Part six

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Karma's POV

Ughhh Amy won't tell me where were going, I love surprises but when I'm waiting for one I get really impatient. Amy pulls up outside a pancakes and waffle house

Amy: "Do you want to grab some breakfast first?"

I get out of the car before answering

Amy: "I'll take that as a yes then"

She chuckles and a smile spreads across my face as it always did when I was with Amy, she always made me feel special.

We go inside and get a booth and order our breakfast, I start telling Amy a long story about something that happened in my music class and see her just staring into my eyes almost lovingly.

Karma: "You okay there creeper?"

Amy: "Whu? What do you mean?"

Karma: "You were staring into my eyes buttface"

Amy: "Well it's not my fault that you have beautiful eyes that I can so easily get lost in"

I feel myself frown slightly, is she flirting with me? No she can't be, this is Amy were talking about, I'm just looking more into it after the kiss and the dream. I'm sure she must have said things like this dozens of times and I just hadn't picked up on it.

Karma: "Well I could say the same thing about you Mrs my eyes are absolutely stunningly green and everyone is jealous of them"

I see a slight blush cross her cheeks and she quickly picks up her hot chocolate and takes a sip.

Amy's POV

I try to hide my blush when she compliments my eyes but see that she's clicked onto it. I laugh it off and we order our food and talk and joke and laugh about stupid things like things we did when we were yonger.

Amy: "Yeah but what would you have done in elementary school without me?"

Karma: "I don't know but it would have sucked! Those kids were all such jerks"

I clear my throat and raise an eyebrow at her

Karma: "Well all of the except you of course, you were my saviour! I don't know what would have happened if you didn't stick up for me, I'd probably still be getting bullied now"

Amy: "Bull, it's like a law that when your in high school you can't bully the pretty girls"

Did I really just say that? I'm not being subtle enough here

Karma: "Yeah but it's me not you were talking about, I'm not one of the pretty girls"

God she really does have low self worth. She is the prettiest girl I have ever met, from the moment I set my eyes on her in kindergarten I thought she was gorgeous and only got more so with age. Right now she was stunning, she had her hair up in a messy bun and minimalistic makeup on and casual clothes but, that was Karms being comfortable and it was beautiful. Even though I'm trying to be subtle I can't help myself from reaching across the table and taking one of her small hands in my larger one, her hands always were so soft unlike mine.

Amy: "Karma look at me, I'm not just saying this because you're my best friend but your stunning. You don't see how gorgeous you are but trust me if I looked like you, I'd have nothing to complain about. Your eyes are beautiful and your hair is gorgeous and your skin is almost flawless, not to mention that cute little nose of yours."

She looked down at our hands then slowly lifted her gaze to look at me

Karma: "No I'm not, you're the pretty one Aims"

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