"My Way To You"

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Katsuki Bakugo is an unmated omega that got pregnant by his ex-beta boyfriend who run away from his responsibilities   because  he  can’t handle  committing into  a whole-life commitment.

Despite considering the fact that raising a child alone is pain in the ass, Katsuki still continued to raise the baby inside his stomach. He can’t bare to kill an innocent child who wasn’t even born.
As time goes by, it’s the first month already of Katsuki’s pregnancy, a little bump on his stomach is showing but what shock him is the kind gestures that other people gives him, specially alphas. He started to notice this when one day he’s riding a bus while protecting his stomach because the bus is in the chaos and there’s no space for him to seat when an alpha man approach him

“hey..uh-you can have my seat”

Katsuki  got startled a little bit by the sudden approach but he smiled anyways and kindly refuse

” no, its ok, you got that seat first”

“ I insist, you’re pregnant right? You need it more”

The man gave Katsuki a warm smile and so he accepted the offer.

“ Thank you…”

It’s not the only time that people are that kind to him but since he’s all new to this pregnancy thing, he doesn’t know that it’s only normal that alphas and other subgender be that kind to him. They tend to be more concerned of an omega who is pregnant, specially if that said omega is all alone. Katsuki’s not used to it, but he likes it.

One day, Katsuki is off to go to the supermarket to buy some things that he needs for his pregnancy. When he arrived, he sense  something wrong but decided to get rid of it. He only grab a small basket to prevent him from buying something more than what he needs.

He’s currently at the milk isle when he feels that bad feeling once again. After a minute, he notice a man , middle-aged man to be exact wearing a gross smirk across his face.

“ gross.” Katsuki breath out.

He fasten his pace a little to confirm if the man is really tailing him and turns out he was right.

“ fuck. Sometimes I hate it when I’m right about something..”  he whispered to himself.

To avoid the man, he quickly go to the nearest cashier to check out and to go away from that creep. But luck isn’t on his side today, I guess ‘coz his patience is starting to break when the said man dares to sneakily grab one of Katsuki’s ass cheeks.

“ Hey! The fuck is wrong with you?!” he shouted. Too damn pissed to even care about the people staring at them.
The man smirks , getting a little closer to Katsuki , quite close to Katsuki’s liking.

“ just have a hobby to just grab something that I like ~”
Katsuki looked at him in disgust. Outing down his basket of goods to give the creep a smack of lessons when someone place a hand on his shoulder. It’s a kind touch though.

“ go in front of me.” Katsuki looked up only to see a tall with curly green-haired man.

‘An alpha…” he thought.

He don’t know what that green-haired guy is up to but he nods anyway.

“ I suggest for you to stop what you’re doing right now or we’ll going to make a big scene right now.” The alpha said, starting to remove his black tight gloves that for Katsuki looks-

“fuck that’s hot” he mumbled, blushing angrily at what he just said.

“tsk. And what would yo-“ the creep started but got interrupted by the alpha

“ ‘coz I don’t really mind making a big mess here.” The alpha smirks ,showing his deadly fangs as he look menacingly dead in the eye to the man. The smell of burnt forest starts to surrounds their space.

“ f-fuck!fine , sheez” the man walked out while covering his nose, his instinct told him to back down.

“I really thought he would put up a fight...” the alpha sigh , putting back his gloves then he turn to everyone who was staring intently at the scene and he start to bow and apologize.

“ sorry everyone! Please do continue what you’re doing! Again , sorry!” he said while smiling awkwardly . bit by bit, costumers starts to mind their own business once again.

Katsuki bit his bottom lip. He had to thank the alpha. He’s been thinking of ways how to say ‘thank you’ to the alpha that he doesn’t realize the alpha’s presence beside him.

“ uh..hello..uhm..you good?”

“ umm..I-” Katsuki got interrupted by the cashier.

“ uh sir! Don’t want to interrupt your conversation but your groceries sir..!” she said as she show a gentle smile.

“ oh yeah sure! Charge all of my items to this card, including his” he gestures at Katsuki’s

The cashier giggled, smiling from ear to ear when he saw the Alpha put his arms around the omega while Katsuki looked down ,feeling shy.

“okay sir!” she said ever so cheerfully.

‘ship.ship.ship’ she repeatedly thought.

“y-you don’t have to do that… you help me enough”  Katsuki said.

Embarrassed that someone has to buy his things, embarrassed that he always feel week.

“But I want to” the alpha said, smiling sweetly to Katsuki making the omega’s heart feel something.

“Thank you…uhmm-”
“Izuku, Izuku Midoriya”

The blonde blushed once again as he saw Izuku’s smile again.

“ okay uhm..thank you ,Izuku. I’m Katsuki Bakugo” he said, trying to show his kindest smile that makes the alpha feel heat rush through his face.

“here you go! Thank you for coming!” and once again, the cashier interrupted their sweet time.
Part 2?
-sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors

Edit: so decided to change the title hehe

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