siblings again

354 10 7

*Chara's Pov*

It was morning.. I could tell by the faint sound of chirping birds and the little sunlight that was hitting my face
I slowly got up to not awaken the person next to me, to my surprise flowey was already up although he was also trying not to do any sound

Not like he would anyways since he has nowhere to go being like that-

"Why are you smiling"
The flower said whilst giving me an annoyed look

"Nothing, just thinking to myself"
I chuckled before getting a hold of the pot he was in

"Where are we going?"
he questioned with a troubled look

"Just outside, you're a flower so I thought you would like some fresh air"
I opened the door that led infront of the house, slowly closing it so frisk could sleep a bit longer

I put flowey down taking a seat in the grass as well

"I also thought we could use some... sibling time I suppose.."
I said quietly, not too quiet in order for them to hear

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me"

"I... I do.. azzy.. I actually missed you"

the flower looked at the ground soon turning to look back at me

"I missed you too Chara"

We exchanged smiles while staying in silence

"Not to be rude but... I really wish you could go back to your body.."

"Hm.. actually.. to tell the truth frisk already tried, they even asked alphys about it but it seems like there's actually no way for me to return to how I was"

"There isn't? are you sure? We can t-"

"Chara, we already did and it's not possible, you're lucky you were able to get a soul with no worries or consequences"

"About that.."


"Alphys said that the soul is getting a bit weak.. since it isn't actually mine it might disappear or break"

"What do you mean by that..?"

"It means my time here is not permanent.. the clock is ticking and it's only a matter of time till something goes wrong"

"does frisk know of this..?"

"some parts, yes.. but alphys didn't want to tell them everything for some reason"

"Well... That's understandable.. Frisk wasn't doing too well after you left"

"how so?"

"Well... They started to get easily stressed and worried that they had to get professionals help"


"It appears they have anxiety, it's not too severe but something really got to them.. not even from now but from the past, the person said that it started when they were young and ended up with abandonment issues"

"it didn't seem like that when we first met though"

"I guess it wasn't too bad before.. but you leaving them really pushed them to their limit"


"What will happen if this time I end up leaving..? for good.."

"....We shouldn't talk about this.."

"you're right.. we should probably go inside and make some breakfast, it was... Nice talking to you"


I picked up flowey's pot and headed inside placing him down on the table

"Do you think they like waffles?"

"hmm... I would think so"


I started making some waffles as I put my earbuds on and listened to music humming the tone as I continued making breakfast

I started to sing quietly soon being interrupted by someone hugging me from behind


"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?"

"haha.. yeah.. I didn't know you could sing"

"Pfft hahaha probably because you have never heard me sing"

"True ... Watcha doing?"

"Some waffles"

"oooh! gimme!"

"Pfft your's are already on the table"

"Thank youu~"

"no problem haha now go eat before it gets cold-"

"alright buttercup"


"I gave you that nickname remember?"

"oh.. yeah I remember"

frisk sat down and started to eat their waffles, me soon sitting down and eating as well

"Hey frisk?"


"where exactly are you planning on taking me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y'know... You said you wanted to go somewhere"

"Oh! Yes I did and I was planning maybe the park"

"hmm.. okay.. but why the park?"

"Pfft what do you mean why? just because"

"Haha.. alright"

"Yay! we'll go after I finish some things "

"What things?"

"Well... I'm gonna take duty as the monster embassador"

"I thought you were already the embassador?"

"yes! Well.. uh.. Dad has been helping me with that actually"

"Hmm.. alright, talking about dad..  Where's Mom? Weren't we going after she came back?"

"Oh.. well, She said she was gonna stay somewhere but she didn't give me the details"

"Oh, alright then.."

"Welp, better hurry so we can go to the park!"

"hahaha why are you so excited?"

"It's a secret!"

frisk soon left to the room after washing their plate

"I swear.. I'm the luckiest human alive"

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