Chapter 10

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"Where did we go wrong?" Harry announced as Hermione and Ron stood all beside, watching the madness erupt around the castle. 

"We ran out of time." Ron spoke, voice shaking as hope drained from each of their expressions.

"We can't do anything now. Whats done is done, he's already killing everyone as we speak, war has already erupted." Screams echoed through the corridors, as Hermione could practically hear people drop to the cold flooded ground, as death eaters were present at every angle.

She tried to get the one off Lavender, but it was far too late.

They stood almost frozen in step as they didn't look anywhere but forward. It was in that moment they all knew Voldemort was coming for Harry, just in the same moment they all knew the clock deceived them and there was no turning back, no backup plan, simply accepting everything for what it is.

"It wasn't supposed to go like this." Harry spoke, voice heavy with guilt as they all knew the other carried just as much of it, every ounce weighing them down.

Harry referenced the surrounding. The horrid screech from peers, along with the distaste of seeing them go.

"He knew we were looking. He knew we were searching for Horcruxes, the only objects that could kill him for good--so he made it practically impossible." Harry said anger trailing along with every word, as his hand went through his hair in frustration.

"Good never wins." He let out, gaze trailing off to nothingness. 

"We didn't win because he was always a step ahead." Hermione replied, as they could feel the ground shake from beneath them, and spells being thrown at every corner.

"Everyone relied on us to stop him, everyone looked our way to make sure he didn't win." Harry spoke frantic in every sense, each word being more louder than the previous.

"Now look, those same people now don't even stand." he huffed out motioning to the surrounding, as Hermione stayed still and quiet not knowing what to say to ease his mind.

"Come on Hermione you are the brightest which of your age, tell me if theres anything else, or tell me if it's over." Harry practically begged, as the loud noise casted over his words, as he looked exhausted with every action.

They all stood, clothes torn, dirt smeared, scars present.

"Harry I was bright in potions, and--book work, this isn't that." She proclaimed, as she looked at him with sorrow. Her voice trembling as his lip quivers with the faint guilt she executed.

"We did everything we could, but we aren't winning." She spoke as her voice cracked as Ron couldn't manage a word, frozen in stance.

"Its war--and maybe we were fit for some things, but not for this." Her eyes glossed as she spikes nothing but the truth.

"How could we possibly fail?" Harry silently spoke as his voice cracked, taking in everything that  surrounded.

"It took everything and we gave that, leading up to now, we gave it every ounce we could, but theres nothing else." Hermione spoke, as her eyes didn't see anything but disappointment in her friend.

"There is a limit Harry, and he drove us to it."  

Hermione jolted from her pillow, sweat trickling from her forehead, breathing heavily picked.

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