Part twelve

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Karma's POV

When I wake up all I can think about is talking to Shane, he'd probably think I was weird though, I mean I've never even spoken to him before. I hurriedly get ready for school, I get to the bus stop ten minutes early to see that Amy is already there, sitting on the bench looking a bit sad

Karma: "Hey"

Amy: "Oh hey Karms"

Karma: "Why are you here so early? You ok?"

Amy: "It was either leave or stay and listen to Lauren bitch about Shane to my mom and Bruce because he's also running for class president and my mom started talking about him being gay and that it wasn't natural and stuff"

She shrugged and sniffed slightly, I put my arm around her and pull her towards me for a hug. She hugs me back and I'm engulfed in her scent, it's so familiar, she has smelt like this for as long as I can remember. Her hair smells of that lovely blueberry shampoo she always used and her body is a mixture of her lovely perfume and lynx girls deodorant that she always used. She smelt like home because she was, she was my home.

I pulled away and gently wiped away the few tears that had escaped her eyes

Karma: "Hey I'm here for you and I always will be"

Amy: "Promise?"

I stick out my pinky and link it with hers

Karma: "Promise. Now don't stain my shoulder with anymore tears I dont want you ruining my outfit ok?"

She can't help but let out a little laugh and she grabs my hand in her larger one

Amy: "Okay"

The bus draws up shortly after and we get on it and get to school.

I spot Shane as we start walking through the school gates

Karma: "Got to go"

Amy: "What?"

But I'd already started to run off towards Shane. He is at his locker getting some books out, I suddenly get nervous and unsure of what to say but decide to go for it anyway

Karma: "Hey Shane can I talk to you?"

Shane: "Um hey Carmen is it?"

Karma: "It's Karma and sorry but it's kinda important"

Shane: "Yeah sure I've got ten minutes free before class I guess"

He looks perplexed and I smile a friendly smile at him

Karma: "Shall we go then?"

Shane: "Oh yeah sure where do you want to go?"

Karma: "The music room should be free now wanna go there?"

Shane: "Sure"

We get to the music room and he takes a seat whilst I pace around

Shane: "Are you ok?"

Karma: "Yeah and this may seem weird because you don't know me but you're the only person I could think about talking to about this so here it goes"

I take a deep breath and decide to just launch straight into it

Karma: "You know my best friend? Amy Raudenfeld?"

He looks at me blankly

Karma: "She's tall and beautiful with blonde hair and green eyes"

Shane: "I think so"

Karma: "Oh here duh!"

I take my phone and unlock it revealing my lock screen which has a picture of the two of us on it

Shane: "Yeah I know Amy"

Karma: "Well... before I say anything can you promise not to say anything to anyone about this its super private and secret?"

Shane: "Okay I won't

Karma: "Well me and Amy were drunk at a party and I kissed her and she kissed me back and it kinda felt amazing. And then we went out the next day and were just being normal and Amy said that some old people said that we were dirty queer girls - their words not mine - and so we pretended to be lesbians to piss them off and we kissed again and it felt great again and I sat on her lap and didn't leave even when they left and a waitress called us a couple and I don't know but it just felt right. But before that she was telling me that I was beautiful and I almost called her my girlfriend. But then later we were ice skating and she was great at it and I wasn't and I almost fell but she saved me and made herself fall over so that I would stay up. And then I fell again but she moved so that I fell on top of her instead of the ice and I almost kissed her but kissed her cheek instead. Then later she took me out to the place we go to think and stuff and she kissed me. I bottled it and ran because I was confused and went home and asked people on Tumblr and they said that they thought I was gay but I just didn't know what to do. I went back to see her and she told me that she'd loved me sice she was sixteen and I ended up kissing her but I don't know what to do Shane! I told her that I needed time and she understands. I love her, I always have she is the one person I can be 100% myself around and when I'm with her I feel safe and content and loved and I know that she loves me not only because she has told me but because she shows it with everything she does. I don't know what to do, I don't want to ruin our friendship, we've been friends since kindergarten and she's my favourite person in the universe but I'm scared Shane and I don't know what to do and I don't know if I'm gay or straight or whatever"

I take a deep breath as Shane sits there mouth agape absorbing the information

Shane: "First off I feel honoured that you came to me about this and do you want my honest opinion?"

I nods my head and he continues

Shane: "Well honey it looks like you're in love with your best friend and she obviously loves you too and as for labels don't sweat it, what about her is she completely lesbionic?"

Karma: "She says that she doesn't know,  that its only ever been me that she likes"

Shane: "That is super cute! Well it seems like you were meant to be together or at least try it!"

Karma: "I thought so it's just that I'm scared of ruining our friendship"

Shane: "You both suppressing your feelings will probably ruin your friendship anyway hun"

Karma: "I didn't even think about that but I think you're right Shane"

He beamed at me

Shane: "I always am, now don't forget who helped you two get together! We should totally be friends you guys seem super cute and I've always wanted lesbian friends"

I laugh, I like Shane he's funny, his brows knot together furiously as he's obviously concentrating

Shane: "Karmy!"

He shouts it abruptly and I frown at him

Shane: "That's going to be your couple name like brangellina"

Karma: "Right then, maybe leave that until we actually get together though"

He sighs and rolls his eyes at me

Shane: "Fine! Oh shit look at the time I'm going to be late for first period we need to go! See ya soon"

He smirks as we part ways and go off to our individual classes.

All through English all I could think about was what I was going to say to Amy, Shane had confirmed it for me, I did love Amy and we were meant to be together. All I needed to do now was tell Amy.

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