Part four

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Amy's POV

Once we get into my bed I hear Karma's breathing slowing as she almost immediately falls asleep, not surprising I suppose she was a lot more drunk than I was. I roll over so that my back is facing hers incase she wakes up so that she can't see the tears cascading down my face. I had dreamed of that moment multiple times and it had always had a happy ending, with Karma confessing that she loved me too but dreams are dreams and reality is harsh.

I never in a million years thought that Karma would kiss me and even in my dreams it didn't feel so good or so right. Now that she had kissed me she made me want her more than ever and now that I knew for sure that I couldn't have her it was excruciating. I lay there sobbing until I eventually cried myself into a rejection dream filled sleep.

I awoke to Karma in my arms and a briefly forgot what had happened the night before and lay their happily. Karma always found a way into my arms when we slept, even when my arms were crossed or I was facing the other way but that was one of the many things that I love about her. I brush a lock of her gorgeous hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear. God she looked beautiful when she slept, so peaceful and pretty.

The memories of last night came flooding back and I grimaced, as much as I want her I can't have her. I sigh and kiss her forehead gently before unwrapping my arms from her, trying not to wake her but of course failing

Karma: "Whu? Why did you move I was comfy?"

Amy: "Sorry I have to pee"

I get up and go to the bathroom but not to pee, I splash water on my face and calm myself before flushing the chain to make it seem more realistic.

I walk in to see Karma fast asleep again on my bed, I shake my head and suppress a laugh as I climb into bed and put the TV on quietly. I try to pay attention to the TV show but my eyes keep wandering to Karma, her beautiful face and her low cut PJ top showing some cleavage. I chastise myself but, try as I might, I couldn't focus on the TV.

I turn the TV off and sit up on my bed and think about the situation. I've been hiding my feelings this long but it's never been this hard before. Should I tell her? No. She'd freak out and never be normal with me again, she said it herself she doesn't like me like that. Maybe I should distance myself from her? No when I'm with her it hurts but when I'm not with her it's torture! I miss her and she's all I think about when she not by my side.


I don't know what to do, these feelings clearly aren't going anywhere even now when I'm trying to sort out what to do, my mind keeps drifting back to the kiss and my eyes keep drifting to her beautiful face.

I've decided to just wake her when she starts talking in her sleep, like she often does when she has something on her mind.

Karma: "Amy c'mere"

She mumbles her words and I have to listen carefully to hear them

Karma: "Oh my god Amy... again... mmmm..."

To my disbelief she starts moaning and saying my name over and over again. Is she... it sounds like she's having sex or something with me in her dream. Her breathing gets faster and her moaning louder so I lie down and pretend to be asleep with only a tiny gap in my eyes so that I can see faintly. She almost shouts my name and jolts upright so that she's sitting up, panting hard.

She looks over to me and runs her hand through her hair still panting and looking panicked. She stands up and rushes into the bathroom and I can see her splashing her face with water

Karma: "What the hell?"

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