💔Trans (ftm) -Saiouma🤍

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non despair au
trans (ftm) Kokichi

Hey so I changed my username! It used to be flutejazz, but as u can see it's now checkered_ring. I'm still the same person, just different @.

Kokichi's POV

"Heyyyyy Shumai!" I yelled across the hallway to the blue haired boy.

"S-Shumai? Like the dumpling?" He asks me when I skip over to him.

"Yep, you're sooooo smart Mr. Detective! It's my favorite! That's why your nickname is Shumai," I flick his hat with my middle finger as he tries to rid his face of its redness. Although he doesn't necessarily need his hat anymore, he still wears it sometimes.
I don't mind though, he looks cute with and without it anyway.

"I-umm, thanks I-I guess?" He stutters out. I can't help but chuckle at his awkward self.

"My Saihara-chan is so easy to fluster! I could do this all day," I stretch my arms around the flustered boy.

"Well you can't, we gotta get to class soon. You don't wanna miss gym again right?" He asks me with an upbeat tone.

(I don't know how classes and school works in Japan so for the sake of simplicity let's say this is in America or sum shit idk JUST PRETEND I KNOW WHAT IM DOING)

"Uh, yeah right! Gym..." I lie my way through another conversation with Saihara-chan.

He stares at me for a moment or two, one eyebrow raised. Like he's analyzing me for something.

Does he know I'm lying?
No, he can't. That's impossible.

"Is my beloved Shumai liking the view?" I tease him a little so he would stop looking through me.

He doesn't stop. No red face, no stuttering, nothing. But I can't let down my facade.

"Are you lying Ouma?" Saihara-chan says in a more serious tone than usual.

"Of course not! It hurts my feeling you would even think such a thing!" Fake tears come to my eyes.

"N-no! I just meant that it's strange," he says.

There's my Shuichi. Being all smart and stuff as always.

"What do you mean strange?" I ask him curiously.

Shuichi's POV

"Well it's just strange that every time we have a pool day, you always seem to find a way out of it. Last time you said you were 'sick,' and the time before that your leg was supposedly cramped," I explain to the smaller male, who also so happens to be the one I have a teensy crush on.

It's been bothering me for awhile now, the way Ouma-kun acts around things like that. It's not just the pool situations.
He refuses to change in front of others and insists on them leaving him alone, he doesn't go swimming ever, and he tries to avoid situations where he'll get sweaty and hot like track days.

Maybe it's creepy I've kept such a keen interest on the grape lover for so long, but it's a detective's job. At least I think it is. If not a detective's job, then it's my job as his friend to make sure he's okay.
But I admit, a part of me is a little nosy.

"Nishishi~ That's all just a coincidence Saihara-chan! Just like today!" He says, his white sleeved arms reaching up to rest behind his head.

"Today? What's wrong today?" I ask.

Another excuse? It's getting harder to believe his lies at this point.

"I have the biggest stomach ache Shumai! And you know what they say, 'you must wait one hour after eating before swimming.'" He points one finger up to imitate an adult telling him that.

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