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(Chara's POV)

After a few Hours we were woken up by Toriel who said she would go out for a bit so we needed to take care of the house I didn't know where she was going but i decided not to bother her with the question, Both me and frisk hugging each other for a few more seconds.. seriously i couldn't ask for more than this "Are you idiots done?" The yellow flower said while shooting a cold glare towards me "That's none of your concern" i shot him a cold glare, both of us staring a each other with a murderous look on our eyes.

Frisk slowly pulled away from the hug and got up making me a bit disappointed as she walked towards the Yellow Weed "Both of you stop being mean to each other, you're supposed to get along!" Both me and flowey looked at frisk then back at each other "says who?" Flowey responded with a sassy tone in his voice "says the one who gave you an actual home" frisk replied to him with a bit of an annoyed tone leaving their voice making flowey get startled by it "F-fine..." He looked down to the floor " Chara?" I looked back at frisk "What?" I replied a bit confused " are you gonna get along?" My eyes widened " Wait what!? Why! There's no way I can get along with that awful weed" as i looked at frisk i could tell they weren't pleased with my answer as they started to look at me with disappointment and at the same time it felt as if I was about to die-

"Chara, are you gonna get along?" This time they said it in a demanding tone making me a bit scared in the process "y-yes sir!" (Frisk is not a boy, just saying) "Good" they stopped looking at me and grabbed the flower pot where flowey was placed taking him to the dining hall/living room Me following right behind them noticing flowey sticking out his tongue in my direction "You little-" i tried to maintain my posture and calm down so frisk wouldn't be angry at me... They are actually pretty scary.

We sat down on the table noticing that food was already served for us which was a few Pie slices and some fruit. We soon finished the food and frisk started to talk "Hey Chara?" They looked at me with a no longer scary face "yes Your Majesty?" Frisk started to let out a few laughs from the comment i had just said soon returning to what they were saying "i want to take you somewhere once mom comes back, is that alright?" They said with an excited tone yet relaxed one "Sure" they excitedly got up from the table and picked up the plates starting to wash them afterwards "right! it's a date then!" I stared at them for a moment before replying "sure.. it's a date" gosh... They  really make my heart happy.. i love them so much.

"Ew, all this lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick" i quickly snapped back into reality turning my gaze over the Weed i was obligated to get along with "Well lucky for you... You'll stay here at home while me and frisk go- uhm... Hey frisk? Where are we going?" I had forgotten to ask that question earlier but not i was more curious "it's a surprise" they said while heading back to where me and flowey were still seated.

"Wanna watch a movie?" They got close to the TV "What about a Disney movie?" Frisk looked at Flowey which made me also look towards them
Flowey had a bit of excitement and happiness displayed in their eyes even if they weren't saying it "What about... The little mermaid? What do you think flowey?" Excitement rose on flowey's face soon trying to suppress those emotions " like i care what you idiots watch.." i didn't know flowey was a Tsundere... Hahaha who am I kidding? Of course they are.

"Little mermaid it is" Frisk turned around and started to search for the movie finding it rather quickly then putting on the movie and telling us both to sit down on the couch. I got up from the table getting a hold of flowey's Pot and placing it beside the couch where he would be able to watch the movie "Tch.. Thanks i guess.." frisk smiled towards flowey showing they were proud of them as they started to play the movie "No problem.. You weed" Flowey looked at me with a slight grin and murderous eyes, i returned the look "guys stop, the movie is starting" we stopped looking at each other and soon turning to the TV screen placing my head on Frisk's shoulder 

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