Happy New Years!-8

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Noriko's P.O.V
After we came back from the mall we all headed some where Matsumoto stayed with Orihime, Ikkaku & Yumichika stayed with a "friend", Renji stayed in a hotel, & Toshiro & I stayed at my house that I had here. "Are you sure that it's ok if I stay with you?" "Of course it is" *Noriko's House* "Hey I have 2 extra rooms that you can choose from" "Okay, thx" Toshiro yelled back. I decided to have a party so I decorated the house. When i was dun the hole house looked like a winter wonderland mixed with a new year's party. I called everyone & after I did I walked upstairs & knocked on Toshiro's room,his very cold room. Toshiro slightly opened the door. "Hey" " hey, do you need something?" Toshiro said. "Yes, I need you to take a shower & change into the clothes that I secretly bought for you & everyone else." "Ok... WAIT why did you buy us clothes & how did you get it into my bag?" "Thx & I put it in you're bag when you weren't looking." " Okay, so can you get out now?" "Oh ya! sry" After I a while people started to come so, I decided to take a shower & ACTUALLY wear a dress. This was my outfit & hairdo. "WOW! Captain is that you? you look amazing!" "Of course it's me! who else would I be!?" 

Toshiro's P.O.V
I was arguing with Matsumoto because she asked a stupid  question. Then I looked over at Noriko, she took my breath away when I saw her. She looked twice as beautiful than before. "So, how do I look?" She asked me while turning around for me. "You look amazing & beautiful like always" "Thx, we should get going" we all left to the carnival when I notice that everyone but Noriko & I had dates*At the carnival* Once we arrived to the carnival everyone went their own ways which left Noriko & I all alone with no one but each other. "Sooo....we should go have some fun" Noriko suggested then, grabbed my hand & took me to the rides she wanted to go. "Oh! look at that ride we should go on it!" "How about we go to  the Ferris wheel" "Ok" *On the Ferris wheel*"Wow, the view is beautiful up here" "Ya, it sure is" then we both heard everyone below us saying 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!  "Happy New Years!!" Noriko yelled out. "Happy New Years Noriko" I whispered. Then the fireworks went off Then Noriko said "Wow, there beautiful" "They sure are" I said. Then we got of & the fireworks ended. Then I took her hand& led her into a willow forest near a lake. *At the lake*When we got there I sat under the tree near a little bridge (just pretend that there was a flat rock there) & say her on my lap which made her blush. "Wow, this is even more beautiful than the fireworks" "Yup, soo...I have something to tell you that ive been hiding from you since we met." I started "Well, go ahead tell me, remember that you can tell me everything.""Ok & yes I do remember" *sighs* "Well, ever since I met you I started to have this feeling inside me that only happened when I saw you or touched you.... & well, I...I...I... I love you Noriko! I said while taking her hand in mine & looking at her beautiful purple eyes."Umm..I also have some thing to tell you.... I love you Toshiro!! ever since I met you I instantly fell in love with you or as others say it was Love at first sight." "Then she hugged me & I hugged her back. Then I pulled away but, I was still holding her close to me & then, I kissed her & she instantly kissed me back.She then snaked her arms around my neck & pulled my hair while I held her my the waist. We stayed like that for wut seemed like 2 hours then, we both pulled away for breath. She smiled at me & leaded into my ear I whispered "I love you" " I love you too" i said back to her. After a while I heard rustling coming from the trees then, everyone head poped out from the trees & they fell to the floor. They were all smiling & grinning like idiots. "FINALLY!! you two are finally together!!! Matsumoto said. "Ya,and to think that Toshiro would never get a girlfriend but, now he doe, good for you two" Ichigo said & still grinning like an idiot. "will you all just shut up, & it's Captain Hitsugaya to you Ichigo" "Boys Boys, there is no reason why we should fight in New Years ok, especially two of my favorite boys. Anyway we should all go back home & rest.""Noriko said & both Ichigo & I nodded our heads. After that we all went home & I stayed with Noriko In her room, I wrapped my arms around her waist & she placed her head on my chest & we both fell asleep in each others arms. 


P.S if you want to see the outfits and ferris wheel and other stuff that I mentioned her in the story go to this link(it's in the external link)

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