✾𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕✾

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TW: Painkillers, self surgery? I don't know what to call it necessarily, but its a tad gorey. Also..zombies...and you've seen what our dear Yuu-Chan can be like with zombies in an earlier chapter

Also! I should mention, I didn't go over this chapter much before releasing, I don't have the energy right now, sorry for any typos or gramatical errors! With that said, on to the chapter, enjoy!

"DAMNIT how did we lose him?"

"It appears dear Guren, we have a traitor among our ranks, someone who you know all too well,"


"Do you know a man by the name of Shinya?"

"Shinya...? Oh my god..."

"Well, I'll have him properly imprisoned for now, the punishments will be delivered later. Right now, see here Guren, we have guests on their way back, deal with them for me will you? I'll send people out to hunt Yuichiro,"


"What's the matter? Feel like your character has been stolen away? It's not usual that I'm the one with the clear head is it?"

"Yuu is in Vampire Village, he's never been to the vampire side of town before..."

"Yes Guren, which is why I'm hoping we will find him again before he finds a way to remove his chip, which Shinya oh so kindly informed him of,"

"R-right...I'll go make preparations, excuse me Ferid,"

Tuesday, September 6th 2021

Yuichiro POV

The cool autumn air brushed against my cheeks and through my raven coloured hair, atleast, I assumed it was autumn. My hair had grown longer, I knew that much, it had to have been just under a month since this whole thing started. This hair of mine had always been messy and in the way, but now even more so as it covered my eyes. The sun was up, but it seemed like it would set soon. It was nice to have some kind of knowledge on what time it was again.

How the hell am I gonna find my way around here?

I was lost, I had never been to Vampire Village. It was an unspoken rule that humans were better off not going to the vampire side of town, and vice versa. The Town Hall was kind of known as a border marker, one side of the town hall was the "human side" and the other was the "vampire side". Some people didn't care about that kind of thing, I remembered there were vampires living on the human side. Of course, Mika always ignored that rule. Although, it was hard to notice that he was a vampire, with his long blonde hair covering his pointed ears, and the blue contact lenses I got for him that he wanted so badly.

But I never broke that rule, which is why I was in quite the predicament.

What if I stumble across vampires here?

Well...I guess I had Asuramaru, but the war was over, humans killing vampires and vampires killing humans was forbidden, right?

I still don't like vampires. Surely, it'll be fine? I mean we're kind of in what they would call an apocalypse right now.

Realizing I had been doing nothing but thinking for the past minute, I brushed off my thoughts and began to examine my surroundings.

From what I had seen so far, it looked like Vampire Village was quite Victorian themed. I was in the middle of a long street lined with various shops and other establishments.

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