Kageyama: Blueberry Stuff

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 Three loud and harsh knocks sounded on your bedroom door. You had told your parents that you were getting ready to go out with your boyfriend for Valentine's Day. What else could they possibly want from you? Everyone needed a bit of space when they were getting ready for a special occasion, so you would've preferred it if they could stop asking you niche questions about the date you and Tobio had planned. 

 "Who is it?" you asked as you checked yourself in the mirror. 

 "Y/N, hurry up, Tobio's here to pick you up," your mother alerted you.

 "Oh, okay, thank you," you started going about things faster, "I won't be long."

 You listened closely to hear two voices speaking downstairs. Your father was making conversation with Tobio. Oh no. You would have to be quicker than your current pace if you hoped to save your boyfriend from any more awkward small talk. You supposed you were ready. You had settled on wearing some high rise baggy jeans in a light blue colour. For the top part of your outfit, you were wearing a burgundy cable knit v neck sweater vest over a simple white blouse. Yes, you had intentionally worn the colour red for the occasion. Yes, it may have been a slightly cheesy choice. No, you didn't have any regrets. 

 You checked that your wallet and phone were in your backpack, slung it over your shoulders, tightened your watch on your wrist and headed downstairs. Today, you had opted to use your newly bought blueberry lip gloss. It didn't have a colour, but it sure smelt nice. Besides, it had all that fancy healthy lips stuff. You liked it, anyway. You hadn't put too much on so that your lips weren't caked with the shiny gloss, but just enough for it to create a nice natural look with the rest of your light makeup. 

 When you came downstairs, Tobio's eyes immediately caught yours. You smiled at him and took notice of a blush covering his cheeks. Your father turned around at the sound of your footsteps and stood up from his seat. Tobio did the same, dusting off his trousers. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a white polo shirt that had a small red logo in the top right corner. Once he stood up, he grabbed a coat that was draped over the arm of the armchair he was sitting on. This was a dark blue down shirt jacket. It went well with his outfit. He looked you up and down, the blush on his cheeks getting slightly darker.

 "Alright, I'll let you go," your father smiled at the two of you. 

 "Great to see you again, Mr L/N," Tobio shook his hand. 

 "Have fun, you two," your mother smiled and nodded in front of your boyfriend before walking up to you, "Be responsible or you're banned from going out for a month." Nobody except for you heard this last threat. You hugged your mother.

 "Love you too," you masked what she had said, "Okay, bye! Love you guys!"

 "Bye, Mrs L/N," Tobio bowed to your mother. He walked out behind you. The second you two had turned the corner and started your path down a new street, you felt Tobio slip his hand into yours as you spoke to him. You looked up at him.

 "Oh," you paused in the middle of telling him about the plot of a show you loved, "You could've just told me you wanted to hold hands, Tobio."

 "Uh, well, I kind of waited until we were completely out of your parents' eyeline so I could make sure I wouldn't get murdered," he timidly explained. You laughed. 

 "You're so cute," you sighed. 

 "I - okay," he smiled down at you. Tobio didn't really understand what was so cute about what he did, but he liked that you found him cute, and that was all that mattered. He was like this with most things. As long as you liked it, he was okay with it. Another thing about your relationship that you loved was the fact that Tobio had this obsession with knowing literally every single miniscule detail about the things you loved. Although, this started when the two of you were just friends and he had a crush on you. But it carried on into the relationship. 

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