Part twenty one

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Karma's POV

Amy fell asleep still cuddling me with my head resting on her chest and I listened to the therapeutic slow breaths she took whilst trying to fall asleep myself but it was no good. I was nervous as hell about tomorrow's performance I mean, it was in front of loads of people and was going to be televised for gods sake! Of course I would be bricking it!

This felt good though, as nervous as I was I could feel Amy's steady heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. God I loved her. Her mere presence made me calmer than I would have been without her. She grounded me and made me feel safe, even when she was asleep her arm stayed around me. Her scent filling my nostrils and making me smile before I eventually fall into a exhausted sleep.

The alarm goes off at half six and I rub my eyes sleepily before turning it off, Amy begins to stir next to me
Amy: "Good morning beautiful"
God that sleepy voice of hers was cute and hot at the same time
Karma: "Morning babe"
Amy: "How did you sleep?"
Karma: "Better with you, I didn't go over till quite late though I couldn't sleep I was too nervous"
Amy: "You should have woken me"
Karma: "I was enjoying listening to you sleep as creepy as that sounds"
Amy: "Nothing you could ever do would be creepy, I love you"
Karma: "And I love you"

I reluctantly get out of the warm bed and Amy's even warmer arms
Karma: "I'm going to get a quick shower see you in a sec"
I kiss her cheek before hopping into the shower and checking if I can still sing. I start with the classic that you can't help but sing along to - Bohemian Rhapsody. I do a coiple of other songs before starting to sing Don't stop believing as finish up in the shower. I jump out of it still singing as I put my towel on and I can hear Amy singing along through the door.

I grab my hairbush and practically leap out of the bathroom to a much startled Amy as I start the song again singing into my brush
Karma: "Just a small town girl, Livin' in a lonely world, She took the midnight train, Goin' anywhere"
I point at Amy willing her to carry on, she smiles and shakes her head before loudly singing her part, badly might I add and just the way she always did
Amy: "Just a city boy, Born and raised in South Detroit, He took the midnight train, Goin' anywhere"

We end up singing the whole song and she even picked up the remote to sing into and we both danced around the room. When we finished we both fell onto the bad laughing and slightly exhausted. I turn onto my side and look into her gorgeous eyes.

Karma: "I just keep falling for you over and over again with every little stupid thing you do"
Amy: "Don't worry because I'm here to catch you, if you'll be here to catch me? Hell we both know I'd catch you even if you didn't catch me but I know that you will"
Karma: "You can bet your ass I'll be here to catch you"
Amy: "Good"
She kisses my nose before sitting up
Amy: "I need to shower too"
And with that she left for the bathroom to get showered as I did my hair.

I did my hair and put on my makeup, by this time Amy was out of the shower and had got her clothes out ready and blow dried her hair before putting it in a loose low ponytail. I ended up putting on my light blue dress with the white polkadots whilst Amy puts on a white top with her mostly burgundy cardigan and a burgundy skirt and black tights, she looked cute.

Karma: "How do I look?"
Amy: "As cute as always"
Karma: "You don't think I need to sex it up a bit?"
Amy: "No, you're going to a high school singing contest so it's good to look your age, who knows they might like the innocent look"
Karma: "You're right"
Amy: "Aren't I always?"

I shove her playfully as she looks at the time
Amy: "Crap it's half past eight, we better get going or we won't get any breakfast"
Karma: "Is food all that you care about?"
Amy: "No I care about you too, but that's it. You and food. That's all I care about"
Karma: "You say the sweetest things"
I laugh as does Amy before grabbing the key card and heading down for breakfast.

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