Wut?!? he's here?-9

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Noriko's  P.O.V
I woke up to find Toshiro sleeping with his hands around my waist & sleeping like an angel,idk why but boys just look super cute when they sleeptehe.I wiggled out of his arms with out waking him up & got some clothes & i took a shower.After I took a shower I changed into this  & went to the kitchen for a glass of water. I got it & then plugged in my iPod in my stereo & changed it  to this song.  I sang along to the song & when it was over the next song was 'All about him' by Auburn.I was singing around when all of a sudden I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist & a chin on my shoulder.

"I knew I heard an angel singing"

Toshiro said while smiling."Well, it certainly wasn't me cause i sing horrible" 

"You don't sing horrible you sing like an angel" 

That made me blush.We both ate breakfast & then headed into the squad 10 barracks I changed back into my lieutenants clothesWhen we got there I was stopped by Renji yelling my name & running towards us.

"HEY!!! NORIKO!!!"

he said well more like yelled. He was panting heavily by the time he reached us.

"Wut is Renji?" 

"Head Captain Yamamoto wishes to speak to you right now" 

"Do you know the reason why?" Toshiro asked him.

"No, I was only told to tell Noriko to come to his office as soon as possible" 

"Ok, thx Renji.Hey, Ill catch up to you later alright Hitsugaya" 


*Head Captain's office* I knocked on the door & then heard Head Captain yell 

"Enter!" I walked in & bowed to him.

"You wanted to see me head Captain?"

"Yes, I wanted to speak to you about someone that's here in the Goite 13 & that there looking for you" 

"Who is looking for me & are they intruders?"

"They just wanted to see you & no they are not intruders" 

"Ok then, who are they & wut are they exactly" 

"It's more like he is looking  for you and he is your brother Kobayashi" I froze when he said that my eyes wide in shock & amazement.

"Wut?!?!? he's here?!??" 

"Yes, he is here" 

"Were is he?" 

"I'm behind you sister" 

I heard a voice say from behind me,I turned around & saw my brother standing in front of me with that sweet brotherly smile of his.

"Kobayashi!!!" I said and ran to him & gave him the biggest hug ever & I started to cry.

"Sshh, its alright, there is no need to cry little sis"

"I..I..I th..thought...that y...you would n..n..never come back b..because ... you ..were ....d...d...dead!" 

"But, i'm not, i'm right here with you & this time it's fore ever I promise" 

"* Sniff* o...ok......brother ive missed you so much" 

"Ive missed you too Nori" after a long while hugging we both pulled away & smiled."Arigato head captain" i bowed to him. 

"No, thank you for showing that you can be trusted & strong,you may be serious most of the times but, you still have a soft side & a wonderful smile  that makes everyone smile when they see it.So I have decided to make you Captain of the 14 division since there is no Captain there, Congratulations Captain Ayanami" he said with a smile

"Arigat-WAIT!!! did you just say that i'm a Captain now?!?!?!?!?" I said with my eyes wide & my mouth low. 

"Yes I did say that, you can move into the squad 14 barracks when ever you want but, remember you can not tell any other Captain only I & all the lieutenants can know oh & not even Captain Hitsugaya" 

"Oh...ok i understand that but, do I have to leave squad 10?" 

"Not if you don't want to but, you will have to go to your barracks every now & then to check up on some work, so now you dismissed. Oh & i'll have a Lieutenant give you your Captain's haori" "Yes sir!" 

"So my little sister is now a Captian that's pretty awesome if you ask me"  

"Oh shut up!"

"Haha, ok wut ever you say Captain bossy haha" Ugh! we just saw each other a while ago & he is already annoying me this is a record"
Toshiro's P.O.V
Its been a while since Noriko went to go see the head Captain , I was getting worried about her I mean I Know that she is safe but.....*sighs* I don't know. I was doing my work when I heard the door open & I heard Noriko's voice

 "Captain Hitsugaya! are you in here I need to introduce you to someone,hello?"

 'I'm in here!"

"Oh ok... hey"  she came to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Hey so wut- who's this?" I said while looking at the guy standing behind her. 

"Don't you remember me? Toshiro Hitsugaya or should I say shorty number one?" (Oh & BTW my brother calls him shorty #1 & he calls me shorty #2 cause were both short but, i'm #2 cause i'm taller than Toshiro xP) 

"??? Wait! your Kobayashi" 

"In deed I am, so your a Captain now, huh? that's awesome" 

"Yup, I sure am" I said coley .

"Oh great you guys are gonna "boy talk" soo... i'm gonna leave so bye . Noriko left & Kobayashi & I started to talk about new fighting skills & other fighting stuff like that. 

(Hey I couln't put the first song in idk y -_- but it was 'Perfect two' by Auburn)  

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