Part Eight

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Amy's POV

We skate for a little while longer before deciding to leave, we retrieve our shoes and I drive Karma out to the place we go to be far away from everyone and everything else. Its a short hike and we get to the cliff overhanging the nearby town. Karma sits far back from the edge as she hates heights but I sit right on the edge, dangling my feet over it. I stare out at orange and pink streaked sky and the slowly setting sun and sigh, now is the perfect time to tell her

Karma: "You ok Aims?"

Amy: "Yeah just thinking"

Karma: "About what?"

Amy: "Everything"

I sigh and turn my back on the beautiful scene and instead lay my eyes on her beautiful face. I scoot towards her and she looks at me sceptically, she is so used to being able to read me like a book and yet know I can't even read myself so how can she be expected to?

Karma: "You look like something is seriously bothering you"

It is! But I don't know how to tell you how I feel! Hell I don't know how I feel, all I know is that I love you like I've never loved anyone else!

Amy: "I..."

My throat is as dry as the Sahara desert and try as I might, I couldn't say anything.

Karma: "What is it Amy?"

Amy: "I... nothing"

I can't tell her how I feel! It's obvious she doesn't feel the same way and things would get awkward and honestly I don't think that I could handle the rejection.

Karma: "It obviously is something Amy or you wouldn't have come here and your face wouldn't like like that"

Amy: "I just... My mom is really pissing me off with these back handed compliments and stuff"

I knew how she felt about the way my mom treated me and if her mom said to her half of the things mine did to me then she would be really upset and mad and I thought that Karma would buy it. It worked.

Karma: "Oh Amy I know that your mom says horrible things but that unfortunately is just how she is! You can't take it personally you know that you are gorgeous and smart and funny and kind and caring"

Amy: "Yeah right! You're the only one who thinks that Karma"

Karma: "No I'm not, but even if I was is that such a bad thing? I'm your family"

Amy: "And I'm so lucky"

Karma: "I'm the lucky one Aims, I love you"

Amy: "I love you too"

Karma: "I mean it you know, I really do love you"

Amy: "I love you more"

Karma: "Nu uh! I do"

Amy: "I'm sorry but you're wrong"

Karma: "Prove it"

She raises an eyebrow and a smirk of victory crosses her lips. Out of impulse I lunge forward and place my lips onto hers, I kiss her and pour every last drop of love I had in my body into the kiss. My tounge finds a way into her mouth and soon hers is in mine, before she pulls away and stands up abruptly.

She looks at me wide eyed and confused

Karma: "I... I've got to go"

Amy: "Karma wait!"

I leap to my feet but she has already started to rush off

Amy: "Karma!"

I start to run after her

Karma: "Just leave me alone Amy... I... I need some time to think"

Shit. I'd blown it. I knew I would. I should have just shut up and not said anything, now she was never going to speak to me, I'd grossed and weirded her out. God I'm so stupid! Why did I have to kiss her? I couldn't have just calmly told her how I felt or not said anything at all, I had to throw myself on her didn't I?

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