Fight with Fire

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Chara: "We're gonna Fight Mom!? Are you serious? I don't want her to get hurt!"

Frisk: " she won't... Don't worry I won't lay a finger on her, let's just follow her"

Chara: " alright..."

We then start to follow Toriel down the basement

"... Ahead of me lies the only exit of the ruins.. I'm going to destroy it, Now be good and go upstairs"

I continue to follow her, Chara on the other hand.. was worried and hesitant to continue.

"Chara what's wrong?"

" Are you sure she won't get hurt? Shouldn't we just do as she says? Let's go upstairs-"

I take their hand

" No Chara! We need to do this! Do you want her to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher? If so then we need to continue! We can't just give up like that!"


We continue to follow Toriel

"..every human that falls down here meets the same fate... They come they leave they Die"


We continue

" You're Both naive.. things changed ever since Chara died.. If you leave.. He.. Asgore.. Will kill you, I'm just doing what's best for you both, Go to your room."

Silence was the only thing that could be heard between me and Chara while still following Toriel, it was easy to see that Chara was having memories of the last run I did.


I'm so sorry Chara..

"Do not try to stop me, This is your Final warning"

And with that, we reached the exit to the ruins.. now all that we had to do was show mercy to Toriel until she would give up..

" If you want to leave so badly... Prove to me, Prove to me you are strong enough to survive"

Toriel blocks the way

She starts throwing Fire balls at us, but I had already memorized the patters so I didn't get hit, Chara was just silently following me.. Now that I think about it.. They've been acting weird ever since this morning.. was it because of what they told me?

Me and Chara continued to Give MERCY to Toriel until she finally gave up.

"I know you want to leave...but.."


" No, I understand.."

" You would just be unhappy trapped down here"

" The ruins are small once you get used to them.."

" It wouldn't be right if you grew up in a place like this.."

" My expectations...
My loneliness...
My fear... "

" For you.. I'll put them aside"

" If you truly wish to leave the RUINS"

" I will not stop you.. however.. when you leave.."

" please Do not come back, I hope you understand "

And with that, Toriel gives us a hug and we say Farewell to our goat mom :'c

" Hey frisk.."

" Yeah?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Just..for being here"

They turned around as they said that and proceeded to open the exit of the RUINS

" Shall we go now?"

"Yes, we shall"

And with that.. we exit what once was our Home, The RUINS.

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