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Emilee wasn't lying about it being a long week. Alex left the night before to control his thirst around Bella. That didn't bother the sweet blonde as her and Emmett snuck off for along time hoping that she could get pregnant again. Rosalie shook her head knowing her sister was getting her hopes up, but at least she knew her sister was having fun.

"Are they still going at it?" Jasper asked as they heard the two. "Never mind."

"Let them be." Alice said. "Emilee may have her hopes on another, but she is having fun."

Rosalie smiled as Edward walked in. "Alex will be home soon." He said as he kissed Rosalie. "They've been doing this for a week."

"Their not coming out, but...I would love to see my sister and spend time with her, Emmett!" She said.

"You'll get her later."

"That's if he lets me go." Emilee replies giggling.

They all left not wanting to hear them no more.
The next day, Alex came back and they were already for school. So far, Emilee knew she wasn't, but she did have fun. "Ready, babe."

"Not really, but we have no other choice." She tells him. "Let's get today over with."

Emmett smiled as Emilee wanted to spend time with her sister. Edward looked at them knowing him and Emmett won't see their mates for awhile. "You might have to add Jasper to that cause Alice will go with us and so will Esme."

Hearing them groan, Emilee laughed as she got in her sister's car. "At least they know."

Emilee nodded as she looked out the window. Something about Alex being back wasn't settling. She had this feeling that something was about to happen. "Em?"

"I think something bad is going to happen that will cause us some problems."

"Emilee, don't worry about it. Today is going to be a good day." Alice tells her, but Emilee didn't believe a word.
School was slow and Emilee was reading a book that was for a project. She walked down the hall to hear Alex and Bella. She kept walking even when she heard Bella ask about his eyes.

Emmett saw his mate and smiled. "She's already suspicious."

Alex glared as he walked over. Emmett growled making Alex stand near Jasper. Emilee went to say something when the sounds of tires caught their attention. The blonde watched where the van was going and saw Alex over there. "We're screwed."

Emmett grabbed Emilee and put her in his Jeep as the others done the same thing. Emilee saw the look on her sister's face and knew. Alex is in deep shit.

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