This pain is bigger than any other pain-15

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That's Noriko crying in the tunnel--->--->--->--->--->
Noriko's P.O.V
I went home home but, I didn't see Toshiro so I took a quick shower and headed to squad 4 barracks to see Momo.When I got there I signed into the visitors list.I was about to go into the room but,I heard Momo talking to someone and me being curious and all I looked into the room to see who she was talking to and what I saw broke my heart into millions of tinny pieces.It was Momo..kissing Toshiro.I gasped and ran out of the room before they could get the slightest glimpse of me.I ran outside not watching who I was bumping into all I cared was to be able to get out of here.Ive never felt pain like this not even the deepest wound that ive gotten from a sword hurt like this..this pain is bigger than any other pain.It was raining out side.I went outside because when you are crying and go out into the rain no one can tell if your crying or if it's just the drops of water.I found a small tunnel that i can fit into and stayed there to cry.After a while I remembered that I had my iPod so I took it out and started to sing along to these songs (Im going to put  the names of all of them cause i will only be able to put 2 songs.So if you want to listen to them im going to put the name of it here:!.Cry by Rihanna,Broken hearted girl by Beyonce,Set fire to the rain by Adele,Stand in the rain by Superchic(k))when I was dun my hair changed color to its silvery white color and I felt my eyes turning a cold color colder than ice eyes were like this but without the frost on the lashes.I felt so much pain in my heart that I just couldn't find the warmth in my heart not even Hana I only felt rage and sadness.Then I heard it.

Toshiro's P.O.V
I went to go see is Noriko was with Momo.When I got there I didn't see her but, I did see Momo waking up a little but, she kept saying Captain Aizen over and over again which got me mad when I heard it because I just wanted to kill him.She admired him and he went and tried to kill her.After a while Momo got up and was going to fall so I caught her but,then she said I love you captain Aizen and then kissed me!!! I tried to pull back but couldn't. Then I felt a familiar spiritual pressure......Noriko was watching us,then she left and I finally got out of Momo's grip and I set her down on the bed and ran after Noriko.She kept on running without stopping until she finally stopped under the rain and sat in a tunnel and she started to sing.I had no idea that she sang this good I remember when we were young she would sing songs but, now she sings harder songs which impress me.When she was dun she actually had me crying.I went over to her and was going to hug her when I noticed that her hair was changing to her silvery white color which she only gets when she is bankai form."Noriko what you saw back there wasn't what you think it was" "Oh really?then what the hell did I see hu hu!! tel me!" "I was looking for you but, you weren't there then,I saw Momo waking up well sort of and then she kissed me because she thought that I was Aizen" "Oh ya like I would believe that" "Plz believe me I didn't want to kiss her cause she is my....our friend our child hood friend and yes I do love her as a sister" "Well I can't believe you i'm sry I wish I could....just give me sometime plz and then i'll tell you if I forgive you or if I don't" "Alright but,plz believe me I wouldn't want to hurt you ever cause I know how much you have suffered all your life" "No you don't Toshiro...just leave me alone" "I won't leave you out in the rain" "Ive lived my entire life out in the cold" "Not your entire life" "well you should leave its getting late for you to stay up" "Aren't you coming?" "No...just leave before I change my mind about everything" And with that I went back into my barracks.

Omg! sad chapter =( but,this wasn't all the drama that Toshiro and Noriko will have to face.They are going to have lots of thing to do before they come together. picture of noriko's new eye color is next. And i couldnt get the you tube video sooo thats why i put the names of the sogns up there :)  

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