x7. Preparation for diggression

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Ellie needed a moment or two only for herself after the fear landscape test.
She has left her friends to go somewhere to chill for a while.
They were all curious about others's fears and wanted to talk about it, all stressed out and she really didn't need those uncomfortable vibes right now.
Climbing up the watcher's balcony wasn't maybe the smartest idea ever, but since the place hasn't been in use for years, it was probably the only hideway she had at disposition right now.
Again, the Chicago panorama was stretched in front of her big eyes, waiting to be captured it in the moment that will last forever. It was so beatiful. Every time Ellie came looking fo it, it was right there and always more mesmerizing.
She often used this view as a some kind of reminder that the world never came to it's end, because a small part of civilization still lived. A civilization she was proudly part of.
And this small glimpse of life survived, all thanks to the Fraction system, at least that was what she believed in. What she was taught back in Erudite to believe.
She was pretty much still copping with the fact that she knew too much of everything, that the part of her was probably still Erudite.
Ellie coudln't explain to herself why she wasn't able to delete it, even though her Aptitude test result was actually Dauntless, the only Fraction she has ever wanted to belong in.
The worst part was, that it was shown in her fear landscape too. That she didn't belong to one and only one fraction only.
Max made it clear that anybody not strong enough to be only Dauntless will be out. What if she was one of those people? Her high score couldn't replace the loyality Dauntless requested from them.


She really wanted to belong here with every beat of her being.
She was trying so hard.

All of the sudden, the door behind swung open and she has heard strong footsteps walking trough.
Her Dauntless part, already trained to react at every whimp of danger, made her harshly turn around, literally ready to fight.
She knew people here were able to kill not to become Fractionless. And she was one of the best freshmens, momentally just waiting to be thrown down the building like a lamb.

But, this was only her daylight nightmare, something ever worse than some desperate initiate from the Dorm.
Eric himself.

''Shit, you scared me.'', she sighed with some kind of relief actually. Eric wasn't probably here to kill her, at least not yet.

''I intended to.'', he said, approaching her calmly.

"Did you cross into the habit of following me? It's weird.'', Ellie asked him.

Yes, she knew, she was talking to the Leader of Dauntless, but this was getting annoying. She really needed this one moment only to herself. And Eric ruined it, as always.

''I am just making sure no one killed you yet.'', he replied. ''Max's main interest is on you.''

''Me?'', Ellie looked at him with suprise. ''Why me, for Heaven's sake, what have I done wrong?''

''Nothing.'', Eric replied. ''As far as he's concerned. On the other side, I could point out a mistake or two.'', this sentence pinched her a little bit, and it was probably intended too. What could that possibly mean?

"But nothing that could ruin your score.'', he added. If she was really scared, this would be a moment where relief comes. But, not her. Not today. She was really nervous.

"Why are you really here, Eric?", Ellie asked straightforwardly, getting tired of this circling between them.
"Max overlooked your fear landscape from this morning.'', Eric said.

'', Eric said

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