Part one

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Amy's POV

It was my 16th birthday when I realised that I like my best friend Karma as more than just a friend. Me and Karma were hanging out at mine and she had persuaded me to let her put make up on me, she leaned in to apply mascara to my eyelashes when I had the overwhelming urge to kiss her. Her beautiful face was inches away from mine and she was looking directly into my eyes.

It was like nothing I had ever felt before and to be honest, it scared the crap out of me. She was straight and so was I, wasn't I? I mean I was attracted to boys. Well a limited number of male celebrities but never any of the boys in my school. I tried to ignore it but the feeling didn't go away.

The whole night the urge to kiss her and hold her didn't leave me but I tried to repress it. This went on and weeks turned into months without these feelings leaving me.

For some reason unbeknownst to me she wasn't happy with her body even though it was perfect, she had a figure to die for with curves but not being fat and she was utterly gorgeous.

She was so self conscious of her body that she didn't even let her mom see her getting changed but, it didn't stop her getting changed in front of me. Every time she got undressed in front of me my eyes took in every inch of her body and I had to try very hard not to stare for too long.

When we went out anywhere and she would dress up and put special make up on it would kill me a little inside as she was so beautiful and all I wanted to do was tell her how gorgeous and perfect she was and to kiss her but, I knew that I couldn't. She's your best friend Amy. Nothing more. She's straight. Even though I told myself this over and over and over again it didn't help my feelings for her or the hurt I felt.

As much as I wanted to do something about it, I never did but that all changed when we went to a friend's 18th birthday party.

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