Part thirty two

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Karma's POV

We are in the car driving to our next destination, I glance over at Amy and smile, she had obviously planned this day and put a lot of thought into it and so far it was going perfectly. God I love her. She's so beautiful. I just stare at her until she catches me doing it

Amy: "You okay there creeper?"

Karma: "Yeah I just I love you"

She takes one of her hands off of the steering wheel and grabs my hand and raises it to her lips and kisses it

Amy: "I love you too Karms"  

We pulled into the pancake house's car park that we went to on our first date

Amy: "I thought you might be hungry?"

Karma: "Well then what are we waiting for?"

She smiles at me before rushing out of the car to open my door for me, I smile at her chivalry, it was a tad cheesy and dorky but cute as hell and that was Amy all over, cheesy and dorky but in the cutest possible way. She held my hand and interlocked our fingers as we walked into the pancake house and took a seat in the booth we sat at last time, I placed one of my hands on the table and Amy grabbed hold of it, smiling at me. The waitress came over and it was the same one from our last date.

Waitress: "Hello again girls!"

Karma: "Hey!"

Waitress: "Correct me if I'm wrong but was it you who won that singing contest on TV?"

Karma: "Yeah that was me"

Waitress: "Well let me just say you have an amazing voice Karma isn't it?"

Karma: "Yeah and thank you"

I feel myself begin to blush and look over at Amy who is smiling proudly

Waitress: "I was telling my boyfriend that I was sure that it was the girl I served not long ago but he didn't believe me, and might I just say that not only was I rooting for you Karma but I just think that yours and Amy isn't it?"

Amy nodded her head at her

Waitress: "Well your relationship is the cutest one I think I've ever seen! Is there any chance I could get a picture with the two of you to show my boyfriend just how wrong he was about it being you?"

Karma: "Sure"

We take a selfie together before the waitress takes our order

Waitress: "What brings you here today then? Are you out on a date?"

Amy: "It's Karma's 18th birthday so we've been to the crazy golf course and were going to a few other places after this"

Waitress: "Aww! Happy birthday Karma! Anyway let me go and put these orders through"

Karma: "Thank you"

I look over at Amy who is grinning at me

Amy: "So how was your first encounter with a fan"

Karma: "She was hardly a fan Amy"

Amy: "You have an amazing voice Karma! Can I get a selfie with you?"

She bats her eyelashes and I can't help but laugh

Karma: "It wasn't like that Amy and you know it!"

Amy: "You just keep telling yourself that little one"

I stick my tongue out at Amy and she laughs at me 

Amy: "So when are you going to call that record company Karms?"

Karma: "Shit I completely forgot! I'll do it on Monday and if I am going to be recording any songs do you think that they would wait until after school is over so I can focus on that instead of doing it as well as revising for exams? "

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