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⚠️fluff, angst
non despair au

Third POV

Hajime Hinata sat at the large desk in his dorm room. He was frantically scribbling down math work in his blue notebook and typing the answers onto the laptop in front of him. His left hand was beginning to hurt from the constant writing. The boy knew it would probably be a bit sore the next day.

I shouldn't have waited until last minute to do this homework.

He had put off doing his geometry homework until the night before it was due.

Why did I do that? That's so stupid of me.

The mechanical pencil in his hand felt like it would almost snap from all the pressure he was forcing onto it.
But Hajime was beginning to feel the same way.

The brunette had finished a big project that day, had a history test, an art quiz, and this geometry homework. All in one day, and a Monday no less.

C'mon, how are there so many problems?!

Hajime checked to see how many he had left to complete.

I've only done 10 out of 45. Are you fuc-

His complaints were cut off from the sight of a wrong answer notice on screen. At this rate, he would probably either fail, or at least get a C. Neither of which he wanted, considering his geometry grade was already dangerously close to an F.

I can't do this.
Why can't I figure out a simple math problem?
This would be better if I was the ultimate math teacher or something.
But I'm not.
I'm just a useless, talentless guy in the reserve course.
Wow, I'm starting to sound like Nagito.

The notebook paper underneath him began to form little wet droplets on the surface. The student reached up to touch his face with his sore hand, led marks all over the side of it.

Why am I crying over something so stupid..?
I should be better than this.
I should be better.

Those thoughts only made the male sob harder. Hinata's green pencil fell as he pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. Continuing to silently sob, he heard a faint sound.
Crawling back into reality, he heard that his phone was ringing.

Wiping his tear stained face and clearing his throat he answered the call from his boyfriend.

"Hinata-kun?" The Ultimate Lucky Student's voice rang out.

"H-hey Komaeda-kun," he answered back.

Damnit why did you have to stutter, you never stutter.

"Is everything alright? You sound tired."
He was right. He is tired.

"Yeah just a little worn o-out is all. I'll be fine, promise," he says, trying to wrap up the conversation before his voice cracks any more than it has.

"Have you been crying Hajime?" Nagito asks, concern in his voice. He used his first name, basically saying 'you better tell me the truth or I'll go full protective-boyfriend mode on you.'

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