."
"Kathleen?" Asked Lisa and Samantha blankly.
"Yes" said Lena.
"I don't know what are you talking about" said Chris again, his face's color was now like tomato.
"Really?" Said Lena, smiling widely.
"Are you gonna tell me what is happening?" Asked Edward.
"Oh, Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen" said Lena.
Chris didn't look at her and he busied with the book in his hand (he wasn't looking interested at all) "Kathleen was a beautiful girl in our class" said Lena. "She has short brown hair and hazel eyes. She is intelligent too, at least "she looked at Chris, who was staring at the page. "Chris thinks she is intelligent. To be honest, her notes are neither bad nor good. Anyway, I noticed that Chris was so good to her, you know, looking at her and everything. Then I saw Chris talking to John after school, I overheard them and see Chris fancies Kathleen."
Edward let out a low whistle.
"After a week or so" continued Lena. "I saw John talking to Kathleen, and I was scared that he was gonna tell Kathleen about Chris. And he did."
Edward looked at Chris, he was still staring at the same page.
"After that, I had noticed Kathleen didn't look at Chris's face at all." Finished Lena.
"Well," said Chris, closing the book. "Now, I don't care about her."
"You don't care about her because she is a really good friend of Calix." Said Lena, grinning.
Chris didn't answer.
"Who is Calix, by the way?" Asked Edward, feeling more stupid at his every question.
"He is just a student in our class" said Lena simply.
"Are they not living in Appaloosa?" Asked Edward.
"No," said Lena. "Most of our friends in the school are living in London. Just Lisa, me, Samantha and Chris are living here. And you too" she added.
"And Mark, unfortunately" said Chris.
"I am talking about our class, Chris. Is Mark in our class?" Said Lena cooly.
"You said our school!" Said Chris.
"Anyway, Sam, did you find anything useful in that letter?" Asked Lena, ignoring Chris.
"No," said Samantha, still examining the letter. "I don't know who is Boudicca Jones. But I have an idea" she added, everyone looked at her curiously. "Thinking about her surname, Jones... And Harriet Dorothy Li's old surname was Jones, is that correct, Lena?"
"Correct" said Lena, nodding.
"So Boudicca needs to be related to Harriet Dorothy Li's family" said Samantha.
"Hey! " said Lena. "Sam, it is an excellent viewpoint!"
"But" said Edward. "If this letter is not old, how could it have written to Harriet Dorothy Li?"
"Yeah, that's true" said Samantha. "But are we sure the letter is written yesterday?"
"The date behind the letter says so" said Edward.
"But the date can be added after the letter has written." Said Samantha.
"Yeah, you're right" said Edward. "But how are we gonna make sure how old is this letter?"
"Well, there is a way to do that" said Lena.
Edward and Samantha stared at her.
"How?" Asked Edward.
"There is a scientific method to do that, they are doing something on the piece of paper, something like at test, I suppose. And in laboratories they are examining it and see how old is the letter" said Lena.
"Wow" said Edward. "But how are we gonna do that test?"
"Well, I know how to do it" said Lena, smiling. "Can you please give me the letter and the picture, Sam?"
"Wait" said Chris, stopping Samantha then he turned to Lena, who was looking like what-happened-again? "You don't need to take the picture" said Chris. "You just gonna need the letter"
"I" said Lena, taking both picture and the letter from Samantha. "Am gonna take these both" she showed the letter and the picture. "Because I want to know the date of the picture too"
"How the hell is this gonna help you?" Asked Chris. "Date of the picture?"
"I know things that you do not, Chris" said Lena cooly. "Dates are always helpful, always. Anyway, I will see you later. Maybe a few days after because the test results needs time, bye!" She stood up and exited the library. Living the others alone.

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