Part seventeen

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Karma's POV

I wake up in Amy's arms and I smile, I glance at the clock and see that my alarm is due to go off in five minutes. I look at Amy and she looks really cute, she always does when she's sleeping. I place a light kiss on her lips
Karma: "Aims it's time to wake up"
She rubs her eyes and smiles at me sleepily
Amy: "Good morning beautiful"
Her voice is husky from sleep and it sounds really hot, I can't help myself from leaning in and kissing her. I can feel her smile into the kiss and my mom barges into the room. Amy immediately pulls away and flushes a furious pink colour and I feel a blush begin to creep onto my cheeks, I sit up.

Molly: "Sorry to interrupted girls but I brought tea"
Karma: "Maybe knock next time mom?"
Molly: "Sure thing sweetie I'll leave you two lovebirds alone"
She places the tea on the bedside table and bows before leaving. I look over at Amy who is bright red and staring at the floor and I just giggle
Amy: "What?"
Karma: "Nothing you just look cute when you're embarrassed that's all"
She grabs a pillow and hits me in the face with it

I stand up and walk towards the bathroom
Karma: "I'm going to get a shower, want to join me?"
I look over at Amy who's mouth has dropped open and she sits there gawping at me. I was joking around of course but her face is priceless. I walk back over to her and bend down so that me lips are right by her ear, I hear her gulp.
Karma: "I was joking buttface"
I whisper it in her ear and she flushes a red colour for the second time this morning, I pull away from her and kiss her cheek before adding
Karma: "Maybe in the future though"

I hop into the shower and as always lose myself in singing. Once I've finished I get out and put a towel around myself and another around my hair before walking back into my room where I see Amy perched on my bed obviously listening to me singing. I see her eyes wander up and down my body and I smirk, she spots my smirk and blushes
Amy: "I uh..."
Karma: "Was checking you out Karma"
I finish her sentence and she blushes an even deeper shade of red

I take the towel off my head and start to dry my hair
Karma: "Are you bothered about anyone at school knowing about us are you?"
Amy: "Why wouldn't I want anyone to know?"
Karma: "I don't know just in case they don't react well"
I sit down next to her on the bed and watch her nervously for a reply
Amy: "I don't care what any of those assholes think and besides it's Hester which is the most accepting school ever! But i know that you do and if you don't want to let them know yet though I understand"
Karma: "It's just... I don't know... maybe we should ease them into it?"
Amy: "Okay, but how?"
Karma: "Ughhh why do I have to think of everything"?
Amy: "Because it's your idea little one"
She pokes me in the ribs playfully and I giggle

Karma: "But you're the clever one"
I moan at her and I see her smiling at the compliment
Amy: "And you're the creative one so be creative Karms"
She raises an eyebrow and smirks at me
Karma: "Ughh you're an ass!"
She gasps theatrically and feigns a hurt look
Karma: "But you're my ass"
She looks up at me and smiles
Amy: "So I'm cute then"
Karma: "What do you mean?"
She rolls her eyes and sighs whilst smiling
Amy: "I mean that you have a cute ass"
I feel myself blushing and I bite my bottom lip

Karma: "You really think so?"
Amy: "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think so duh! You have a really cute ass"
I feel my blush deepening as it always did when I got complimented
Karma: "And yes you are"
She looks at me obviously confused
Karma: "Cute that is"
She stands up and wraps her arms around me
Amy: "Not as cute as you"
She leans down to kiss me but I only give her a quick peck on the lips
Karma: "We need to get ready for school babe"
Amy: "Babe hmm?"
Shit. I hadn't even made a conscious decision to call her that it had just slipped out. God she probably thinks it's tacky and awful and I should have just called her Aims or something
Karma: "Don't you like it?"
Amy: "No, I love it"

I exhale with relief and she kisses my nose before releasing me so that we can both get ready for school. We walk hand in hand to the bus stop and chat whilst we wait for the bus. I notice that Amy's gaze keeps flickering from my eyes to my lips and I smirk.

Amy: "What are you smirking about?"
Karma: "You"
Amy: "What about me?"
Karma: "That you want to kiss me"
She looks at me with a straight face and I can tell that she is going to try and refute it but then she sighs
Amy: "How did you know?"
Karma: "Just by the way that you kept looking me in the eyes then at my lips"
Amy: "I've literally always done that since I was like sixteen but then again I've always wanted to kiss you so..."
Karma: "Yeah well I wasn't looking for it then was I? I was oblivious to you liking me"
Amy: "Can my wish be granted then?"
She looks at me and grins as I look around for anyone in sight, as there was no one I leant in and gave her a soft and gentle kiss before pulling away.

God she was a good kisser, no not good but great, brilliant, fantastic. Her lips were the perfect shape and size and fit so perfectly with mine like we were made for each other. She was so soft, gentle but above all loving, when she kissed me I could really tell that there was an immense amount of love for me and it made me feel light headed. She made me feel special and safe and like I was home when I was with her and I just adored that about her.

I'm the one to pull away and I rest my head on her shoulder
Karma: "The bus is late"
Amy: "Good that means I get to spend more time alone with you"
She grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together I smile as her thumbs trace light circles on the base of my thumbs. It was uncanny how physically different we were, she was tall and I was short, her hands and feet were big whilst mine where small but we always fit together so perfectly. Her hands engulfed mine in just the right way and when we hugged I always managed to put my head in the crook of her neck and it was always so damn comfortable.

I loved Amy more than anyone on the planet, I always had and maybe I was always in love with her but I just didn't realise it. We were soul mates after all and we had planned on spending the rest of our lives together but it had always been planned in a platonic sense. But now, I know that we were always ment to be together and that we will grow old and grey together but she will be my girlfriend or even wife. I love Amy Raudenfeld with all of my heart.

Karma: "I've just realised something"
Amy: "And what's that?"
Karma: "That I love you with all of my heart, you're my soul mate and the love of my life"
Amy: "Well I don't mean to brag but I've known that about you for quite some time now but I'm glad that you feel it to"
She kisses the top of my head and I feel myself smiling
Amy: "The bus is coming Karms"
I sit up and she releases my hand, I have the overwhelming urge to grab it but fear stops me from doing so. I look at her apologetically and she simply smiles and it her smile says 'It's okay I can wait, I love you'
Karma: "Love you"
Amy: "Love you too"
We get on the bus to school ready for another day of boredom.

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