Meeting the others-4

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  Noriko's P.O.V 
Toshiro was taking me to see head Captian Yamamoto & see wut squad I will be placed in.When we arrived to the squad 1's barracks there was a large door with the symbol for squad 1. Toshiro knocked on the door & from the other side I heard who I think is the head Captian."Enter!" the old man Yama said with a booming voice which made me jump.We then entered the large room & I got a slight blush from all the  Captains starring at me."Captian Hitsugaya, who is this young lady?" the head Captain asked Toshiro. Toshiro bowed & then looked at me,I just stood there confused until I got wut he meant & I bowed down very quickly."Head Captain Yamamoto, this is an old student here, her name is Noriko Ayanami." Toshiro said ."Hmm... her name & appearance do seem familiar. Ah! now I remember your the sister of Kobayashi Ayanami, are you not?" I just stood there & then I said, Yes,yes I am the sister of Kobayashi, may I ask how you know my brother? "Yes, you may.I know him because before he left the Academy he came to me & gave me this." He said while handing me a letter. I gently took it from him & thanked him. I read the letter which read:Dear sister Noriko,
I believe by the time you read this i'm gonna be gone & you will be trying to find me. if your not I beg that you don't even try because, I am in search for the person who killed our parents & it's going to be a dangerous trip. So be a good girl & stay with Toshiro &Momo at the Academy well, at the Soul Society. I will try & return  to home to you safe,sound, & with a mission completed. I love you sister.
                          Sincerely, your brother Kobayashi
By the time I finished reading the letter I was crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe my brother left without telling me in person that he was leaving. Then I did the unexpected... I hugged the head Captian & i could hear gasps going on in the room. I soon let go & said "Gomen'nasai!  Gomen'nasai!" wut seemed like 100 times until head Captain said "Silence!!"
Toshiro's P.O.V  
I could see Noriko starting to tear up when out of no where she HUGGED THE HEAD CAPTAIN!!!!  I could also hear the gasp from the other Captains. Then Noriko quickly let go of him & said "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai!!" then she shut her mouth when head Captian said "Silence!!" after that Noriko talked to him & met the other Captains. Wow! they actually liked her I could hear Captian Zaraki saying something about  gladly having her in his SQUAD!! he only picked the strongest to be in his squad. After all that she was Assigned  to be in my squad. Yes!! shes in my squad!! I thought to my self. Then she got her uniform& we walked to the other lieutenants. They all liked her too even lieutenant Hisagi seemed to come out of his shell & actually SMILED!! Noriko has a way with people that she seems to gain their trust the first time they meet her, just like me when I saw her I had a feeling that we were going to friends for ever.

ME- Aww wut a sweet way to end the story =)

TOSHIRO-SHUT UP!! you made me say it so SHUT UP!!

ME- OK!! no need to yell Shiro-sama.

TOSHIRO-ok, don't call me that it's-

ME-Ya,ya it's Captian Hitsugaya to bye

Toshiro-ok T.T bye

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