✾𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑✾

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"He's almost here! He's almost here! I'm practically shaking with excitement!"

"Calm down! Now isn't the time to be loosing focus, this plan could completely fail with one wrong move,"

"Oh my! I never realized just HOW far that stick up your ass was! Need me to pull it out for you? It must be painful,"

"Oh shut up, I don't have time for this,"

"Ahh such a cold attitude! It pierces my heart in despair!"

Saturday, September 4th 2021

Shinoa and Mitsuba quickly crept through the hallway. Their hair was on end, the whirling anxieties in their stomachs grew with every door they passed. They made extra sure that the security cameras never caught even a small glimpse of them. Finally, they had found their way to the files room..and right next to it..Mirai's room. You could smell the thick sickness in the air from the hallway. Mitsuba and Shinoa gave a sympathetic look to the sleeping girl before entering the room stuffed to the brim with drawers upon drawers of files. Shinoa gulped and stared up at the cases towering before her.

"Where do we start?"

Mitsuba scanned all the labels on the metal drawers infront of them and found herself slowly walking over to one with a label that read "Infections and Cures". Slowly she opened the drawer with a small creaaaaak and pulled out a random file.

"Infection Experimentations" Mitsuba read aloud, "Looks like we should start with this,"

Shinoa nodded and joined Mitsuba in rummaging through the drawer. The purplenette pulled out a file titled "Infection Treatment: Angel of Destruction," it was covered in dirty fingerprints, as if the file had been opened many times. Slowly, Shinoa opened the file.

Infection Treatment: Angel of Destruction

Entry One:

August 13th, 2021

Test Subject: Mirai Kimizuki

It's been one day since we've begun expirimentation with zombies. The hypothesis is that if  we can find a cure for the infection, we can reverse any kind of race change and make the subject return to their original form. See "Infection Treatment" file for more information and progress reports.

Mirai Kimizuki

Age: 13

Race: Human/Seraph

Mirai Kimizuki's Seraph has been growing in power day by day, with the help of our newly founded infection treatment. I can see the human in her slowly fading, she'll be ready for the new world in no time. (See "The Future Project" File for more information)

But at this rate, her body won't be able to handle all of these tests and expirements for much longer. We need to find a way to excecute the infection treatments with more cleanliness.

"Shinoa! If you think the file will get us somewhere then bring it with us and we'll read it later. We don't have a whole lot of time," Mitsuba broke the girl's concentration with a whisper shout.

Shinoa shot her head up and met eyes with the blonde. She nodded and slipped the file inside her jacket.

"So did you find anything?" Mitsuba asked.

Shinoa glanced up at her while putting the file in her coat, "Yeah, it looks like...they've been expirementing on Mirai with some kind of..infection? As well as various other tests, apparently they think they can revert people's race to their original one with this infection method...which I'm going to find more information about. Maybe we can help Mika and Mirai with that! Also, there was some kind of..."Future Project" mentioned. Can you check that out?"

Darling, It'll Be Okay ✾ {A Mikayuu Fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin