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After finishing our food i got up from the table grabbing the plates and washing them afterwards as the doorbell rang which i supposed was Alphys

In which i was correct

"H-hel-lo E-very one" Alphys greeted with the usual stutter in her voice moving closer to us "Hello Doctor Alphys" Mom smiled at the yellow lizard before looking at me and frisk
"As you might know.. Frisk only has half a soul now and i wanted to know if there was any dangers or side effects" Alphys turned to look at us before turning back to Toriel "i-ill see what I can d-do" Toriel looked relieved at their answer and commanded us both to sit on the couch for Alphys to take a look at the current situation

Toriel was told to leave the room in which she did "a-alright s-so.. I'm gonna start w-with checking the s-souls" Alphys started command us both to show our souls which was quite easy for me, frisk on the other hand was too nervous or worried to be able to do so

"Hey Frisk? You alright there?" I questioned frisk getting no reply from them making me a bit worried as i questioned them again making them come back to earth and out of they're thoughts "o-oh... Yeah I'm fine" they let out a nervous laugh "hey.. it'll be fine, it's just a check up" i moved my hand and placed it on top of Frisk's hand slowly intertwining our fingers together hoping it would calm them down which it did

After a few seconds frisk relaxed a bit making their soul float in front of them Alphys now being able to do the check up

After a while of Alphys Checking on the souls and writing some notes down she finally spoke "w-well.. it seems like there's no major s-side effects besides y-you too having an e-emotional connection with each other" she said while still writing some notes down as she continued to explain "t-thanks to you b-both sharing a s-soul or Atleast half, You are able t-to sense each o-other's emotions" i turned to look at frisk which had a bit of a confused look before it turning into an understanding one

"B-but.. there is a p-problem " this made both frisk and i to quickly face Alphys with worried expressions on our faces " W-well..frisk's S-soul can regenerate w-which means that they might h-have a full soul in about Three M-months" the news made me lighten up a bit knowing that there wasn't a consequence for Frisk but my face soon turned the opposite when I heard the other part of the news

"B-but.. Since C-chara isn't S-supposed to be a-alive.. The half of T-the soul they have W-wont" i could feel Frisk's Grip tighten on my hand making me feel more worried "B-but there's A-also something else.." Frisk's Grip tighten to the point I could feel slight pain on my hand but not enough to be really painful

"S-since Chara's S-soul doesn't belong to them T-the soul is a B-bit unstable"
I could feel frisk pulling away from my hand them standing up in the process "What are you trying to say..?"
Frisk's voice had a noticeable amount of fear making me remember last night hoping that this wasn't enough to trigger a reaction like that

"Chara's S-soul is unstable W-which means that it M-may not L-last long"
Frisk stood there for a while not saying a single word to Alphys i couldn't see their expression but I'm guessing they weren't pleased with the news and neither way i

"Is there something you could do..?"
Frisk looked to the floor saying those words almost as a whisper which made me worried recalling yesterday's event "W-well.. i c-could T-try B-but I-" Frisk suddenly interrupted Alphys they're voice breaking a bit in the process "Then please Do something" "i-i d-don't know if it'll-" "Please! Alphys" Frisk's reaction left Both me and Alphys without words the room turned silent as i noticed tears falling on the floor i stood up and hugged frisk from behind

"Hey.. it'll be fine partner..Just try to relax" i dug my face into Frisk's back them soon turning around and hugging me tightly letting tears fall from their eyes "I-ill T-try My B-best" Alphys responded before letting out a sigh soon Calling Toriel into the room and telling us to leave so she could speak to Toriel

In which i agreed leading frisk back into the room as they Were still holding me tightly by the hand
Slowly closing the door behind us.

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