Umm..I got to go-10

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Noriko's  P.O.V (still)
 After I left my brother and Toshiro talking I decided to take a walk around the Seretei.I was walking around letting the cool air run through my hair and make it look like a big puff of smoke surrounding me then, I suddenly felt the need to run and hide and just get away from the one lurking in the shadows.I was about to run when I suddenly bumped into someone."Oh,miss Noriko it's you .What are you doing out here all alone?" "Oh! gomen'nasai Captain Aizen!and umm..I was just walking around & just about to go back to my squad's barracks" "It's alright...It seems cold wont you come in & drink some of my special tea?" (special tea huh... no thx) I don't want to be rude gut if just telling me that he should not be trusted."Uh...okay sure"we went into his office and sat down well I did he was making his "special" tea."So.. tell me lieutenant Ayanami how many powers do you poses?" he said while handing me a cup with tea which I just looked at not even daring to drink it."I well..I...I don't know"I lied."Oh,I see.You look very grown up for your old are you again?" "Oh umm..i'm 16" "Ah..your also very beautiful.Your hair smells wonderful" After he said that he came over to my side and grabbed my hair and...SNIFFED it!!!!!!! WTF?!?! "Umm..I got to go" I stood up and bowed quickly and left but,he caught my wrist and pulled me close to him."Leaving so soon?Why don't you stay and drink more tea?" "Oh! Captain, have you seen Iko-chan?Captain Hitsugaya wants her to come back to th-Oh! there you are Iko-chan!" "Momo uh were is Captain Hitsugaya?" (Yes Aizen let go of Noriko) "He is out in the garden of the squad 10 barracks" "OK arigato Momo-san..well,bye" "Bye Lieutenant Ayanami" "Bye! Iko-chan!!!" 

Toshiro's P.O.V 
I was getting worried about Noriko so I told Matsumoto and Momo to help me find her and tell other squads if they have seen her.I decided to go out in the garden when Noriko jumped out of no were and landed on top of me. "Toshiro! i'm sorry! I didn't know that you were standing right there" I chuckled "It's all right Noriko...where were you?" "Well I was walking around the Seretei but, then I felt as if someone was following me.Then I bumped into Captain Aizen and offered me some of his "special" tea.And then Momo found me so I came here right away" I sat up and sat her on my lap and she put her head on my shoulder "Oh.. he didn't do anything to you right?" "Uh no" " how did you get the red mark around your wrist?" "I Uhh..I..." 'You wut?""*sighs* well I can't lie to you.Aizen did this but, I was trying to get out but he caught my wrist" I made a fist when she told me that but, I calmed down after she gave me a peck on the cheek "Ok but,next time plz tell me were your gonna be ok" "I promise" "Ok then lets go back tomorrow we have to go to the world of the living" "Oh ya ok lets go"  We went back and packed our stuff that we needed  and went to bed. 

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