Part three

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Karma's POV

That kiss with Amy was weird, I mean it sort of felt right. She's probably just a really good kisser either that or Jake was a crap one, I just didn't feel the spark with him like I did Amy. Me and Amy have such good chemistry anyway that's probably why it felt so right.

I look over to Amy and spot that her eyes are shiny, like she's withholding tears

Karma: "You ok Aims?"

She looks up at me and puts on a fake smile

Amy: "I'm fine"

Karma: "I know when you're lying to me"

She opens her mouth to speak and that's when I remember what she said before about me wanting my first kiss to be special, I'm sure that Amy wanted that too and I'd just taken her first kiss.

Karma: "Oh my god Amy im so sorry that I had to be your first kiss, I know how you wanted it to be special and I ruined it and I wasn't thinking and-"

Amy: "It's ok Karma"

I look up to her and see her smiling a small smile

Karma: "You sure?"

Amy: "Positive, now come on"

She presses the button to get two copies of the photo before taking my hand and leading me out of the photo booth and collecting our pictures. I quickly put mine in my bag and go over to get another drink with Amy.

For the rest of the night we dance and talk to people but I can't shake the feeling that Amy isn't herself. Oh god did I freak her out with the kissing? Does she think I'm a lesbiam and doesn't want to give me any signals or lead me on? I shake the thoughts to the back of my head with the help of alcohol and try to enjoy the rest of the night.

It's half past two before me and Amy who are both quite drunk decide to call it a night and get a cab to hers. Once we get inside we quickly chamge and flop on the bed and I fall asleep almost immediately.

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