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A's N:
I'll be addressing them as Izuku and Katsuki in this one-shot and let's just pretend that male can get pregnant hihi

No quirk AU

In the Midoriya Household around 2 in the morning, a man named Katsuki Midoriya with a 7 months old 'watermelon' in his stomach, sitting wide awake in their bedroom, rubbing his belly while chatting with his husband, which is Izuku, on his phone saying some sweet things to the pregnant man. He cant sleep because of the constant kicking inside his stomach and he cant just cuddle with his husband right now like he always do because he's still on his work place, signing some papers.

Katsuki's POV

"shh.. Baby just relax... Lay down carefully... "
I did what Izuku said and lay down on the bed. Why is this growing baby inside me is so aggressive!
"now... just close your eyes baby and I'll sing for you until you fall asleep.."

I just sigh and close my eyes.

"When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it."

He's singing my favorite song. I can't help but smile.

And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist"

I can sense how tired his voice is.. I feel guilty.. He should be sleeping by now but here I am, disturbing him.

"But darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are -"

I didn't realize that a tear escape my eye, and then I started to sob.

Izuku's POV

I abruptly stop singing when i heard him sobbing.  Worry wash all over my whole system. Damn it! I should be there, taking care of him but here I am stuck in a loads of work in this 4 corner room. Fuck.
" hey hey... Baby? Are you crying? What's wrong .. Is my voice not good? Are you hurt? I can jus-"
"No.. Izuku I'm fine.. Its just..."
He stop and his sobbing became more loud. Well fuck I'm not going to leave him again after this.
" its just I'm being a bother to you.. You should be resting by now b-but.."
I let out a heavy sigh, probably because of tiredness, not knowing that this action of mine will affect him in a negative way
"I-I'm sorry Izuku... I'm being emotional again.."
He said quietly and he stop sobbing.
I fucked up damn it!
"No no no baby its not like that.. I'm not mad or something.. Its just a habit of mine to do that.. And you will never be a bother to me ok? You and our baby are much more important to me, always remember that hmm.."
I said as gently as I can, to not hurt his feelings anymore, he's been a lot more sensitive lately so I need to be very careful of my words and actions. I don't want to hurt him, it could affect his pregnancy negatively and I dont want that.
I heard him chuckle a little
"I'm fine now Izu..I think I can finally go to sleep, you should too!"
Sometimes I wonder how his mood change fast, maybe its a preggy thing.
" I will after you fall sleep.. You still want me to sing for you?"
I accidentally yawn. Why am I so lucky pft
"haha no its fine Izu,I know you're also tired so you should rest.. I can already handle this"
" b-but! I can still sing one song for you ba-"
" no more buts Izuku! Go to sleep."
I pout but Didn't try to argue back, its Angry Preggy Katsuki we're talking about.
" ok ok... I love you baby"
I said, smiling. Aahh how I wish I am by his side and hold him protectively.
"I love you too Izu"
"uh... I'll end the call now baby"
"you sure you don-"
"yes yes! Sweet dreams baby!"
I hang up, smile is visible in my face knowing that my love and our baby is ok. I stare at the files that I still need to read and sign.
" Maybe I can finish that tomorrow."
I remove my shoes and my coat, not bothering to change to some comfortable clothes and sleep in my office chair, I'm too tired, just wanna go to dream land and meet my fairy Katsuki.

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