Chapter 7

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Hermione anticipates the questions about to be casted upon. She didn't fear Anna as she did the others, yet she still was under the order of Voldemort. She had to get the needed information out of her as much as anyone else did.

Anna still tossed papers left and right as Hermione eyed each and every one. Most were filled out, as the form was a question followed by a lengthy answer right underneath. She noticed that there were quite a few stuck together grouping them as one. She noticed the ridiculous amount of prompts. The long winded replies. She wondered who were answering.

"Alright miss Granger, we can start simple, do you remember fellow acquaintances you had prior to the war?"

Of course that was the first question.

She despised it.

Hermione oftenly found herself reciting her favorite melodies, and unique spells during times when her heartbeat spiked, and breathing fell out of place.

Those times were practically all hours of the day.

He mind never gave her a rest.

"Yes, I remember them--their names and all." Hermione subtly spoke, as she executed her answer and nothing less, nothing more.

"Good, now do you find yourself dealing with unwanted thoughts? Perhaps you physically cannot get them out of your perception?" Anna asked, one leg over the other, quill in hand.

Once again another dumfounded question to Hermione. Yes, she did in fact experience that, yet she didn't see the good in knowing that would do.

She didn't see the use of any of it.

"Occasionally, yes, I guess I do." She answered straight and direct, yet with every word Hermione spoke, one could practically sense the lack of life, and utter vivd dulness in which she carried.

Anna stopped and looked at her for a mere moment simply inspecting her state. She looked slightly concerned, yet not surprised.

"Listen miss Granger I do not wish to sit here just as much as you, then again we haven't a choice." Anna spoke with eyes of sorrow. The distasteful part were that her words lied true.

Anna took notes of Hermione's designated document, as she filled in the lines beneath the questions, there was a long way to go. Hermione was mindful that whatever she spoke directly went to Malfoy, Andromeda, and Voldemort. She was cautious of her statements.

"I truly do not have a direct answer just yet, but I presume that your memory loss could be linked to one suppressing their mind due to trauma, or the possibility of serious injury to the head is to be considered as well. I will have to meet with you on frequent occasions to get an accurate statement." Anna spoke, as Hermione lingered on both the thoughts. Something deep down told her it was the first.

She kept a steady eye on the other documents that remained on a pile off to the side. Her curiosity to whom they belonged to ate her alive. She wanted to know if someone she knew still stood on the same grounds she did.

"I could see you have been bombarded with enough questions for the day, yet till our next meeting I must give you this journal in which you have to write your response to each question." Anna spoke handing her a hefty brown leather book.

"Although some questions do occasionally repeat themselves to see your change in progress overtime." She said, as Hermione flipped through the first few pages. Some questions she spotted were generic, others were far more detailed.

Did Malfoy get the same? She couldn't imagine him complying with the order the book provided.

"The dark lord urges you to reminisce on previous encounters in hopes to jog your memory of the Horcruxes back." She spoke slightly flustered at the statement, she seemed slightly anxious as well.

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