✾ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎✾

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"They've left."

"Yes, it would appear to be so."

"Crowley, I've checked the bedrooms, their scents have all been covered by a ghastly perfume, we cannot track them from here."


"Calm Chess, calm. They can't have gone far."

"Mahiru is gonna kill us!"

"She won't, we will find them."

"They could be halfway across town by now!"

"They will be in Human Sector, I'm sure of that, we will find them soon enough."

"And if we don't?"

"Well, I'm Mahiru's favourite, remember?"

Still Friday, September 23, 2021

The next morning, Guren strategically sent Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, and Kimizuki on a supply run. Meanwhile, Mikaela and Yuichiro were staying home with Shinya and Guren under the pretense of helping them clean up the new home.

But the real intention was for the discussion, of which Yuichiro had no idea.

He was washing the kitchen counters, trying to return them to their original white marbled look. A trend of late, marble counters. 

"Yuu, take a break from that, come sit," Shinya called to him.

Yuichiro turned to see Shinya, Guren, and Mikaela sitting in the parlour on the grey cushioned chairs. Their expressions all difficult to read. He felt a ripple of anxiety travel through him. 

"What is this?" he said solemnly, standing and facing the three of them.

"We need to talk."

The dark haired boy nodded and took a seat next to Mikaela, hoping his friend would offer him some sort of relief. They made eye contact, but he was disappointed to find his friend's face bare. Sighing, he turned back to face the general group.

"What's going on?"

Shinya and Guren looked at each other and exchanged a nod. 

"To start, how much do you know about what's going on?" Shinya asked.

Yuichiro was puzzled by the question. It was so vague, so general. He figured they meant about whatever conspiracy was going on in Town Hall, but what exactly? He tugged at the new wrappings around his neck, he didn't like how this conversation felt.

"Well...I suppose I know the general stuff, Shinya told me some things, but Asuramaru told me pretty much everything else, he heard everything that happened in there."

Shinya nodded.

"Can you tell us some specifics?"

Yuichiro nodded, and provided them with a general rundown of all he knew. 

Darling, It'll Be Okay ✾ {A Mikayuu Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now