✾ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒 ✾

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"You have one mission, find Yuichiro and return him alive. I have reason to suspect that his friends are attempting to retrieve him, stop them at all costs, but keep Mikaela alive."

"Affirmative. One question, how is it that these children have managed to evade us? It seems...suspicious is all."

"You're wise to question it Crowley, and I have been pondering the same. I believe I may have weak links within my ranks, or perhaps an entire scheme, plotting against the New World Project. But fret not, I will snuff them out."

"It is comforting to the mind to be blessed with such a competent leader. Chess and I are overjoyed to serve you and Crowley as we march into our ameliorated future, dear Mahiru."

"You flatter me Horn, but I must urge you to go. Time is of the essence, I wish you good luck."

Still Sunday, September 11th, 2021

The Shinoa Squad was used to the usual dance by then. The stress and adrenaline pumping through their bodies, the resolute silence as they run and weave in between buildings and trees, and the racing thoughts through their minds motivating them to pursue a common goal. This time, it was finding Yuichiro before the others, next time, who knows. Two minutes, all they had was two minutes. No one spoke as they ran, they all seemed to be in sync with each other, on the same page as to where they were going. They successfully made their way as far from Town Hall as possible without leaving the Human Sector just as Krul had told them. The two minutes was up, they weren't anywhere near the wall, but the distance they made was impressive. Mikaela, who finally had a weapon other than a baseball bat, was still uneasy, despite the addition of his blood sword. Shinoa pulled the chip disabling device from her bag and held it up for everyone to see.

It bore a resemblance to a modern day taser, with a trigger where her fingers were, a boxy middle, and teeth at the end which connected to the back of the neck. There were small figures on the bottom of it showing how to use it. There were only four, one showing to charge it, one showing a hand putting the device up to a chipped neck, one showing to do a quick click of the trigger which makes a small spark, and then the last one showing to remove the device immediately after disabling the chip.

"Alright, since I'm the leader, I will use this on the rest of you. It has pretty common sensical instructions but it seems right for me to do it."

Mitsuba rolled her eyes and crossed her arms but said nothing.

"Mika, I'm requesting that you disable my chip."

The group seemed shocked by this, but Shinoa gave no further reasoning for this request. Mikaela merely nodded and Shinoa got on with it.

She first walked over to Yoichi. There was a small sound of a spark cracking and a quiet yelp from Yoichi, but nothing more except the small red dot on the back of his neck.

"Desired Saotome Yoichi, chip disabled."

An automated female voice rang out from the chip, the group froze in place.

"Should we be worried about that?" Mitsuba asked.

"We don't have time to worry, just get on with it Shinoa," Mikaela said, but his eyes bore the look of concern common when one faces the unknown.

Darling, It'll Be Okay ✾ {A Mikayuu Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now